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Warrior of Light
Nov 12, 2014
Loving all the love for FFX, X-2, XIII along with Life is Strange. All amazing games.

I'm playing The 3rd Birthday and waiting for episode 5 of Life is Strange. I'll play Crisis Core after The 3rd Birthday.


Clan Centurio Member
UFFSite Veteran
Nov 22, 2013
Kanagawa, Japan
Helped my mom finish FFIX (meaning I played through the rest of it) during my two week vacation home. She started in February but had only just finished the Festival of the Hunt. Did all the chocobo quests and defeated Ozma (was trying to level up since I was stuck in the 50s, I forgot he gave such lousy exp though). We both cried during the ending :'( She liked it a lot more than X but couldn't remember much of VII so she couldn't compare them.

Other than that I've been casually playing Rune Factory 4 again.


Sphere Hunter
Mar 18, 2015
Helped my mom finish FFIX (meaning I played through the rest of it) during my two week vacation home. She started in February but had only just finished the Festival of the Hunt. Did all the chocobo quests and defeated Ozma (was trying to level up since I was stuck in the 50s, I forgot he gave such lousy exp though). We both cried during the ending :'( She liked it a lot more than X but couldn't remember much of VII so she couldn't compare them.
Your mom plays FF? That's cool as hell.


Clan Centurio Member
UFFSite Veteran
Nov 22, 2013
Kanagawa, Japan
Haha, more like she tries to play them. She actually is dealing with a torn muscle in her arm that keeps her from playing now. But it's always fun to see someone else experience them for the first time, makes the experience a little fresher than just replaying them myself. She gets a little too into them, like when she started playing X she was freaking out when the fish monster tried to eat Tidus in the ruins and I was like "mom calm down, it's a cutscene."

She is better than I am at Animal Crossing though. Her town was immaculate.

After her arm heals I want her to try other games with simpler/easier mechanics like Chrono Trigger, but more than anything she likes watching the stories play out so she lost interest in Pokemon quickly, even though she was able to figure it out.

My dad won't touch video games though which is sad because I think he could benefit from them the most.


Keyblade Master
Sep 26, 2013
Resi 6 (story co-op; up to Ada's chapter now)
Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls
Super Mario Maker

Also need to start MGS5, and new Dreamcast game Ghost Blade should be arriving soon (yes, DC games are still being released lol).


Sphere Hunter
Mar 18, 2015
Also need to start MGS5, and new Dreamcast game Ghost Blade should be arriving soon (yes, DC games are still being released lol).
Need to start MGS5 myself, and ya know... I heard that DC games were still being produced, but I was super skeptic haha. Guess it is true, that's pretty neat.
Likes: Azuardo
I just got a PS4, so I'm trying to catch up on the games I've been missing out on. Currently about halfway through my first run of inFamous: Second Son (playing Evil, as is my tradition with the series). It's a pretty nice little game, but it's clear they rushed it a lot. I probably would have been upset with the length/lack of content had I paid full price for it, but I'd say it's been worthy of the ~$30 I paid. If Sucker Punch had been allowed more time to expand certain aspects and polish others, it could've been quite amazing. As it stands, good but not great. It is absolutely gorgeous though.

Also been doing some Binding of Isaac runs here and there. I'm super excited for Afterbirth. :D