FFXIV - ARR Players

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Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Mar 3, 2014
Hi Guys, I had a look around for an existing thread relating to this but couldn't see one so correct me if this already exists.

Wanted to start a thread to see how many of you are playing FFXIV and what servers / FC you guys are in.
I would love to see what people are making of ARR and all the improvements SE have made :)

This is my current Character: http://eu.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/character/6552682/


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York

I'm playing XIV, I play on Behemoth and my character's name is Yuki Shiku, my FC is my own "Frozen Flame" made up of friends from outside of this game.

I currently play on PS3, waiting very patiently for the PS4 version, as I've played the beta and holy crap is it 100 times better than the PS3 version, there's no reason to even explain all the benefits.

As someone who came into this game new to MMOs but NOT to Final Fantasy, it wasn't a difficult learning curve with my experience. My main role is tanking, and I enjoy the difficulty, but find it to be very stressful at times.

As for the improvements, I think they're great. Some MMO nuts think that there's no content at all, and I have to disagree with them. People like this I find rush through content extremely fast which leads them to get burnt out on the content. I've heard from my friend that has played a countless number of MMOs that this game updates quite more frequently than most other MMOs out there with even minimal content that even just being quality of life updates still is significant depending on how you look at it.

I have only done Turn 1 and 2 in The Binding Coil of Bahamut, and enjoy progressing in the "end game" content, if that's what you call it, but I prefer to play more casually, as the game is really designed overall to be like. I get rather frustrated with elitists in this game, and it makes me hesitate progressing in further turns, even with the extreme mode primals.

With all that out of the way, I LOVE this game A LOT. It's taken up all of my time for months and months now (which is actually becoming a problem), and this is coming from someone who normally wouldn't pay for a subscription service on a game in most situations. This is most definitely a Final Fantasy game, and I have a blast playing it pretty much every day.

Future content excited me, Chocobo Breeding, Golden Saucer, etc. and I'm looking forward to the future of this game, and all the new things we have in store.
Nov 29, 2013
Tonberry. Sorry to most people, but I roll on JP servers >.<

Currently haven't renewed my subscription because I'm taking a break from this addictive game :p


PSICOM Soldier
My character is K'yoh Nuhn @ Behemot.

I 'm a lvl 40 Dragoon, lvl15 Marauder... A long road still ahead.
About the game, I think It's the MMO I have played because the storyline is very good and you don't feel tired of the quests. Every area has new challenges and you can level up doing so many things (Dungeons, Fates, Levequests, etc...)

Hope to find you all in game.

Lodestone: http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/character/3537486/

Likes: masterlobo
Lo and behold! I picked up the game for cheap during my final days at uni, and I've been slowly getting into the game since.

Linnaete Mellemme
Server: Lamia
Grand Company: The Immortal Flames; Flame Private Second Class [as of typing]
Free Company: Sector 7 (Lamia)
Current jobs: Arcanist [main], Thaumaturge, Conjurer, Weaver, Armourist, Botanist

My impressions of the game thus far will have to be fairly brief, and I hope I'll be able to expound on these points later, so for the time being:

- Duty Finder and party forming for dungeons seems inherently flawed. I am primarily a DPS, and as expected, DPS classes are more numerous and far more popular than say, healer classes. The wait times may have allegedly improved, but they are still long, and a few times I have found myself serenely gathering shards in the Black Shroud when after 35 minutes after I first joined a queue, the message that e.g. Halatali is now ready, unceremoniously pops up, giving me little time to fully re-equip my Arcanist equipment/prepare. I don't know how they intend to address the greater imbalance still when Rogue/Ninja come out.

- The fetch quests/kill quests/backtracking feel considerably archaic compared to my last MMO, Guild Wars 2, but fortunately, I've not let that hamper my enjoyment of the game, and I generally love running around the variety of environments, and having a gander at all the vistas.

- But for some reason, despite the size of the world that would dwarf Ivalice, Eorzea seems rather small relative to other MMOs. Additionally, the game is surprisingly not seamless, and is dotted with loading screens, which suggests to me that they had to technically compromise the game for PS3. Bit of a shame, because I don't think 1.0 had these, I don't think. In addition, settlements seem so frequent, that it rarely feels like I am in the middle of a vast, hostile wilderness. A sister town from another seems more like a few hops away instead of something you absolutely need a Chocobo for. I concede that this can be a positive point for players without mounts, and players who generally aren't too fond of endless trekking particularly when backtracking is ubiquitous, but I think I've been somewhat spoiled by the large worlds that a couple of other MMOs I've encountered have.

- PS3 animations and frame-rates are as bad as I thought. But it's impressive enough that it can run on such old hardware.

- This so far is the only MMO with a story that I find rather engaging. Guild Wars 2, as impressive as its scope is, never entranced me with its story, and I'm hard pressed to recall what actually happens in it apart from dragons and berserk ghosts. I'm getting deja vu when I look at the Garlean Empire, which is probably a good thing. Storyline quests may not be the most riveting things ever, but it's quite a good story, and the writing is generally fantastic, namely in NPC and quest dialogue.

- Voice acting I am more mixed about. Minfilia sounds amateur, and most other people sound flat. Kan-E-Senna particularly sounds perpetually dull and monotone.