The Generic FF News Thread

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Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
There´s something that bugs me, with all the prize that FFXII gets, why isn´t this game people´s favourite (in the fandom) ? I don´t even see this game being the favourite of even this forum users (minus those that do), even those happy that this game is getting a remake/remaster.


Warrior of Light
May 27, 2014
There´s something that bugs me, with all the prize that FFXII gets, why isn´t this game people´s favourite (in the fandom) ? I don´t even see this game being the favourite of even this forum users (minus those that do), even those happy that this game is getting a remake/remaster.
FF12 is like the majoras mask of final fantasy. Many hated it when it came out but after a while it became a cult classic and even some peoples favorite game of the series.


Warrior of Light
Sep 27, 2013
FF12 is like the majoras mask of final fantasy. Many hated it when it came out but after a while it became a cult classic and even some peoples favorite game of the series.
Hey, it's a nice comparison. I couldn't get into both of them. I did go far in FFXII, but the awful economy system and tons of grinding made me stop playing. Maybe I'll try again once the remaster is out.


Sphere Hunter
Mar 18, 2015
There´s something that bugs me, with all the prize that FFXII gets, why isn´t this game people´s favourite (in the fandom) ? I don´t even see this game being the favourite of even this forum users (minus those that do), even those happy that this game is getting a remake/remaster.
Itou bias mostly, I think. I see tons of lauding of this game quite honestly.

Gameplay-wise, XII is one of the better games.
But that aside, I think it's getting remastered for better... "visibility"? Much like how X/X-2 got remastered, the original games had international versions that most people overseas never got to play, let alone even knew about.

A remaster gives SE the chance to make the IZJS version largely available to the public, in addition to just remaining consistent in how they handle their IPs.


Balamb Garden Freshman
Aug 30, 2014
There´s something that bugs me, with all the prize that FFXII gets, why isn´t this game people´s favourite (in the fandom) ? I don´t even see this game being the favourite of even this forum users (minus those that do), even those happy that this game is getting a remake/remaster.
After enough time has passed, the main people talking about a game are those who feel particularly strongly about it. With FFXII, story and characters tend to be cited as weaknesses, which may well impact long-term nostalgia and enthusiasm for the game.

On game forums, I didn't find the initial response to FFXII to be much different from other installments, such as VIII or IX. There were lots of fans and lots of detractors. However, over time, FFXII seemed to generate less discussion in general.
May 26, 2014
With FFXII, story and characters tend to be cited as weaknesses, which may well impact long-term nostalgia and enthusiasm for the game.
The story is definitely weaker than in other FF games, and that's a huge reason why many (including myself) like it less than other FFs. I guess it kinda makes sense since, if I remember correctly, XII was originally planned to be an MMO. Hence the finished product places more emphasis on lore/world than it does on story/characters. Edit: Come to think of it, the story is kind of like FF2 in a way.

Though I really don't get why so many people dislike the main character. I mean what's not to like? He's a sky pirate, has an awesome Viera sidekick, has his own airsh-

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Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
ScienceNonfiction said:
The story is definitely weaker than in other FF games, and that's a huge reason why many (including myself) like it less than other FFs. I guess it kinda makes sense since, if I remember correctly, XII was originally planned to be an MMO. Hence the finished product places more emphasis on lore/world than it does on story/characters.
FFXII does emphasis a lot in lore and world as the scope of the plot is to do with nations, conflicts, intrigue that are larger than the characters and themes resolving around loss and freedom, though this is more the "indirect" story that you are told and for the most part is well worked, like 8/10. However in expense the "direct" story that is told to the player is not so well worked as the "indirect" one, some characters don´t have enough involvement in the plot as well as not enough development and FFXII is probably the game that shows (painfully) one particular problem that the series has, dragging the third act of the plot, in XII case this problem problem showed up earlier (like in the second half of act 2 or perhaps earlier?) than in previous entries, here is the perfect comment i found:
Not only does the middle act between Raithwall's Tomb and Archadia drag, but the developers dragged it out longer than it needed to be. First you cross the Giza Plains to the Osmone Plains to reach the Jahara, only to find out the reason you went there is pointless. Fortunately you have a new plan that needs you to head to Mt. Bur-Omisace. So you backtrack over the Ozmone Plains, enter the Golmore Jungle, and find your path blocked, to clear the way head back to the Ozmone Plains and complete the Henne Mines dungeon. Traverse the jungle, traverse the Paramina Rift, and welcome to Mt. Bur-Omisace, where it turns out once again, your reason for coming is rendered pointless. You then get to get to head south through the Rift to the Stilshrine of Miriam dungeon, head back to Mt. Bur-Omisace, fight a boss, and finally get to head to Archadia. Your path to Archadia takes you through the Mosphoran Highway, Salikawood, Phon Coast, Tchita Uplands, and finally the Sochen Cave Palace to get into Archadia. But don't celebrate yet, because before you can get to your destination in the city, you need to do a tedious sidequest, and your destination is yet again another dungeon. And at the end of that dungeon, your target escapes, once again rendering your quest pointless. By this point one must look back at the last 10-15 hours of gameplay and wonder if they've actually accomplished anything.
ScienceNonfiction said:
Though I really don't get why so many people dislike the main character. I mean what's not to like? He's a sky pirate, has an awesome Viera sidekick, has his own airsh-

From a writing point the "main characters" are Ashe, Balthier, Bash and very arguably Fran, though the "protagonist" is Ashe as her actions and motives are what moves the party (mostly).
Vaan and to a lesser extend Penelo works as the Audience Sorrogate and POV characters, though it doesn´t excuse the fact that they are underdeveloped and that their weight in the plot is very little. Special mention goes to fran that while she´s more developed and has more weight in the story than Vaan and Penelo do, she starts to suffer a bit of the same problem of them after you finishes the eruyt village storyline.
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