Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
@Paperchampion23 You know, there is one word which people even now, after 2 years passed since release, keep using and repeating things over and over and over. It's a word 'If". In the context of FF XV, this word became a gigantic parasite, which makes things complicated in ff xv community. What done was done, They did it with clear mind and acknowledging all problems and risk behind this. CGI-movie shows in full light who are Regis, Iedolas, Glauca, Nyx and a bit of Luna with Ravus. Story of the first four has preety logical end in the movie, except emperor, he gets his end in the game and he doesnt need much screen time.
So who left? Ravus, Ardyn and kinda Emperor. Last one almost doesn't need much time, so we wont count him. So left Ravus and Ardyn.
No need to say anything about this badass, so skipping him. The only one who left and about whom i agreed is Ravus. They really fcked up a bit with him, and he needs more screen time, so we could FEEL him as anti-hero.

What they are doing right now is polishing and improving the game, based most of all on fans demand. Heck, they even made alternative ending, cause ppl dont like and dont want accept the real ending.
The game has a VILLIAN, ANTI-HERO, PUPPET and some kind of unimportant third-rate characters. What trully this game needs are Monster Bosses.

And what I'm getting at is that all of those problems could be rectified if they just made more acknowledgements to the movie in the base game. Even though I dislike the format, I don't mind the movie if they just connected it more.

If they can do that, then everything I dislike about the "lack" of Niflheim content (save for actually expanding on the 2nd half of the game) is done.

Listen I couldn't agree more with you. They don't need to technically add more story for characters, they already have almost all of it. They just don't connect it well enough. THAT needs to be worked on. Iedolas doesn't need more story, but they should recall back to everything he did in KG.
Likes: Unoder


Feb 20, 2018
Iedolas DEFINITELY needs more screen time. It still amuses me that he's supposed to be the big baddy for a significant portion of the game but only appears in one cutscene while he's supposed to be relevant. If KG is ever adapted, via cutscenes or gameplay or whatever he's one of the first characters I want to see scenes from.

Speaking of adapting content, Brotherhood needs to be included in some fashion as well. It's so essential to understanding the bond between Noctis and his buddies, and actually builds some rapport between the player and the other characters. I'd settle with them str8 up porting it in and prompting you to play specific episodes at important times in the story, but I'd also take a gameplay adaption. Let me run through the streets as Noct chasing after Iris, let me train with Gladio, etc.


Warrior of Light
Jul 14, 2015
Even though i'm personally not too invested with them including Brotherhood content, if there was one thing i'd like added from it would be:

Noctis' near-death experience

the way the game made a lowkey reference about it through a missable in-game dialogue felt lazy imo.


Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
I really don't get the viewpoint that the villains don't need more scenes because they weren't important in the game.

The game itself made them not important. All of them could have had more significance if the developers wanted to.
If the game made them not important is for a reason, they are not as important as your expectations or the marketing wants you to believe they actually are.
For example, Caligo had no importance to the game whatsoever. Then, Episode Ignis decided to give him more to do (as well as a means to make Ravus's character that much better) and it made his character that much more entertaining to watch. The SAME exact thing happened to Loqi. Barebones, useless character that actually got a pretty fun story with the AC Festival.
Again, what I said before, the XV universe giving importance or throwing a bone to something is not the same as XV The Game giving importance or throwing a bone to something (just like how The Clone Wars, Fall of the Jedi Order, Vader and Obi-Wan relation are important for the Star Wars universe but not for Episode IV itself).
The dev's can give characters like Verstael, Iedolas, Ravus (ahem, that chapter 5 bossfight that should be there) and Aranea more things to do, if they so choose. They can have them interfere with Noct's story more if they want. They can be more important if they want them to be. They could reference the events of KG more make a few of them better if they want.

Its the lack of the above that causes people to say they were useless to the story.
They could have given and made more characters in Noctis story important but they didn't because they are not and were never important in his story (outside of Ravus). None of the Niffs are connected to him (again, outside of Ravus). Like my example above, Boba Fett, Jabba and The Emperor could have been made important in Luke story but they didn't because they never were.
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Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
If the game made them not important is for a reason, they are not as important as your expectations or the marketing wants you to believe they actually are.
Again, what I said before, the XV universe giving importance or throwing a bone to something is not the same as XV The Game giving importance or throwing a bone to something (just like how The Clone Wars, Fall of the Jedi Order, Vader and Obi-Wan relation are important for the Star Wars universe but not for Episode IV itself).
They could have given and made more some characters in Noctis story but they didn't because they are and were never important in his story (outside of Ravus). None of the Niffs are connected to him (again, outside of Ravus). Like my example above, Boba Fett, Jabba and The Emperor could have been made important in Luke story but they didn't because they never were.

But they are important. Maybe not to Noct, but to the actual story. It's just basically all in KG and not connected well with the main game. Save for Loqi and Caligo (who actually both got extra stuff through AC festival and EP Ignis), everyone else got what they needed, we just need more connections to the movie, or an adaption (but that is unlikely)


Feb 17, 2018
Can I just say, this conversation about Ledolas is extremely boring.

Let's go back to talking about the Royal Edition.

I'm disappointed that a lot of the new Insomnia map is going to be taking place underground. I want to explore the city, instead of a long white hallway like the one in that gameplay video today.
Likes: Wena Washo


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
Can I just say, this conversation about Ledolas is extremely boring.

Let's go back to talking about the Royal Edition.

I'm disappointed that a lot of the new Insomnia map is going to be taking place underground. I want to explore the city, instead of a long white hallway like the one in that gameplay video today.
We don't know how much of it is underground. It's already been said through the leaks that the underground is used as a means to get to other locations in the city (the keys)
Likes: Unoder


Warrior of Light
Jul 14, 2015
Can I just say, this conversation about Ledolas is extremely boring.

Let's go back to talking about the Royal Edition.

I'm disappointed that a lot of the new Insomnia map is going to be taking place underground. I want to explore the city, instead of a long white hallway like the one in that gameplay video today.
Unless i'm mistaken, it isn't like we saw the entire level design from any footage yet.


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
Just caught up reading over 150 posts in this thread.

I’m subscribed yet I didn’t get a notification on new posts this time... how strange...

Anyway, wow that’s a lot of stuff to look forward to.

Props to all the guys who dug through the files to share all this info with us.

Insomnia is certainly looking more sizeable. Hope there’s more to it than an underground dungeon like some people said.

The idea of driving around Insomnia is quite exciting too.

Not long to go now.


Chocobo Knight
Feb 17, 2018
I'm disappointed that a lot of the new Insomnia map is going to be taking place underground. I want to explore the city, instead of a long white hallway like the one in that gameplay video today.
We don't know how much of it is underground. It's already been said through the leaks that the underground is used as a means to get to other locations in the city (the keys)
For what it's worth, thanks to OG I can tell you that there is actually a particular reason as to why the underground is being made use of. It's not particularly difficult to figure it out, but again he doesn't want to post all of the plot spoilers.

That's why neither Storm and I have been posting them.


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
For what it's worth, thanks to OG I can tell you that there is actually a particular reason as to why the underground is being made use of. It's not particularly difficult to figure it out, but again he doesn't want to post all of the plot spoilers.

That's why neither Storm and I have been posting them.
Ah so there’s a purpose.

All right. Fair game.

In that case I shall wait patiently to see what unfolds.

Thanks for this.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
Can I just say, this conversation about Ledolas is extremely boring.

Let's go back to talking about the Royal Edition.

I'm disappointed that a lot of the new Insomnia map is going to be taking place underground. I want to explore the city, instead of a long white hallway like the one in that gameplay video today.
in that same gameplay video you can see entire new streets, which they skipped to show the underground section.

too soon to say how much is going to take place there.


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
For what it's worth, thanks to OG I can tell you that there is actually a particular reason as to why the underground is being made use of. It's not particularly difficult to figure it out, but again he doesn't want to post all of the plot spoilers.

That's why neither Storm and I have been posting them.

The city is too destroyed to walk on every city street? LolXD
Likes: Unoder


Warrior of Light
Oct 30, 2016
For what it's worth, thanks to OG I can tell you that there is actually a particular reason as to why the underground is being made use of. It's not particularly difficult to figure it out, but again he doesn't want to post all of the plot spoilers.

That's why neither Storm and I have been posting them.
...does it have anything to do with the bodies all over the place in the underground that no one seems to be talking about? XD;

Seriously, though, there seems to be quite a bit of environmental storytelling going on in the underground area, and I'm curious to see how the game builds on that. It seems like the survivors might have been driven to the underground for survival, which offers a great deal of potential.
Likes: Storm


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
...does it have anything to do with the bodies all over the place in the underground that no one seems to be talking about? XD;

Seriously, though, there seems to be quite a bit of environmental storytelling going on in the underground area, and I'm curious to see how the game builds on that. It seems like the survivors might have been driven to the underground for survival, which offers a great deal of potential.
That's what I was thinking as well.

Another reason could be that they had their main base of operations (outside of Lestallum that is) underground in Insomnia?

Perhaps they wanted to keep a close eye on Ardyn?
Likes: Cloud_CR
Feb 19, 2018
For what it's worth, thanks to OG I can tell you that there is actually a particular reason as to why the underground is being made use of. It's not particularly difficult to figure it out, but again he doesn't want to post all of the plot spoilers.

That's why neither Storm and I have been posting them.
Man, as much I know it's not true or plausible since there's no evidence of it how cool would it be if the reason was a surviving Diamond Weapon or revived Glauca roaming around? Tbh as more time goes on I just want more connective tissue with KG. I won't even care about them integrating the movie into the game if they can just give me a meaningful encounter with Glauca, let me fight at least one Diamond Weapon, let me raid an Imperial Dreadnought (seriously they're such badass looking ships, Noct should be allowed to take one down or at least board it), I want some mention and acknowledgement of Nyx which hopefully we're getting in that Glaive out of time quest. Hell it also just dawned on me that Libertus could inform Noct of Drautos' treachery thus creating the proper motivation for him to be personally invested in taking down Glauca if that happens. I feel like one of the reasons while KG is cool but ultimately creates a sense of dissatisfaction in XV is cuz it introduced so much cool shit that never got followed up on. Like rivalries, betrayals, enemy types, and just stuff with history in general. XV in many ways does, at times, feel like it's not really extending out of KG but rather just referencing it here and there. So I hope there's more effort to fix that. They've been making progress towards so it means there's some acknowledgement of the issue on their part but I wanna see more concrete stuff come about of said acknowledgement. Overall expanded Insomnia has a lot of potential to have stuff added in the future so I hope they utilize it fully.


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
Man, as much I know it's not true or plausible since there's no evidence of it how cool would it be if the reason was a surviving Diamond Weapon or revived Glauca roaming around? Tbh as more time goes on I just want more connective tissue with KG. I won't even care about them integrating the movie into the game if they can just give me a meaningful encounter with Glauca, let me fight at least one Diamond Weapon, let me raid an Imperial Dreadnought (seriously they're such badass looking ships, Noct should be allowed to take one down or at least board it), I want some mention and acknowledgement of Nyx which hopefully we're getting in that Glaive out of time quest. Hell it also just dawned on me that Libertus could inform Noct of Drautos' treachery thus creating the proper motivation for him to be personally invested in taking down Glauca if that happens. I feel like one of the reasons while KG is cool but ultimately creates a sense of dissatisfaction in XV is cuz it introduced so much cool shit that never got followed up on. Like rivalries, betrayals, enemy types, and just stuff with history in general. XV in many ways does, at times, feel like it's not really extending out of KG but rather just referencing it here and there. So I hope there's more effort to fix that. They've been making progress towards so it means there's some acknowledgement of the issue on their part but I wanna see more concrete stuff come about of said acknowledgement. Overall expanded Insomnia has a lot of potential to have stuff added in the future so I hope they utilize it fully.
If anything, if that Glaive ends up being Libertus, I have a feeling we'll definitely hear plenty of Kingsglaive event talk. It would be nice if that unlocked some secret/cool stuff like a Daemonized Glauca fight. Noct and Gladio totally need that closure. It'd be nice.
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Likes: CloudBuster