Salutations from the Land of the Masked!

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Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Jul 14, 2016
RPG Heaven
I forgot to add this part. Lol

Hello there guys and gals!

It's your friendly neighborhood Twitch streamer, Masked! I enjoy sharing in a high quality streaming experience with all others who enjoy RPGs and other gaming genres. Except MOBAs, I hate MOBAs. Lol
I wish to be able to one day dedicate most of my time to streaming as a career, but until, or if ever, that time comes I will continue to pursue my academic careers as an undergraduate Clinical Psychology Researcher - soon to be a graduate researcher! :D

So that's my spiel, I hope you read through it.
tl;dr - I love streaming RPGs on twitchtv/maskedstreamerz and I hope that we can all grow together as a community which shares their love for these dank role playing vidya games!
Likes: Wazi the pa
Jun 7, 2014
I wish to be able to one day dedicate most of my time to streaming as a career, but until, or if ever, that time comes I will continue to pursue my academic careers as an undergraduate Clinical Psychology Researcher - soon to be a graduate researcher! :D
We're gonna need your help here. FFXV already makes people go crazy.