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Stiltzkin's Apprentice
May 22, 2015
I was just thinking of an element system for a rpg and wanted to know if anyone had likes/dislikes/ideas?

Ok, most rpgs add an element to the characters to increase/decrease damage against characters that are weak/strong in a certain element, right?

basically there is 6 elements(Red-fire, Green-wind, Yellow-lightning, Blue-water, Black-dark, White-light)
There are six characters to chose from when you start(pick 1), each character starts with one element, progressively you are given a choice what element you want a your second element, and then a final choice for your third element.( you must have 3 different elements)

Your original element adds +67% to your stats, second element adds +25% to your elemental stats, and the third adds +8% to your stats.

Once you have chosen your second element( third element can not be combined, must be your first and second choice), you are given the choice of either combining your first/second element or staying with your first element exclusively.

Once you have chosen if you want a combined element or you pure element for your second tier you would get this bonus:
Combined elements get +16% to that specific combo element, and if you choose you pure element than +11%

To move to the third tier of skills/magic you only have one choice, same as your second tier choice, so bonus would be:
Combo Element +11% or Pure element +5%

So you have the option of going pure and receiving a total of +83% for your first element or staying at +67% for you pure, and +27% for your combo element.

I would break the skills/magic into three categories, Levels 1,2,3 of skills/magic is the first tier, Level 4 is the second tier, and Level 5 skills/magic is the final tier.

There is a certain # of skills that you can learn for each level of skills/magic:

Level 1 would be 7 total skills
Level 2 would be 6 total skills
Level 3 would be 5 total skills

Level 4- 4 total skills (if you chose to pick the combo of two elements
- 3 total skills (if you chose to pick your pure element)

Level 5- 3 total skills (if your choice was combo)
-2 skills (if your choice was your first element)

Skill points would be awarded based on battles which are used to unlock new skills( your choice, just rack them up)
And Skills would be available to learn based on battles as well.

So, once you have gained exp. certain skills we become available to learn but it is your choice which you want to learn.


Does anyone know a system that I could try implement this to like rpg maker?
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