Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
I expect the Royal Edition to sell at least one or two million copies, or three million at some point if lucky, but we'll see what happens, and they could also use the money they'll make off the sales of the Windows Edition if they want to so they could fund for their DLC, but we'll see what happens, as we don't know for sure.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
I expect the Royal Edition to sell at least one or two million copies, or three million at some point if lucky, but we'll see what happens, and they could also use the money they'll make off the sales of the Windows Edition if they want to so they could fund for their DLC, but we'll see what happens, as we don't know for sure.
that's way too much imo

(especially with the poor marketing)
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Red Wings Commander
Oct 28, 2017
You guys are really optimistic if we're talking about the PC sales alone. I'd say 300k after the initial month if they're lucky.
Could only get to a million mark after some huge steam sales, and even then it's too optimistic.

If combined with the console release, however, maybe they'll get to the mark.
Likes: Storm


Warrior of Light
Oct 30, 2016
You guys are really optimistic if we're talking about the PC sales alone. I'd say 300k after the initial month if they're lucky.
Could only get to a million mark after some huge steam sales, and even then it's too optimistic.

If combined with the console release, however, maybe they'll get to the mark.
FFXIII sold almost 750k according to Steamspy, and that game a) was not well received, b) didn't provide much in the way of PC improvements, and c) got a late port outside of any continued marketing efforts for the initial release.

FFXV, in contrast, is better-liked, a technical powerhouse promising full mod support, and has been working to retain and grow its userbase since release. It's also much more in line with the preferences of PC gamers than FFXIII ever was.

If it doesn't at least double the sales of FFXIII, I'd consider it a travesty.


Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
By the way, in regards of FFXV, which portion of the game did you like, story-wise and game-play wise? For me, it was the linear second half (Chapters 9-14), even though there wasn't enough there, as both the first and second halves need more story content, the second half, in my opinion, should be a little more open while still being linear with more story content, and the first half didn't have enough story content there. Even though the second half didn't have enough story content, the story content that was there kept me engaged and immersed.
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Warrior of Light
Jul 14, 2015
You guys are really optimistic if we're talking about the PC sales alone. I'd say 300k after the initial month if they're lucky.
Nah. I can certainly see the PC version hitting over a million especially given that it isn't a straight port afterall.


Jan 7, 2017
so when you face obstacles you simply give up on selling your products in a potential market?
Where did i write something like that? What comes in the next week, will show the results. And i cant share optimistic thoughts about it. A lot of things against SE.


Red Wings Commander
Oct 28, 2017
I mean, I'm all in for the game selling well on PC just for the sake of getting a better support for the platform in the future.
But with how demanding it is on the specs side of things, this still not being the full package in terms of DLC content, the whole Denuvo debacle and the main party not being your traditional FF, I think it may not sell as well. Time will tell though


Jan 7, 2017
@Storm And? It just my opinion about whole ff francise, not only xv. I really prefer ff on consoles and dont want them to go on PC. An i hope this whole situation will play in that direction. Call it a good coincidence.
Im really will be surprised if it goes well. But im too skeptical on this, cause:
1. This situation with cracking
2. We know how SE support their games on pc, looking at Nier.
3. And some personal thing about PC gaming in whole.


Chocobo Knight
Feb 25, 2018
I think Royal Edition would be lucky to clear 1 million on all three platforms combined. In Japan the PS4 version is barely in the top 100 on Amazon, where usually popular games would be sitting in the top 3 before launch. And it's not even in the COMG pre order charts, i think it would be lucky to clear 10-15k in Japan FW. Can't be bothered going into other countries but I follow sales quite closely of many games on many platforms.


Warrior of Light
Jul 14, 2015
@SerjAngelo Its still in the top 5 best sellers on Steam and i really doubt the main party thing is an actual issue, Dunevo is arguable but we'll have to see launch numbers to know how much of a dent it could affect sales.
Feb 2, 2017
I think Royal Edition would be lucky to clear 1 million on all three platforms combined. In Japan the PS4 version is barely in the top 100 on Amazon, where usually popular games would be sitting in the top 3 before launch. And it's not even in the COMG pre order charts, i think it would be lucky to clear 10-15k in Japan FW. Can't be bothered going into other countries but I follow sales quite closely of many games on many platforms.
I don't think the expctation was for the Royal Edition to ever sell that much. PC can and will most definitely reach those number over the long term. Royal Edition is undoubtedly another re-release to replace the base version for people who haven't played it. I don't see many base players buying this new edition.


Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014
That second track is Labyrinthine which plays when you talk to Ezma post game, it was also used in the Assassin's Festival during one scene in the hotel room.

Tthe third track is Song of the Stars, the game only uses the vocal version of that track in the main game when Luna summons Leviathan, and the full version with the instruments is used in Episode Ignis when Ignis gets to the Altar.

Well-Dressed Ginger

Balamb Garden Freshman
Feb 21, 2018
That second track is Labyrinthine which plays when you talk to Ezma post game, it was also used in the Assassin's Festival during one scene in the hotel room.

Tthe third track is Song of the Stars, the game only uses the vocal version of that track in the main game when Luna summons Leviathan, and the full version with the instruments is used in Episode Ignis when Ignis gets to the Altar.
And the first track sucked anyways, so all the good ones made it in and i'm happy!