Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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fal'Cie Goddess
Site Staff
Mar 6, 2016
Ah, sorry, there must be a misunderstanding. From the way I wrote it it definitely sounds like Tabata was hinting at XVI; he did just the opposite in the stream. After he saw "16" flash on the screen he laughed and said, "We can't release 16 before 15" or something like that. And then he talked about how Uncovered has to meet fans' expectations. I left this part out, my apologies!
No worries, I assumed as much in the end. :p

And I definitely agree in regards with how Tabata just managed the XV campaign so far. It's not perfect but I was still impressed with the way he took control and made us feel ensured that the project was in genuinely good care and organization. I also see Nomura to be a strong force in vision but is just not cut out to head big projects.
Likes: Rin


Warrior of Light
May 27, 2014
Oh hell I get you man, I've always loved the airships and cactuars, and seeing them again in this game is wonderful, the ambient of the game is more realistic and I love than but they know how to keep the blance here and bring the same ff spirit, this is how a new FF should be, there are people who doesn't like the ARPG but come on, it's tabata! :D
How can people not like Arpg's imo they are better than turn based

Also I hope the Airship is not like the ones in FFX or type 0 and its more like the ones in 1-7.


Balamb Garden Freshman
Mar 24, 2016
How can people not like Arpg's imo they are better than turn based

Also I hope the Airship are not like the ones in FFX or type 0 and its my like the ones in 1-7
oh hell dude, people says that they are better with the turn based rpg's (more like nostalgia garbage) I hope that too....but you know, type 0 aren't bad designs and take in count how are the designs in FFXV


Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
Some (a bit late) speculation before Uncovered, about airships.
How do they work? My educated guess would be like this:

● They will be a 3D object that will be able to move within the open enviroment like in pre FFX games, like this.
  • Unlike FFX instant teleport menu based system or FFXII small 3D map with tight barriers that was disguised as an airship that was separated by a loading screen.

● However, they won't be manually controlled by the player, insted the AI will move it from point A to point B. (I'm calling it, Ignis will be the pilot)
  • This will prevent players from doing some crazy/stupid shit like collisioning with different enviroments, thus saving the console hardware from having to process more data than It could handle (I assume programming it for every possible mess that the player could do to the enviroment with the airship could be very memory and power consuming for the performance)

● Since it won't an instant teleport like in X, you will spend time inside it (while it travels or stays still in the air/ground), like here, like every other FF game.
  • While travelling (unlike FFXII) you won't be able to leave at anytime you wish just by pressing X button to a NPC, you will have to wait (unless it has a skip option) until reaching destination in real time.


Red Wings Commander
Feb 21, 2015
Some (a bit late) speculation before Uncovered, about airships.
How do they work? My educated guess would be like this:

● They will be a 3D object that will be able to move within the open enviroment like in pre FFX games, like this.
  • Unlike FFX instant teleport menu based system or FFXII small 3D map with tight barriers that was disguised as an airship that was separated by a loading screen.

● However, they won't be manually controlled by the player, insted the AI will move it from point A to point B. (I'm calling it, Ignis will be the pilot)
  • This will prevent players from doing some crazy/stupid shit like collisioning with different enviroments, thus saving the console hardware from having to process more data than It could handle (I assume programming it for every possible mess that the player could do to the enviroment with the airship could be very memory and power consuming for the performance)

● Since it won't an instant teleport like in X, you will spend time inside it (while it travels or stays still in the air/ground), like here, like every other FF game.
  • While travelling (unlike FFXII) you won't be able to leave at anytime you wish just by pressing X button to a NPC, you will have to wait (unless it has a skip option) until reaching destination in real time.

I hope it works something like this, and that you can manually fly ofc.
Green zone is where you can land, red where you can't.
Also try not to be too jealous of my insane paint skills.


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
Some (a bit late) speculation before Uncovered, about airships.
How do they work? My educated guess would be like this:

● They will be a 3D object that will be able to move within the open enviroment like in pre FFX games, like this.
  • Unlike FFX instant teleport menu based system or FFXII small 3D map with tight barriers that was disguised as an airship that was separated by a loading screen.

● However, they won't be manually controlled by the player, insted the AI will move it from point A to point B. (I'm calling it, Ignis will be the pilot)
  • This will prevent players from doing some crazy/stupid shit like collisioning with different enviroments, thus saving the console hardware from having to process more data than It could handle (I assume programming it for every possible mess that the player could do to the enviroment with the airship could be very memory and power consuming for the performance)

● Since it won't an instant teleport like in X, you will spend time inside it (while it travels or stays still in the air/ground), like here, like every other FF game.
  • While travelling (unlike FFXII) you won't be able to leave at anytime you wish just by pressing X button to a NPC, you will have to wait (unless it has a skip option) until reaching destination in real time.
I imagine you'd be able to pilot it yourself, otherwise there's no point really in just making it fast travel.
Likes: Death Penalty


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
There would be no point in making a big deal out of airships if they are only used for fast travel and not flying around with them.
Exactly, my point was that if you can't fly around in them and you can only auto pilot there's no point in them being in the game anyways especially if you can't even fast travel.