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Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
he said her dlc is marked the same way as ardyn's

not sure how i feel about this but lets see the possibilities
- episode about her day-to-day work, more about gralea and nifleheim important figures and showing how she decided to cut ties with the empire.
- or it will be about her rescuing citizens during tenebraes invasion

anyway, with this the 4chan leak is proved false and i hope theyll do ep regis down the line.


Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
he said her dlc is marked the same way as ardyn's

not sure how i feel about this but lets see the possibilities
- episode about her day-to-day work, more about gralea and nifleheim important figures and showing how she decided to cut ties with the empire.
- or it will be about her rescuing citizens during tenebraes invasion

anyway, with this the 4chan leak is proved false and i hope theyll do ep regis down the line.
I wouldn't mind either of those ideas, honestly, Ardyn, Ravus, and Aranea are some of my favorite characters of FFXV, but Ardyn and Ravus are two of my top characters, and while I like Aranea and I enjoyed her participation in the DLCs and main game, she got little character development in them, and barely know about what she was up to after Chapter 6 and suddenly join up with you as a Guest Party Member all of a sudden in Chapter 7 to help Noctis and his friends in Steyliff Grove, and her defection should've been fleshed out, I want to know more about her character to get a solid ground on her character, especially her defection from the empire and her actions in Tenebrae, so, an 'Episode: Aranea' could be beneficial for me after Episode: Ardyn.


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
he said her dlc is marked the same way as ardyn's

not sure how i feel about this but lets see the possibilities
- episode about her day-to-day work, more about gralea and nifleheim important figures and showing how she decided to cut ties with the empire.
- or it will be about her rescuing citizens during tenebraes invasion

anyway, with this the 4chan leak is proved false and i hope theyll do ep regis down the line.

Yeah, tbh now it seems like the DLC may in fact be character focused with each.

I am actually okay with this, but they HAVE to be integrated into the main story and provide something meaningful for Noctis when completed.

With this now, I'm hoping for Episode Ardyn to cover some Niflheim events before the main story, and Episode Aranea (if this is what it will be) to cover Niflheim events with her eventually defecting. Both could characterize Niflheim/Tenebrae for the best without changing Noct's story too much.

For example: I can see Episode Ardyn physically traveling around area's like Cartanica, Vogliupe, Eusciello, etc when they weren't run down and destroyed (the data info in Cartanica suggests that there may be nothing interesting about the town while Noct and Co. travel through it since it is practically dead and gone, I also assume this to be the same for the factory town in Eusciello), or perhaps cover other areas in Niflheim.

And honestly, if Aranea is meant to have one, Iris will likely get one too, likely covering her WoR "daemon-slayer" days. With that, all that leaves is Luna to cover some other events (either through DLC/Free update) or get some other interesting DLC.

Hopefully this will all be integrated well, basically:

1. Episode Ardyn taking place between Chapters 13 and 14 (not the period of time per say, but you can't play as him prior to this because the plot twist of him being Lucian royalty needs to be hidden due to his combat). Covers Eos's past/effective prequel and takes place in Niflheim/Lucis
2. Episode Aranea taking place after Chapter 9 but before Chapter 12. Takes place in current Niflheim
3. Episode Iris taking place before or after Ardyn's episode. Takes place in WoR
4. Episode Luna taking place sometime during Chapters 4-8. Takes place in Accordo/Tenebrae, Angelgard, wherever tbh I'm not sure.
5. Whatever else they may be hiding. Episode Cor and Regis in Insomnia as a prologue would be HOT.

3 of them would effectively expand the back half that people had issues with, while Luna's could help with the first half's story. If any of these are free updates, that leaves another DLC to be tackled (Cor, Regis, etc). Hopefully each has a positive effect on the story, as well as expanding the story's purpose as well as being well integrated. Lastly, I'm hoping none of them are linear stories and actually expand the world in small but significant ways.

I seriously hope one of them isn't character specific, but if Aranea is something, I can't see the rest not being either.

I'm hoping at least.....
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Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
Yeah, tbh now it seems like the DLC may in fact be character focused with each.

I am actually okay with this, but they HAVE to be integrated into the main story and provide something meaningful for Noctis when completed.

With this now, I'm hoping for Episode Ardyn to cover some Niflheim events before the main story, and Episode Aranea (if this is what it will be) to cover Niflheim events with her eventually defecting. Both could characterize Niflheim/Tenebrae for the best without changing Noct's story too much.

For example: I can see Episode Ardyn physically traveling around area's like Cartanica, Vogliupe, Eusciello, etc when they weren't run down and destroyed (the data info in Cartanica suggests that there may be nothing interesting about the town while Noct and Co. travel through it since it is practically dead and gone, I also assume this to be the same for the factory town in Eusciello), or perhaps cover other areas in Niflheim.

And honestly, if Aranea is meant to have one, Iris will likely get one too, likely covering her WoR "daemon-slayer" days. With that, all that leaves is Luna to cover some other events (either through DLC/Free update) or get some other interesting DLC.

Hopefully this will all be integrated well, basically:

1. Episode Ardyn taking place between Chapters 13 and 14 (not the period of time per say, but you can't play as him prior to this because the plot twist of him being Lucian royalty needs to be hidden due to his combat). Covers Eos's past/effective prequel and takes place in Niflheim/Lucis
2. Episode Aranea taking place after Chapter 9 but before Chapter 12. Takes place in current Niflheim
3. Episode Iris taking place before or after Ardyn's episode. Takes place in WoR
4. Episode Luna taking place sometime during Chapters 4-8. Takes place in Accordo/Tenebrae, Angelgard, wherever tbh I'm not sure.
5. Whatever else they may be hiding. Episode Cor and Regis in Insomnia as a prologue would be HOT.

3 of them would effectively expand the back half that people had issues with, while Luna's could help with the first half's story. If any of these are free updates, that leaves another DLC to be tackled (Cor, Regis, etc). Hopefully each has a positive effect on the story, as well as expanding the story's purpose as well as being well integrated.

I seriously hope one of them isn't character specific, but if Aranea is something, I can't see the rest not being either.

I'm hoping at least.....
I understand how you feel, but perhaps the fourth new DLC could be the Niflheim expansion, as they wanted to add more content than just three new DLCs, so the fourth could be something new. We'll see, but I Don't mind character DLCs, especially if the stories in them are great or decent, and have some form of integration in the main game.


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
I suppose they could use aranea the same way that they used ignis. People wanted more about the Altissia invasion, so we got iggy to explore the city under attack. Since people showed interest about the Tenebrae invasion, we could get aranea fighting the niffs during the Tenebrae invasion.
I'd love this. Tbh, I'm really hoping Luna is going to be a free update with that Sylleblossom quest as a surprise. Just spoke to this leaker and he only found stuff on Ardyn and Aranea in terms of DLC, however, found Luna stuff with more data-lines compares to even guest party members.

I feel like summoning her via the Sylleblossom would be such a great update to the game (though, relegated to post game only). If they did add a story, a nice 30-60 minute side chapter covering an important event/events before Leviathan would be fantastic.

I just feel we especially deserve anything with her to be free.


Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
I'd love this. Tbh, I'm really hoping Luna is going to be a free update with that Sylleblossom quest as a surprise. Just spoke to this leaker and he only found stuff on Ardyn and Aranea in terms of DLC, however, found Luna stuff with more data-lines compares to even guest party members.

I feel like summoning her via the Sylleblossom would be such a great update to the game (though, relegated to post game only). If they did add a story, a nice 30-60 minute side chapter covering an important event/events before Leviathan would be fantastic.

I just feel we especially deserve anything with her to be free.
That would be nice, but we'll see what happens.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Chocobo Knight
Feb 25, 2018
For these extra dlcs, do you think we will be controlling other characters? Like in episode Ardyn will we control him? Or dk you think Noct will just uncover stuff about him? Maybe something like how in FFX we got Jecht spheres uncovering the past could be cool.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
For these extra dlcs, do you think we will be controlling other characters? Like in episode Ardyn will we control him? Or dk you think Noct will just uncover stuff about him? Maybe something like how in FFX we got Jecht spheres uncovering the past could be cool.
I think they wouldn't call it episode Ardyn if you weren't playing as ardyn


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
Are you certain? I'm pretty sure they stated that starting with Ardyn the Episodes will be more of a series than character specific.
I definitely hope I'm wrong in that they are separate episodes. But if they are a series, I don't see how Aranea could be anything related to Ardyn's episode if this is in fact happening.

I guess we'll definitely be able to figure it out once Ardyn's trailer hits or the actual DLC itself comes


SOLDIER Second Class
Feb 23, 2018
I prefer not having the rest of dlcs based on new playable characters.
Right now the main game and dlcs have been made thinking in the comradery aspect and i don't see how this could be achieved with 4 expansions dedicated to lone wolf characters.

I'm the first one that wants more lore and events, but i think all of the dlcs should be about Noctis relationships with the side caracters and not as much as how they acted while nobody was around.


Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
I prefer not having the rest of dlcs based on new playable characters.
Right now the main game and dlcs have been made thinking in the comradery aspect and i don't see how this could be achieved with 4 expansions dedicated to lone wolf characters.

I'm the first one that wants more lore and events, but i think all of the dlcs should be about Noctis relationships with the side caracters and not as much as how they acted while nobody was around.
We'll see what happens in the future with the DLC, but like I said before, I don't mind character-based DLCs, but Tabata has marketed the four new DLCs as an 'additional story series they originally had no plans for', with Episode: Ardyn pioneering these changes, so hopefully we'll see what it all means.


Forest Owl
Mar 4, 2018
It sounds funny, but I would be happy with each DLC fixing a chapter in the game lol!
-Chpater 1 needs a biiiiiiiiiiig overhaul
-Chapter 10 needs to give us explorable Cartanica
-Chapter 11 could give us Tenebrae as an actual location rather than a single train station
-Chapter 12 could give us a snowy area with Shiva's statue


Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Mar 19, 2018
Im fine with this if its the approach they take. But I hope they integrate them into the main game. Id rather they changed up the story.

Lastly we need an episode noctis. This would take place in the crystal and allow Noctis to interact with his regis and luna in dream pre-atk insomnia and experience portions of the attack.


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
It sounds funny, but I would be happy with each DLC fixing a chapter in the game lol!
-Chpater 1 needs a biiiiiiiiiiig overhaul
-Chapter 10 needs to give us explorable Cartanica
-Chapter 11 could give us Tenebrae as an actual location rather than a single train station
-Chapter 12 could give us a snowy area with Shiva's statue
Chapter 12 is actually both Tenebrae and Ghorovas Rift, but I agree.

My dream additions to Niflheim are like this:

Chapter 10: Actually add the large train station that was apparently in Altissia and let the bros leave from there. This is how the First Secretary was able to sneak them on board WITH the car. The train actually leaves from altissia and travels underwater to Niflheim. You can even see in the OOB videos, the tracks come from out of the water. First would be stops in Succarpe and Cartanica- 2 stops total

Chapter 11: Eusciello as a stop (snow/desert factory town, affected by Shiva's death. You see it from the train), then the Niflheim train assault in Piztala and Prompto's incident. 2 stops.

Chapter 12: Pagla first (you can see an actual train station here right in the beginning as Noct is waking up) as a beach type town, then Tenebrae, then Ghorovas Rift. 3 Stops

Chapter 13: Nothing changes other than adding a section to showing how the bros escaped Gralea. Add a playable section in the city, it can even be linear, but show it off a bit.

My main issue with the second half is the lack of characterization on the SETTING. Niflheim is just barebones. The above actually gives it character, every single stop has potential to be something.

If we don't get an actual expansion but instead these character DLC, I'd hope thast 1 or 2 of them focus on these areas as small open locations.

Episode Aranea could easily have her helping out around Nilfhiem after Chapter 7 and seeing how terrible it is. You could use her airship to travel to the areas above, and have it end with her fighting off the invasion on Tenebrae and helping out the innocent. THAT I wouldn't mind. THAT would make it meaningful and impactful to the main story while also giving character to the world.

That is what I am firstly hoping happens with Episode Ardyn.

Chapter 12 needs that Ghorovas Rift mini dungeon as a free update regardless. That was in the Pocket Edition.
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SOLDIER Second Class
Feb 23, 2018
It sounds funny, but I would be happy with each DLC fixing a chapter in the game lol!
-Chpater 1 needs a biiiiiiiiiiig overhaul
-Chapter 10 needs to give us explorable Cartanica
-Chapter 11 could give us Tenebrae as an actual location rather than a single train station
-Chapter 12 could give us a snowy area with Shiva's statue
I opose 3 of your 4 selections xD

-Chapter 1 is perfect as it is because it starts calm and it's about having fun until shit hits the fan. It's a tutorial to show us the main cast and their dinamics.
-Chapter 2 needs a scene with Cor talking to us about the importance of our objective. Telling us about not going crazy rushing against the empire, how the royal arms and the astrals work and how he will be ocupied forming a resistance that help us in the future.
But i don't feel this chapter needs a new area playable, so i would say to fix this with a patch.
- I think chapter 5 should be the first dlc. In this chapter we learn about Luna's actions. We could change to her as a playable character doing a little event each time we touch one of Ramu's tree's.
We could even play as her in Angelgard against Ramu and end the chapter having a fight against Ravus with Noctis.
I think this is the best moment to build up Luna as a character.
-Through Chapter 6 to 8 there isn't a single cutscene in the game, I think once we reach Caem we should see Noctis hearing a private conversation with Gladio and Iris, with him trying to support her when she breaks down for the death of their family, learning how rough the thing has been for Gladio. Then he ask us to go away to do his Episode.
Again, it's not a playable are, so i see this as a patch.
-I see Chapter 9 as the next candidate to a chapter dlc.
Increasing the action set peace when Noctis has to reach the altar. There we can play the events of the first trailer of XV and reunite with Luna for an action scene against the empire, but without giving the couple time to speak.
Maybe we can fight Caligo in here, seeing how he beat Luna as a child, and making him retreat so Ravus can kill him latter. Also Loqi could be in that fight, so we kill someone of the empire during the game (stupid lemmings killing all themselfs xD).
-Cartanica sounds interesting but i don't know what can be added story wise, and having Ignis blind makes the exploration less fun. If they don't have a reason to explore there, i can't see why to explore an area that looks almost the same compared with the one in the first chapter of the game.
-I also want Tenebrae, copy paste my last post here xD (third dlc).
-I don't know what can be added in the ice part of chapter 12, so i would pass in touching that moment.
-Chapter 13 has to stop being the ugly part of the game, so it should be the last change in the game.
Making the Regalia break far away of the base where the Imperial Star Destroyer is. So we can explore a little peace of Gralea with Noctis and see how all have gone to shit. Also make Noctis contact the Kings of Luuci when he puts the ring for first time.
Once in the Imperial ship where the cristal is, the game should add Verse 2 as an obligatory segment once we find Ravus cadaver. And also shortening some segments with Noct to not make the thing so tidious.

If Episode Ardyn fits anywhere it should be during the revelation of Bahamuth, with Noctis moving through dreams to see how Ardyn was betrayed (and play some segments with him). There we could also learn a little more about Regis actions to set up the journey (Omen and Dawn trailer).


Warrior of Light
Oct 30, 2016
he said her dlc is marked the same way as ardyn's

not sure how i feel about this but lets see the possibilities
- episode about her day-to-day work, more about gralea and nifleheim important figures and showing how she decided to cut ties with the empire.
- or it will be about her rescuing citizens during tenebraes invasion

anyway, with this the 4chan leak is proved false and i hope theyll do ep regis down the line.
My initial thought was that Aranea is a weird choice for being given her own episode, but the more I think about it, the more I'm coming around to the idea.

I mean, in terms of gameplay mechanics, she's the only guest character who really provides the opportunity for new mechanics. Ravus uses a one-handed sword, Cor uses a katana, and Iris uses hand-to-hand, all of which are options in either the main game or Comrades (or both). While the spear is an available option in the main game, however, Aranea's dragoon abilities offer something new and different. She's also a repeated temporary guest, and it wouldn't be that difficult to allow the player to conscript her into the party and play as her in the post-game.

On the other hand, I'm not sure I'd be satisfied with an episode about Aranea's day-to-day work and decision to leave the empire. The true genius of giving Aranea an episode is that she's perfectly placed to give the player the opportunity to experience the invasion of Tenebrae, which could provide further opportunities to develop Ravus (who we could see captured) and even possibly Luna (whose personal effects we could explore) if done right without retconning untenable amounts of the main game. (Tenebrae's ruins, unlike Insomnia's in the original game, are actually successful at creating a sense of finding oneself left in the aftermath of something tragic that one couldn't prevent.) And given that Episode Aranea would have the same as the director as Episode Ignis, we know he can pull it off.

That could leave the overall roadmap as something like this (with my speculations on the contents, of course):

Episode Ardyn: Ardyn is chosen by the Crystal, decides to go around absorbing daemons instead, gets corrupted, loses the loyalty of his people, and is cast out. Throw in an encounter with Ifrit somewhere to add to the lore regarding the Hexatheon.

Episode Luna: Luna travels around Lucis with Gentiana to forge Covenants with Titan and Ramuh. She's able to convince Titan to give Noct a chance, but Ramuh decides she has to face judgment in Noct's place, and we get a final boss fight with Ramuh. The Sylleblossom quest that allows her to be used in the main game is either part of the DLC or the corresponding free update.

Episode Aranea: Aranea, Biggs, and Wedge travel to Tenebrae to try to help people escape from the approaching darkness. She gets to explore Fenestala Manor for a little while and meets Ravus there before Niflheim attacks. She and Ravus try to protect the people, but Ravus lets himself be captured to give everyone else a chance to escape. Aranea, Biggs, and Wedge manage to drive the remaining Niffs off, but the city is already in ruins.

Complete Edition: Adds onto the main story in the same way as the Royal Edition did, this time expanding the Leviathan setpiece, showing Noct and co. boarding the underground train in Altissia and talking to each other on the way to the western continent, adding the mini-dungeon in Ghorovas Rift, and expanding the outside of Gralea. Also offers natural integration points for all of the DLC episodes and the Brotherhood episodes in the main story.

If they did that, the linear parts of the game would be all but perfect. We'd get to see what Luna had to go through to forge the Covenants that Noct needed to gain the Astrals' support; a properly integrated explanation for Gladio going AWOL in Chapter 7; a more satisfying Leviathan setpiece followed by the ridiculously awesome Episode Ignis setpiece extravaganza (minus the endgame spoilers); a proper transition from Altissia to the western continent; the Chapter 10 downer dungeon and the Chapter 11 setpiece left largely alone, but Chapter 11 expanded out to a reasonable length through Aranea's experience of the devastation of Tenebrae, which in turn supplements Noct's visit in Chapter 12; a mini-dungeon for Shiva to match the mini-dungeon for Titan; a proper integration of Chapter 13:2 into Chapter 13 proper; an opportunity for Prompto to talk to Noctis about everything that happened in Episode Prompto; a full backstory for Ardyn while Noct is in the Crystal; an awesome final boss rush in Chapter 14; and the best ending in all of Final Fantasy. They could even modify the Bahamut fight and the return-to-Insomnia missions from Comrades and add those into the main game to make it even better (with the not-unwelcome consequence that every Astral besides Shiva would get an epic fight in the course of the game!).


Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
My initial thought was that Aranea is a weird choice for being given her own episode, but the more I think about it, the more I'm coming around to the idea.

I mean, in terms of gameplay mechanics, she's the only guest character who really provides the opportunity for new mechanics. Ravus uses a one-handed sword, Cor uses a katana, and Iris uses hand-to-hand, all of which are options in either the main game or Comrades (or both). While the spear is an available option in the main game, however, Aranea's dragoon abilities offer something new and different. She's also a repeated temporary guest, and it wouldn't be that difficult to allow the player to conscript her into the party and play as her in the post-game.

On the other hand, I'm not sure I'd be satisfied with an episode about Aranea's day-to-day work and decision to leave the empire. The true genius of giving Aranea an episode is that she's perfectly placed to give the player the opportunity to experience the invasion of Tenebrae, which could provide further opportunities to develop Ravus (who we could see captured) and even possibly Luna (whose personal effects we could explore) if done right without retconning untenable amounts of the main game. (Tenebrae's ruins, unlike Insomnia's in the original game, are actually successful at creating a sense of finding oneself left in the aftermath of something tragic that one couldn't prevent.) And given that Episode Aranea would have the same as the director as Episode Ignis, we know he can pull it off.

That could leave the overall roadmap as something like this (with my speculations on the contents, of course):

Episode Ardyn: Ardyn is chosen by the Crystal, decides to go around absorbing daemons instead, gets corrupted, loses the loyalty of his people, and is cast out. Throw in an encounter with Ifrit somewhere to add to the lore regarding the Hexatheon.

Episode Luna: Luna travels around Lucis with Gentiana to forge Covenants with Titan and Ramuh. She's able to convince Titan to give Noct a chance, but Ramuh decides she has to face judgment in Noct's place, and we get a final boss fight with Ramuh. The Sylleblossom quest that allows her to be used in the main game is either part of the DLC or the corresponding free update.

Episode Aranea: Aranea, Biggs, and Wedge travel to Tenebrae to try to help people escape from the approaching darkness. She gets to explore Fenestala Manor for a little while and meets Ravus there before Niflheim attacks. She and Ravus try to protect the people, but Ravus lets himself be captured to give everyone else a chance to escape. Aranea, Biggs, and Wedge manage to drive the remaining Niffs off, but the city is already in ruins.

Complete Edition: Adds onto the main story in the same way as the Royal Edition did, this time expanding the Leviathan setpiece, showing Noct and co. boarding the underground train in Altissia and talking to each other on the way to the western continent, adding the mini-dungeon in Ghorovas Rift, and expanding the outside of Gralea. Also offers natural integration points for all of the DLC episodes and the Brotherhood episodes in the main story.

If they did that, the linear parts of the game would be all but perfect. We'd get to see what Luna had to go through to forge the Covenants that Noct needed to gain the Astrals' support; a properly integrated explanation for Gladio going AWOL in Chapter 7; a more satisfying Leviathan setpiece followed by the ridiculously awesome Episode Ignis setpiece extravaganza (minus the endgame spoilers); a proper transition from Altissia to the western continent; the Chapter 10 downer dungeon and the Chapter 11 setpiece left largely alone, but Chapter 11 expanded out to a reasonable length through Aranea's experience of the devastation of Tenebrae, which in turn supplements Noct's visit in Chapter 12; a mini-dungeon for Shiva to match the mini-dungeon for Titan; a proper integration of Chapter 13:2 into Chapter 13 proper; an opportunity for Prompto to talk to Noctis about everything that happened in Episode Prompto; a full backstory for Ardyn while Noct is in the Crystal; an awesome final boss rush in Chapter 14; and the best ending in all of Final Fantasy. They could even modify the Bahamut fight and the return-to-Insomnia missions from Comrades and add those into the main game to make it even better (with the not-unwelcome consequence that every Astral besides Shiva would get an epic fight in the course of the game!).
This all sounds great, but we'll see what happens, but I would like this.