FF15 Royal Pack Content - Discussion Thread

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Forest Owl
Feb 24, 2018
In the Royal Edition, you can find a monument/statue of the First king, Somnus Lucis Caelum, aka The Mystic.

But, if you zoom-in to the writing on the monument, it doesn't say Somnus the First King, it says;

"Optimus Lucis Caelum. REX CVIII"

What does this mean?
Same name on the Rogue's and Fierce's monuments. Not sure why.


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
In the Royal Edition, you can find a monument/statue of the First king, Somnus Lucis Caelum, aka The Mystic.

But, if you zoom-in to the writing on the monument, it doesn't say Somnus the First King, it says;

"Optimus Lucis Caelum. REX CVIII"

What does this mean?
Possible that he's the one that made the monuments. Those monuments are probably only ~150 years old then.
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