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Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Jan 9, 2017
Hey all. I stumbled upon this site whilst google searching for the mognet central song to use as my ringtone. Being a long time FF fan I thought why not join. Im not a huge KH fan. I've only played as far as 358/2 days. I go by the name Luxord just because I'm a fan of the character. Luxord and I have similar characteristics also I like to gamble with the odds when it comes most things that requires decision making even IRL. Its kind of a habit I developed in the past. I used to be a problem gambler if you must know. I love to play cards especially RNG poker and I have fascination with time. Anyways I'll shut up now. A pleasure to make your acquaintance :) Catch me around the web under Luxord or MercMode. Let me know your from here.
Likes: Storm


Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Jan 9, 2017
Thanks for the welcome Lulcielid :) I thought of using Setzer but the name was already taken on some of the sites I use lol