What FF games are you currently playing/planning on playing this year?

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Warrior of Light
Nov 12, 2014
I'm playing:

Final Fantasy V (Android)
Final Fantasy IV: The After Years (Android)

Planning on playing:

Final Fantasy XIII (PS3) - replay
Final Fantasy II (Android)
Final Fantasy VI (Android)
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD (PS4)
Final Fantasy VII (PS4)
Mevius Final Fantasy (Android)
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster (PS4)
Final Fantasy XV :p


Keyblade Master
Oct 28, 2013
I'm playing Final Fantasy V and VI for the GBA at the moment. Planning on playing Final Fantasy VII, IX, XII, Type-0 HD and hopefully XV as well this year.


Warrior of Light
Sep 27, 2013
I'm planning to return to XII. I got frustrated that I got my ass continuously kicked by random enemies the last time.

I'm planning to buy Type 0 HD, but I'll play that after I get a real taste of XV. It's been almost 9 years, so you'll understand my thirst.

I may finally finish Lightning Returns. We'll see.
I'm currently on hiatus from FFXIV after three months of playing. It was eating up too much of my time, and inevitably, endgame seems chiefly composed of farming and grinding for miscellaneous items, Seals, Tomestones, etc. Most of the people I know and have played with in the past are also offline, deflating much of my initial enthusiasm. In addition, add a dose of fatigue into the mix and that's where I currently am with FFXIV.


Heavensward is coming. I don't necessarily think I will be there Day 1 for it (there's quite a lot going on in my life as it is), but I will definitely turn up in Ishgard and beyond in some shape or form this year. Hopefully a lot of my friends will also decide to be there, if only just for a wee bit, so we can march into Alexander together. Hilariously, none of us are interested in the Machinist job.

Other than that, I suppose the time for my re-run of FFVIII is coming close. I haven't touched the game for about 8-9 years, and I've virtually forgotten most of what happens after Disc 2.

If Mevius comes out in the west this year, that will also be worth checking out, leaving aside the relatively minor issue of terrible character clothing design. They're pitching the game as a console-quality title for smartphones, so I'm intrigued to see how that plays out. It certainly makes much more sense to pitch a Final Fantasy spinoff console-quality title for smartphones than what Square-Enix elected to do last time: make a "console-quality" mobile prequel/spinoff-thingy to Deus Ex: Human Revolution.

EDIT: Jury's out on Type-0 HD still.
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Shin Kazama

Sphere Hunter
UFFSite Veteran
Oct 30, 2013
Back when FFXIII first came out, I lost my save file due to my HDD in my PS3 going out. So I've been replaying that lately. When I finish it I'll move on to to XIII-2 and LR; I already own both collector's editions and haven't touched them, sadly. I'm also playing FFXIV. Still need to finish X HD. Other than that, definitely Type-0 and VII (PS4). I've been pondering over playing VIII again lately so I may end up doing that sometime this year. And obviously XV if by some chance it launches in '15.

LOL, typing that out just confirms how ridiculous my gaming habits have become. I play way too many games at once. Sometimes I miss the days when I was a broke teenager and had to do odd jobs to scrape up enough money to buy ONE new game. I would play the shit out of that one game before moving on, too. Nowadays I just have too many damn options. Someone toss me a Self Control Potion.


Balamb Garden Freshman
Sep 27, 2013
I'm currently not playing any FF games (actually I'm playing Persona 3 Portable for the first time, before P5 comes out). I just finished Lightning Returns on January 1st, finished X and X-2 last year on my Vita, so all I have to do is wait for march to play Type-0 HD and the FFXV demo.
I'm definitely NOT playing FFVII on PS4 since I think Square trolled everyone with this port and I'm not going to support them.


SOLDIER Second Class
Sep 20, 2014
Santiago de Chile
Is VIII worth playing? I've heard some troubling things about the Junction System.
It is, completely. But don't expect a 'masterpiece' like VI or VII. It's a good game (a very good game and one of my favorites, imo) and a very good RPG, but it's not the best on the series. The Juction System isn't easy to master at first, but once you get the grip of it the game is a breeze. The Steam version also has an option to maximize every object and magic you have to 100, so you don't have to worry about Drawing. If you don't play the Steam version, use card-mod tactics to get magics and customize your characters, doing so makes the game much more enjoyable than Drawing one magic at a time (...you'll get it when you play it).

I recommend you the game. Specially now that XV seems to have a lot in common with it (VIII wasn't the first to feature cars, but it was the one with the most diversity of 4-wheels on the series).
May 26, 2014
LOL, typing that out just confirms how ridiculous my gaming habits have become. I play way too many games at once. Sometimes I miss the days when I was a broke teenager and had to do odd jobs to scrape up enough money to buy ONE new game. I would play the shit out of that one game before moving on, too. Nowadays I just have too many damn options. Someone toss me a Self Control Potion.
The eternal dilemma. As a kid you have tons of time to play video games but not enough money to buy anything you want. As an adult you can buy pretty much what you want but barely any time for games. And I've not reached it yet (and I don't think you have either) but when we're senior citizens we'll probably have plenty of time and money to play games but by then our old bones will be too brittle to even think of picking up a controller. lol

Anyway, playing XII.
Nov 17, 2014
Lightning Returns is coming to PC in Spring.
I already have FFXIII-2, but I don't want to play 2 FF games alternately, even if it's mobile. It breaks the immersion. If I'm finished playing FFXIII-2 before spring arrives, I'm planning on replaying FFIV. I want to relive the story in my mind.


Warrior of Light
Nov 12, 2014
I already have FFXIII-2, but I don't want to play 2 FF games alternately, even if it's mobile. It breaks the immersion. If I'm finished playing FFXIII-2 before spring arrives, I'm planning on replaying FFIV. I want to relive the story in my mind.
Alright, I was simply clearing it up for you since you didn't appear to be convinced it was coming.