Final Fantasy XI Discussion

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Keyblade Master
Sep 26, 2013
I'd like to get some information on FF11 from those that have played it, if I could, please.

I've always been interested in owning it, but only really for the sake of the story. For those that have played it, could you fill me on a few things, please?

- Can the story be exprienced offline? I heard this was the case, but want to confirm.
- With expansions being added to the game, is there a certain version of the game that can be bought that includes all of the story add-on content? Or are the add-ons not necessary to experience the core story, and I could get away with grabbing the basic version?
- Are all said story add-ons (if they are for story) obtainable for PS2 on disc, or is this difficult to get hold of? Would it cheaper to get a PC disc? (I'd prefer disc)
- Has new add-on content stopped? How much longer will the online game run for?
- Thoughts on the actual story? Worth playing as an FF fan?

Thanks to those that can help!


PSICOM Soldier
Sep 27, 2013
The story cannot be experienced offline, the game is 100% online.

There are bundles like the Ultimate Collection that include Final Fantasy XI and all of it's expansions. While you could just purchase "classic" Final Fantasy XI if you could find it, they don't really sell it anymore, you're pretty much stuck buying all the expansions. The story though just ends at rank 5 with the original game, Rise of the Zilart expands the rank missions story, the rest of the expansions are then their own story. Chains of Promathia being about the God Promathia, and Treasures of Aht Urghan (probably butchered that) is about well that very city and it's problems.

They stopped printing the PS2 discs a long time ago, and the easiest way to find it is digital download unless you order it off of The most recent expansion that came out March this year was only released for the PS2 in Japan, mostly because they're the majority of the PS2 user base. Even during one of the Vana'Fests (Square's FFXI game com thing) they advertised really cheap PC's in order to try and persuade the JP player base to switch from the PS2 over to PCs. While I'm far from a PC gamer/elitists I can say that the game these days just works better on a PC than it does on a PS2. Mostly because of the Windower add-on that gives you a lot of neat little features. You can still play with a controller on the PC, which is a plus of course.

So as far as getting discs go your best bet is going to be somewhere online that has the old discs, or if you can find one of the PS2 or 360 bundle discs floating around.

Seekers of Adoulin was the most recent expansion and was released in March 2013 and they're still working on it, though I imagine the team is very small at this point. I haven't heard if they have any plans to stop supporting XI, probably only once it's no longer turning them any form of a profit.

The story was... meh, it was ok I guess. the Treasures expansion (TAoU) was probably one of the best in my opinion, or at least the one I enjoyed the most. The original story has you following whatever basic plot of the nation you picked, like dealing with orcs if you're San d'Orian. Eventually though it leads all nations to the same story, and you can really see it all coming from a mile away. Rise of the Zilart was better, Chains of Promathia was confusing for me at parts. The story at times feels more like a distraction, or just a gate to do the typical MMO content which is kind of a let down. While FF14 is like this as well, I feel they did it a a lot better? I don't personal preference and all that.

Hope that helps.
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Keyblade Master
Sep 26, 2013
@Chaos That helps a lot, thanks.

Just another question, then. Since it's online-only, I take it it's subscription based, like FF14 is, as well? If that's a yes, it will rule out me ever jumping on board this game, heh. I really thought the story could be played offline, so that's a blow to hear it isn't.
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Likes: Chaos


PSICOM Soldier
Sep 27, 2013
Yeah it was a shock to a lot of us when it was first released, and yes the game is subscription based like FF14. It's around 12.95 a month, so it's a couple dollars cheaper than most MMO's, but you still have to pay. If you're still interested in the story bits of the game though I can give you one thing.

While this doesn't cover the story you'd be playing through in the game, it's everything that happened in the world of Vana'diel before your adventure "The Age of Adventure".'diel
Likes: Azuardo


Keyblade Master
Sep 26, 2013
Thank you. Looks like the only option to at least get something out of the story lol. I guess watching some playthroughs on YouTube would be worth a look, too.

I take it Shantotto plays an important role in the game, then, considering she's the representative of XI in Dissidia?


PSICOM Soldier
Sep 27, 2013
Shantotto is mostly seen through Windurst's storyline. I was from San d'Oria so I really only saw her in the shared cut scenes, like the one where all the nations are having a meeting. She shows up later in the other stories though, like she's in Aht Urhgan as are other leaders, but she has a small role (no pun intended) to play in that story as well. Later with the small add on contents she gets here own called "A Shantotto Ascension" in which the story does revolve around her. Most of the story stuff in the game plays out like this

"Here is a cut scene with an important NPC. Shantotto/Prishe/Trion/Lilisette"

Now go do X. X being anything from killing a monster, to talking to someone else, to a "boss battle" or just finding some random hoof print from Odin's horse out in the woods which I hated BECAUSE IT WAS RIGHT THERE YOU STUPID GAME, I CLICKED IT, BUT YOU DIDN'T GIVE ME CREDIT!

And then you go back to the Important NPC to finish that mission and move on to the next one.

It's like the way FF14 is doing it, just like I said I feel FF14 did it better, or at least kept it more exciting.
Likes: Azuardo


Keyblade Master
Sep 26, 2013
Haha. Ah, I remember Prishe, too; she was in Duodecim.

Ah well, bit of a shame I'll have to miss out on playing it properly. Though I guess in terms of FF stories, I'm not missing out on anything drastically amazing.


Sphere Hunter
Sep 30, 2013
Vancouver, BC
As much as I love FFXI, if I were to recommend, I will also suggest just to watch the story on YouTube, for a couple of reasons:

1. Subscription aside and it being online aside, the original storyline is based heavily on multi-player party fights. Those fights, at least back then, can be such a pain to do (challenging, but requires way more skills then other MMO, due to its own problems), it's fine if you were planning to play the game for a while but if you just want to know the story, I don't think it's with the frustration.

2. Since the release of Abysea expansion packs, the game has changed so much that I don't think it's any fun for new players, as most people no longer grind the lower levels conventionally. In a selfish way, I rather you don't experience it in the current "condition" because it's just not how I remember when I started playing.


Keyblade Master
Sep 26, 2013
@buddhafied Thanks for your thoughts. Sadly, it being online-only and sub-based means all hope of me ever playing it is gone, but it sounds like I may have had some frustrations with it, anyway, heh.
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