South Park: The Stick of Truth delayed to March

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Mognet Newsbot
Jul 26, 2013
Ubisoft revealed today South Park: The Stick of Truth, developed by Obsidian Entertainment, has yet again been delayed. It is now scheduled to release March 4th in North America and March 7th in Europe.

"We always wanted the game to feel like you're actually in an episode of South Park," said Stone and Parker. "Getting the game up to the crappy standards of the show has been a real challenge and we're excited to say it's taken way longer than we thought it would."

THQ was set to ...

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On one hand, the game would have been massacred this last quarter with next-gen and every other big release still leaving behind a mile-deep trail in their wake for this game to do as well as it could do. Plus it at least assures me that Obsidian aren't being made to rush through the development to meet a deadline that big publishers normally strongarm the studio into making.

On the other hand, it's been delayed way too many times. You get closer to it, then it's pushed back yet again. =(

Still, it looks glorious. It actually looks like an interactive episode of South Park as opposed to whatever the heck previous South Park games were attempting to be. And seeing a turn-based battle system appear in this is a bit of a refreshing surprise. I wasn't expecting South Park of all games to remember that turn-based RPGs are still a viable choice of game design in a console video game in 2013/4. And a turn-based RPG with a Paper Mario RPG battle system as well, which is very welcome.