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Balamb Garden Freshman
Feb 28, 2018
It's pointless to go looking for stuff now. You don't even have the compatibility patch to go off. As you yourself said, you have a bunch of titles and events for stuff that may be cut content.


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
It's pointless to go looking for stuff now. You don't even have the compatibility patch to go off. As you yourself said, you have a bunch of titles and events for stuff that may be cut content.
This is all from the benchmark. And no, this is definitely there, as it was specifically added for the Royal Edition.

I didn't have to share one bit of information with anyone, just remember that. I do it because I want people to know.

So fuck me for trying to not spoil everything. Someone else can if they want.


Balamb Garden Freshman
Feb 28, 2018
As I've said, you don't have the full content. It's pointless to go looking when you just have a shoddy benchmark to go off. I'd be more inclined to go digging when the compatibility patch drops, but sony encryption is a shit and I'm not wasting that kind of effort on something that might not even be there. All I care about is content regarding Ardyn's history and the kings. You saying the Mystic has a two stage fight and Noctis meeting the Founder King already tells me a lot.


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
As I've said, you don't have the full content. It's pointless to go looking when you just have a shoddy benchmark to go off. I'd be more inclined to go digging when the compatibility patch drops, but sony encryption is a shit and I'm not wasting that kind of effort on something that might not even be there. All I care about is content regarding Ardyn's history and the kings. You saying the Mystic has a two stage fight and Noctis meeting the Founder King already tells me a lot.
Then take what you will from it lmao. Don't get mad at me for deciding to not say things. We all know the Benchmark probably doesn't have everything either....It's from a benchmark lol. But to say it's shoddy when you yourself haven't looked through it is absolutely silly. It has way more than you think (quite literally all of the games voice lines and text), so you have no idea what you are talking about.


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
And just to be absolutely clear about this, you don't get the Founder King's Sigil from story related content.

Obtaining the remaining Royal arms is optional. You can only find the location of this Sigil when you have all of the Royal arms. The Kings are story related content, meaning you have fight them to beat the game with the Royal Pack.

Put 2 and 2 together: you don't get the sigil from them as a result and I have absolutely no idea where you get it from. That's all I'm gonna say about that. It also has nothing to do with the story related things I'm not spoiling.
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Flash Over

Chocobo Knight
Mar 7, 2015
NL, Canada
This is all from the benchmark. And no, this is definitely there, as it was specifically added for the Royal Edition.

I didn't have to share one bit of information with anyone, just remember that. I do it because I want people to know.

So fuck me for trying to not spoil everything. Someone else can if they want.
What you’ve shared is definitely good enough! It’s actually a shame that none of this was advertised because the trailer doesn’t do it justice at all

(Though I am a spoilerphile and do low key wish the rest would be spoiled because my PC is ass and I can’t look for it myself lmao)


PSICOM Soldier
Feb 18, 2018
I'm glad you guys actually left those two points out. I wouldn't have minded if the Luna its were also kept hidden from us, but I guess I asked for it by being here. SE just needs to tease their stuff better and they're horrible at that.


Balamb Garden Freshman
Feb 28, 2018
I know the sigil is not story content, what I am implying is that I believe that Mystic might be the Founder King, or at least leave us a clue to him. What remains to be seen is if this "all royal arms" requirement also requires you to have the Founder King's royal arm. Because if so then someone must've left in it Noctis' care.


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
@Storm already had reported on this from OG a while ago but I actually found all the dungeons grouped exactly like this

Most of you can tell that it is separated by Leide, Duscae and Cleigne.

What's interesting is you can see an additional Dungeon after Pitioss Ruins called Aeretylian Furnace, apparently located in Cleigne.

I had talked to @Storm before about it, and while it could very well just be a cut dungeon, its also possible that it is a new dungeon to be added to the game.

My (hopeful) theory is that since we don't know where we get the Founder King's Sigil to active Armiger Unleashed, its possible that you unlock this dungeon in Cleigne to get it once you get all 13 Royal Arms. Maybe its a boat only location (both ARE part of the Royal Pack, and would put the ship to good use if anything) that you discover? Its either that, or this location is simply a cut dungeon and Royal Sigil is found elsewhere (Insomnia?).

I will say though that I have yet to find any significant cut stuff in the text files (It's either not obvious or there literally is no cut text and it's in the game). Basically everything is in the game (and I've scrolled a hell of a lot the past 2 days) that I've seen, save for any Royal Pack stuff or some other dialogue for other chapters OG had found first (that is entirely unknown if it is cut or just hasn't been added yet).

This is why I'm hopeful that those 5 Leide locations and this dungeon are not cut content.

Edit: Both are in the Benchmark and the Demo from Monday
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Well-Dressed Ginger

Balamb Garden Freshman
Feb 21, 2018
@Storm already had reported on this from OG a while ago but I actually found all the dungeons grouped exactly like this
View attachment 889

Most of you can tell that it is separated by Leide, Duscae and Cleigne.

What's interesting is you can see an additional Dungeon after Pitioss Ruins called Aeretylian Furnace, apparently located in Cleigne.

I had talked to @Storm before about it, and while it could very well just be a cut dungeon, its also possible that it is a new dungeon to be added to the game.

My (hopeful) theory is that since we don't know where we get the Founder King's Sigil to active Armiger Unleashed, its possible that you unlock this dungeon in Cleigne to get it once you get all 13 Royal Arms. Maybe its a boat only location (both ARE part of the Royal Pack, and would put the ship to good use if anything) that you discover? Its either that, or this location is simply a cut dungeon and Royal Sigil is found elsewhere (Insomnia
@Storm already had reported on this from OG a while ago but I actually found all the dungeons grouped exactly like this
View attachment 889

Most of you can tell that it is separated by Leide, Duscae and Cleigne.

What's interesting is you can see an additional Dungeon after Pitioss Ruins called Aeretylian Furnace, apparently located in Cleigne.

I had talked to @Storm before about it, and while it could very well just be a cut dungeon, its also possible that it is a new dungeon to be added to the game.

My (hopeful) theory is that since we don't know where we get the Founder King's Sigil to active Armiger Unleashed, its possible that you unlock this dungeon in Cleigne to get it once you get all 13 Royal Arms. Maybe its a boat only location (both ARE part of the Royal Pack, and would put the ship to good use if anything) that you discover? Its either that, or this location is simply a cut dungeon and Royal Sigil is found elsewhere (Insomnia?).

I will say though that I have yet to find any significant cut stuff in the text files. Basically everything is in the game (and I've scrolled a hell of a lot the past 2 days) that I've seen, save for any Royal Pack stuff or some other dialogue for other chapters OG had found first (that is entirely unknown if it is cut or just hasn't been added yet).

This is why I'm hopeful that those 5 Leide locations and this dungeon are not cut content.

Edit: Both are in the Benchmark and the Demo from Monday
Oh, that would be so cool! I hope that they eventually add more story to the dungeons we already have. A few cutscenes in the volcano dungeon or in Pitioss would make them a lot cooler than they already are.


PSICOM Soldier
Feb 18, 2018
Well the official description for the Royal Edition did say this about the Armiger Unleashed accessory: "A new accessory that can activate the new action “Armiger Unleashed” - players will be able to unleash powerful attacks while the Armiger is summoned. After collecting all of the royal arms, players will be able to find an accessory in an unidentified part of the world, enabling access to Armiger Unleashed". Honestly, that doesn't sound like Insomnia to me... So I strongly believe that the Aeretylian Furnace indeed was added to the game!


Chocobo Knight
Feb 17, 2018
OG said to say: he can confirm whatever it is after the PC release, because to him it's looking more to have been a placeholder for something OR may have been cut. He wants to try and confirm about it with checking the retail PC files, because he doesn't like jumping to conclusions and it's why he said he wasn't entirely sure to begin with.

I was talking to him earlier for a bit, he has more gameplay tutorials and the like pulled too but they're marked as placeholder and/or temporary, only in one language which is why he's not otherwise said anything about it.

All I can really say is in regard to the other stuff, he seems to be working on it in some way.