Final Fantasy VII - 18 years old today

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Network Boss-man
UFFSite Veteran
Site Staff
Jul 25, 2013
Solihull, UK
Today, the 31st January 2015, marks 18 years since Final Fantasy VII first arrived and was slotted into Japanese PS1 systems. It arguably changed everything not just for FF but for the RPG genre and the Japanese industry, significantly.

To celebrate, for today the Radio will only be playing music from FF7 and the associated compilation games:

Share some memories! :cloud:



Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
I've said before about how much I care about Final Fantasy VII, you can read that over here if you're interested.
I really love this game, and it's my favorite FF game and honestly my favorite game of all time. It's a huge part of my childhood and is the reason I am how I am today. I wouldn't be here talking with all of you awesome people without this game.

Whether its your favorite, or you don't like how popular it is, you have to hand it to SE for making a game that has made such a huge impact.

I'm not sure how I will celebrate this day personally, I'm listening to the radio right now.

Happy Anniversary Final Fantasy VII!


Stiltzkin's Apprentice
UFFSite Veteran
Dec 31, 2014
FFVII was the first RPG I found out about back when it was released in English. I remember watching my brother play it which got me interested in it. I thought it was really cool. It's what got me into the FF series and RPGs in general.

I have the game on the PS3/Vita and Steam (a friend gifted it to me on there), I still play it here and there. :)


Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
Although i couldn't play the game back in 1997 (i was less than 2 years old :p) i remember that FFVII was 1 of the game i wanted to play when i got my PSX. Finally i could play the game in 2010?2013? :sour: (don't know why it took so long).
I enjoyed the game a lot, though due to the game's popularity spoilers were unavoidable, and finally i could understand why the game was loved/hated. Whether it's the greatest Final Fantasy,overrated,better or worst than the others is up to debate but its impact can't be ignore.
Happy day to all FFVII fans and lovers to FFVII itself:).

Question to the admit: will we do something similar for the other Squaresoft/Enix games ?
Not my favourite Final Fantasy game by any stretch of the imagination, but nonetheless, it was undeniably a monumental, influential video gaming giant that played a huge role in shaping the industry, the JRPG genre and the destiny of PlayStation in the many years to follow.

I personally never explored the game until way, way later (my first Final Fantasy of all things was FFX-2 back in 2004!), so the raw impact of this game was certainly just before my time.

Shin Kazama

Sphere Hunter
UFFSite Veteran
Oct 30, 2013
Although i couldn't play the game back in 1997 (i was less than 2 years old :p) i remember that FFVII was 1 of the game i wanted to play when i got my PSX.
Kudos to you for the PlayStation being before your time, yet still referring to it as the PSX ^_^

FFVII was an important game to. My favorite RPG of all time. I'll have to post my story on it tonight or tomorrow, though, as I'm about to leave for work.

Crystal Power

Keyblade Master
Nov 29, 2013
United States
Well, I don't know why but I get so embarrassed telling this to Final Fantasy fans and gamers, but my first time playing Final Fantasy VII was in 2011. I was really late, and worse I didn't finish it then. We lost our home and I ended up falling into a depression, playing little to no games for 2 years.

Just around the summer, I had to take it upon myself to lift my mood. I watched my first movie in a couple years, it was Disney's Frozen, I love it! I started playing games in my backlog like Tales of Legendia, Pokemon White, and realized I can start playing games again. I was feeling better. In November of 2013, I started FFVII from the start, and got a fresh start on the game. And just a few days ago on January 22 2014, I did it. I completed Final Fantasy VII! I absolutely loved every time I played the game, it's so fantastical, and amazing (Like every FF, I've played. Yes even X-2 and XIII). After I first played VII in 2011 I would often say it was my favorite, but I was ashamed to admit I never finished it, for, reasons. But now I can start saying I beat the game, had an amazing time And seen that epic ending!

I want to say I've been a Final Fantasy fan for awhile, My first was Final Fantasy VIII, and that had to be back in 1999 when it released, I then moved on to FFX next. I'm actually sad to admit I haven't complete VIII yet either, me and my sis got to the Adel boss and the disc was broke and would freeze, little did we know the final dungeon was awaiting us after that. I'm actually going to be getting a fresh start on VIII now , will be starting my playthrough in February, so wish me luck! I think VIII, might compete with VII as to which will be my favorite! But Um, VII has Barret, so I'm sure Final Fantasy VII will remain my favorite (okay, being serious Barret is not the only reason Hahah!). All these years, I could have been playing these, it was introduced to me since 8. But to be honest. I was young and more into Sonic the Hedgehog lol. But at my adult age, Final Fantasy is my favorite franchise and I have a history with it!

Today, I should go through the Final Boss of Final Fantasy VII again (Sephiroths Super Nova is sooo cool!) an watch the ending! It's only been a week sicne I completed it, but why not. I'm gonna keep doing that anyway. I love this game and plus today is it's anniversary! Final Fantasy makes me feel so wonderful, it's so much more than just a video game!

Well, Sorry for rambling, but thank you all for reading. :)



Warrior of Light
Sep 27, 2013
Well, I don't know why but I get so embarrassed telling this to Final Fantasy fans and gamers, but my first time playing Final Fantasy VII was in 2011.
Mine was in 2009. Don't be embarrassed to say that. I only beat Zelda: Ocarina of Time last year. I've never played a Mario game.

Different circumstances prevent us from playing some games that are considered important, but that doesn't make you less of a gamer.
Likes: Crystal Power

Crystal Power

Keyblade Master
Nov 29, 2013
United States
Mine was in 2009. Don't be embarrassed to say that. I only beat Zelda: Ocarina of Time last year. I've never played a Mario game.

Different circumstances prevent us from playing some games that are considered important, but that doesn't make you less of a gamer.
Yea, that is true. There are many gamers who haven't played big games that are important. I wish I could had played it when I was much younger, but you're right, I shouldn't be embarrassed. Thank you! :)

Prince Naphtali

Dec 23, 2013
FFVII was my 3rd or 4th ff experience. I'm still playing it through for the first time lol, i'm a slow gamer. It's so far my number 3 favorite tied with ff6. Happy Anniversary Final Fantasy VII


Warrior of Light
May 27, 2014
Ive never played any of the ps1 final fantasy's only the Snes ones and ps2 ones how does this compare to ff6 (my favorite one)?
May 26, 2014
Ive never played any of the ps1 final fantasy's only the Snes ones and ps2 ones how does this compare to ff6 (my favorite one)?
That's like the opposite of me. I've only played the PS1 and PS2 games and not the SNES ones. I haven't played VI, so I can't say how it compares to VII. But VII is definitely worth your time.
Jun 7, 2014
FFVII is one of my two all time favourite FF games (the other one being FFVI). It has great story with some shocking plot twists, interesting and likeable characters, amazing soundtrack, fun gameplay (materias are one of the best growth systems ever) and a fascinating setting. I think the setting was what captivated me from the first moments in FFVII. A modern world with elements of cyberpunk (Midgar) and lots of fantasy twists. I'd even say that FFVII was the original "fantasy based on reality".