New Mognet Features for September

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Network Boss-man
UFFSite Veteran
Site Staff
Jul 25, 2013
Solihull, UK
Hey folks! Some new upgrades and features here. We're going to be launching a number of new things this month - a couple of new forum skins at last, for instance.

Let's start with something small, though - some FF-themed emoticons, as requested in this thread by @Jenova. We've used FF's retro history to go simple, and have quite literally borrowed these sprites from some of the games for emoticon purposes:

First off there's some small ones of FF1's iconic classes: :warrior: :blackmage: :whitemage: :redmage: :monk: :thief: :shockedwarrior:
Some iconic other graphics - the pointer, Magic Materia (FF7), a couple of airships, and a crystal (from FF4) and the first enemy most players faced in FF - FF1's Imp! :ffpointer: :materia: :redwings: :airship: :crystal: :ff1imp:
There's two larger ones of some iconic FF creatures: :chocowalk: :mog: :happyboko: :happymog:
And a number of test-run sprites of some FF leads: :lightning: :vaan: :shantotto: :tidus: :zidane: :squall: :cloud: :terra: :bartz: :cecildark:

I've categorized these off separate from the rest of the smiles, the normal ones - when you click the emoticon button now, you'll see categories. I can add loads more if people wish - if you want to see any specific FF iconography, drop suggestions in a post here and I'll do my best to make them happen.

Obviously, try to use these sensibly, don't clog every post with tons of 'em! Common sense applies. Enjoy!
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Network Boss-man
UFFSite Veteran
Site Staff
Jul 25, 2013
Solihull, UK
I've changed some of the commands for these emotes to put them inside :these: to make them not trigger by accident. Also, here's a few newies.

As requested by @Squirrel Emperor ... :kefkalol:

Also added a couple of creatures; :cactuar: :tonberry:

More to come. @Kaii, really like that idea and am sort of looking into it. Those Moogle emotes are cute - I'm just wondering how others would feel about using them to replace the default? (I'd keep the original smiles accessible through a different command, but doing a winky face would make a winky Moogle appear, for instance) - thoughts?
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Likes: Kaii


PSICOM Soldier
UFFSite Veteran
Site Staff
Aug 19, 2014
San Diego
@Kaii, really like that idea and am sort of looking into it. Those Moogle emotes are cute - I'm just wondering how others would feel about using them to replace the default? (I'd keep the original smiles accessible through a different command, but doing a winky face would make a winky Moogle appear, for instance) - thoughts?
We could take a poll or something and figure out what people like (though I'd be shocked if most Mognet Central users hate mogs). I think that it would make the forums kind of unique and that it would give people chances to use FF-specific emoticons as part of normal conversation, rather than as visual spam.

You could even mix it up. I'd love if like :O was :shockedwarrior:.
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Network Boss-man
UFFSite Veteran
Site Staff
Jul 25, 2013
Solihull, UK
Looking into the emote situation - we'll definitely put some Moogles in, though maybe as an alternative to the basic set with a different command set.

I've added something simple today - you'll see this on all skins - a couple of extra links to the 'Forum' header under navigation. You can now use a few of these to see what others are up to at a glance: