llazy77 Aug 19, 2017 I'm expecting big things from Squares Gamescom, going by what was said. Although if I'm let down I'll know who to blame.
I'm expecting big things from Squares Gamescom, going by what was said. Although if I'm let down I'll know who to blame.
H H Hey Everyone Jul 28, 2017 Where did you get your profile pic can I have a high-rez version of it?
llazy77 Jul 22, 2017 More Proto XV/Versus XIII stuff coming out. I wonder if we will get the whole story soon.
H H Hey Everyone Mar 12, 2017 http://gematsu.com/2011/01/nomura-talks-final-fantasy-versus-xiii Read this and weep with me. People wonder why I want a Versus XV Trilogy
http://gematsu.com/2011/01/nomura-talks-final-fantasy-versus-xiii Read this and weep with me. People wonder why I want a Versus XV Trilogy
H H Hey Everyone Mar 4, 2017 http://boards.4chan.org/vg/thread/170014863/its-happening Take with a grain of salt, but if it's true, if it is true, I wil cry like a baby, role up into a ball and sing songs of praise, and I will get a custom Steam Controller skin of this http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/b/b3/Amano_Goddess_of_Death.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20090726233933
http://boards.4chan.org/vg/thread/170014863/its-happening Take with a grain of salt, but if it's true, if it is true, I wil cry like a baby, role up into a ball and sing songs of praise, and I will get a custom Steam Controller skin of this http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/b/b3/Amano_Goddess_of_Death.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20090726233933
I'd be down for that
Xbox to if they want to