Nomura vs Tabata, how well/bad they handle their projects

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Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
There's no point arguing with you any further, the fact remains that the better looking XV under Nomura got canned due to SE's incompetent business management and the mediocre Tabata.
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yeah, god Nomura was occupied in reaching the record of "longest period without information for a game" with FFVIIR (basically trying to beat himself), while releasing a 83 metacritic game in the sideline, just a bit less mediocre than FFXV I guess.

poor us, we really lost a masterpiece in the making /s

easy to make something interesting with snippets of content, harder to make it reality.
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SOLDIER Second Class
Feb 23, 2018
I may have come late to the party, but I definetly want to share my opinion here.

Having finished XV and KHIII multiple times i think that I prefer Tabata's way of direction for his title than the one Nomura had on his.

KH3 lacks tone and pacing. Being half of the game cutscenes people talking about weird mumbo jumbo that doesn't make sense neither is cool to watch. Interrupting the gameplay.
With how beatiful the game is in scenarios and animation, it feels like the game was fully intended to be this way and it definetly fails to engage me.

XV instead came with a barebones narrative but with more quality in it. It was experimental and had focus into the message. I finished the game wanting more because i cared for what it had.
The dialogue during cutscenes was incredible, the characters well depicted and had personallity. The game lacked cohesion but the story progressed having real events that affected the characters.

KHIII is full of bullshit, throwing ideas 'cause they're cool but not executing them properly and not a single character evolves.
FFXV was a half backed product at release, but had all the pieces in place and only needed more time.
I don't know how the KHIII dlc can improve the game.
Likes: Storm
Nov 17, 2019
I hear he's the director of FFXV. from what I sometimes see, people seem to say bad things about him. Hell, people say he's one of the reason why FFXV is so badly disliked. What the hell is with people's problem towards Tabata? I mean is he that badly disliked?! Hell, unless I haven't read enough topics, people aren't that bothered that he resigned from Square Enix. Or maybe even are glad. Also, is he seriously the reason FFXV is that badly hated by fans?! Or at least one of the reason? I don't get what the problem is with Tabata. Shareit apk vidmate app
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Blitzball Champion
Feb 2, 2017
I hear he's the director of FFXV. from what I sometimes see, people seem to say bad things about him. Hell, people say he's one of the reason why FFXV is so badly disliked. What the hell is with people's problem towards Tabata? I mean is he that badly disliked?! Hell, unless I haven't read enough topics, people aren't that bothered that he resigned from Square Enix. Or maybe even are glad. Also, is he seriously the reason FFXV is that badly hated by fans?! Or at least one of the reason? I don't get what the problem is with Tabata. Shareit apk vidmate app
TLDR; Many uninformed people hate Tabata cause they feel he ruined Nomura's vision for the game when in reality Nomura had little to actually show off beyond concepts because he kept moving the goal post. For example at one point in time Nomura had the idea of potentially turning FFXV into a musical. There was technology issues involved, and SE played their role by spreading Nomura too thing on projects. The fact of the matter is Tabata played a crucial role for the FFXV developers by giving them a focal point to focus on while also boosting moral. In the end far more people would have been pissed off if nothing at all came of Versus XIII, than us getting FFXV the way we had gotten it.
Likes: AnGer-dono
Feb 14, 2020
I hear he's the director of FFXV. from what I sometimes see, people seem to say bad things about him. Hell, people say he's one of the reason why FFXV is so badly disliked. What the hell is with people's problem towards Tabata? I mean is he that badly disliked?! Hell, unless I haven't read enough topics, people aren't that bothered that he resigned from Square Enix. Or maybe even are glad. Also, is he seriously the reason FFXV is that badly hated by fans?! Or at least one of the reason? I don't get what the problem is with Tabata. Shareit apk vidmate app
Thanks for the reply
Feb 16, 2021
I feel you, I'm the same with XIII. I think XIII is the worst FF game ever made but it gets mad love in this sub. Personally I think XV blows XIII out of the water but I can see the logical progression of the series to get XV from XIII with gameplay style etc.


Blitzball Champion
Feb 2, 2017
I feel you, I'm the same with XIII. I think XIII is the worst FF game ever made but it gets mad love in this sub. Personally I think XV blows XIII out of the water but I can see the logical progression of the series to get XV from XIII with gameplay style etc.
Final Fantasy 2 would like a word with you. A big part of the reason why FFII goes under the radar is because it came out in a day and age before the internet dominated the information world. What kind of masochist game involves you hitting yourself in order to get stronger.
Likes: Storm