Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Feb 19, 2018
For people who keep saying an Insomnia prologue or adaptation of Kingsglaive’s main plot-points are “unnecessary” whenever someone comments that they would like that to be shown in-game, here’s a simplified version of XV’s plot following the basic structure of storytelling:

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It’s not –by and large- because Insomnia “looked cool in the old trailers”. It’s because both the exposition and inciting incident are key parts in good storytelling, setting-up plot points, world-building and character motivations. Even if people aren’t aware of this basic storytelling structure, this is exactly what they are alluding to when they say things like:

“I wish we could have seen Insomnia pre-invasion so we could have had a strong emotional connection when we visit its ruins”.
“Why do we find out about the invasion in a newspaper? It would be so much powerful to actually see it in-game”.
“Wait, what Crystal? What ring?” (In the case of people who aren’t as involved in the FF community as we are).

It may not be a “plot hole” per-se, but rather, a storytelling hole.
I don't think anyone's said that the events of KG aren't important or that they shouldn't be more heavily tied into the game on this thread, merely that them already being in a movie serves as a justified reason for the devs not wanting to essentially reproduce said movie in playable form. Only real objection I saw was at the suggestion of it being told from Regis' perspective which I agree is entirely dumb, as he's basically a secondary character in it compared to Nyx, Luna, and Glauca/Drautos. If they do ever give us Episode Nyx I hope it's a retelling of KG to some extent. As for the Insomnia prologue I think pretty much no one is opposed to that either, only issue with it is it's placement unless they go with a Royal Edition type rework of chapter zero where instead of transitioning into the departure cutscene it feeds into the Insomnia exploration segment.

one day somebody at square said "hey let us delete already existing and emotional cutscenes from game in which boys actually see beginning of the invasion and meet with cor and replace it with reading about it from newspaper yeah" and then somebody else fucking agreed Kappa
Noctis and the bros not being there during the invasion was their first questionable storytelling choice. It's not what I would consider best for engaging storytelling, but I can let it slide.

But, in addition to that, deciding not to show the fall of Insomnia in-game, was just adding insult to injury.
Like @Nova said, the invasion was cut due to the strict deadline and they had to keep FFXV on track for release, Nomura apparently had very little of that portion done so completing it was going to be a major drain on resources. Doing the movie was the only way they could keep the Invasion while also completing the game. It wasn't just a random choice.

Edit: Also they did actually show the fall, in the cutscene montage of KG you see the invasion and then as the bros you see the dreadnoughts heading into Insomnia so technically that much is actually in there.


SOLDIER Second Class
Feb 23, 2018
I believe all content should be related to the main story and Noctis, so i don't want a playable section with Regis. But surely the game lacks the scenes we saw about the father and son relationship.
It's important to know how Noctis sees his father, to learn what perception he has about his royal dutties and having to take the role of king. Is the kind of information that shouldn't be in a side product like Brotherhood and the Platinum Demo are.
I hope this elements and how Noctis is chosen by the gods ends up in the game.


Balamb Garden Freshman
Mar 4, 2018


Forest Owl
Mar 4, 2018
I'm conflicted about feedback. On one hand our surveys and opinions got us episode Ardyn and episode Luna......... but on the other hand it got us countless pointless gimmicks and wasted SEs resources on alternative ep iggy and now alternative timelines in game.
Likes: Storm


Balamb Garden Freshman
Mar 4, 2018
At this point I'm okay with alternative ending, they wont change the master plan. but at least ep ardyn and aranea focus on the canon. And 10-20 minutes of pre-invasion insomnia like "parting ways" from noctis's apartement to citadel and build emotional relationship between father and son.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
would be interesting to link this thread on reddit as well
anyway, a part of me think the creators should do what they are inspired to do, but another is convinced alternate storylines arent exciting enough.

really, alternate storylines are just an afterthought here, the game wasn't created with that in mind since the beginning, like say chrono trigger or FFXIII-2.


Forest Owl
Mar 4, 2018
Can someone link that thread to the SE dude on twitter who collects feedback?

Yeah, alternate endings aren't my thing. It's so forced in FFXV that it almost seems like they're trying to mimic Nier Automata or P5 since those games got praised.


SOLDIER Second Class
Feb 23, 2018
Can someone link that thread to the SE dude on twitter who collects feedback?

Yeah, alternate endings aren't my thing. It's so forced in FFXV that it almost seems like they're trying to mimic Nier Automata or P5 since those games got praised.
Now that he answered, i think we should post things here and not overwhelm him.
Likes: dawn


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
thats great to hear

i think resuming it for me, the dlcs should focus on canonical events as much as possible, and focus on using its world potential (exploring insomnia not a destroyed version of it, areas on the second continent like cartanica or tenebrae - small or not).
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Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
Why do we need what Noctis & bros were doing before departure? The opening chapter already introduces the characters and set ups the plot, it's unnecesary.

Why that side story with Regis when the game adresses what happened and what Regis did in the treaty ceremony, this doesn't follow the criteria set by the other DLCs (i.e: stories not seen in the main game)

I still don't see any intrinsical reason, that goes beyond wanting more hours in the continent, why Niflheim should be expanded. Maybe the stuff that comes before Cartanica could get some expansion to slightly smooth the "several weeks" transition but there's not a lot story to add outside of maybe showing the tension growing in the group (which OG ch.10 already did). There's no point in adding anything after Cartanica because the bros already set their heart and mind to go on with their mission by the end of ch.10.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
Why do we need what Noctis & bros were doing before departure? The opening chapter already introduces the characters and set ups the plot, it's unnecesary.

Why that side story with Regis when the game adresses what happened and what Regis did in the treaty ceremony, this doesn't follow the criteria set by the other DLCs (i.e: stories not seen in the main game)

I still don't see any intrinsical reason, that goes beyond wanting more hours in the continent, why Niflheim should be expanded. Maybe the stuff that comes before Cartanica could get some expansion to slightly smooth the "several weeks" transition but there's not a lot story to add outside of maybe showing the tension growing in the group (which OG ch.10 already did). There's no point in adding anything after Cartanica because the bros already set their heart and mind to go on with their mission by the end of ch.10.
a pre-invasion scenario has a lot of potential and can be used in many different ways

more father-son relationship (dawn trailer, regis saving noctis from the daemon...)
backstory of the politics, crystal, lucii
parting ways novel (a new prologue?)
exploration in a modern area

any of the above could fit right in with the Ep Noctis, if it wasn't apparently focused on alt events

after cartanica, there's actually a dungeon below shiva on pocket edition; i agree with you theres not much need of exploration after chapter 10, but even then it felt really rushed, the pacing was off.

anyway im looking more at elements that excites me as a fan, most dlcs doesnt absolutely NEED to be there, the alternate thing even less.
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SOLDIER Second Class
Feb 23, 2018
I will compile all the things i want to be taken in mind with the final dlcs and updates, so the SE Staff doesn't have to read all the pages (Thanks for all your work):

-A hard Mode. This mode should add time delay for the items you use, so you die if don't defend properly. Also, is important to increase the health/defense of the enemies in the story progression. Forcing you to do side content to be at level. Right now the bosses die in less than a minute.
Also, it would be great to have a Hard Mode+ for the people who plays at new game+.
- Calling the three companions to run around the Lucis once we reach chapter 8 or 15.

Story: The first of all, i think all the dlc except Comrades should be added to the narrative, removing the credits.
-Episode Gladio: At Chapter 8 we should be able to camp in a certain spot to start the episode.
-Episode Ignis: At chapter 9 when Titan appears and his rocks break, the story should go to Ignis until he decides to go to the altar with Ravus. Then the CGI scene where Luna dies should be played and followed by Ignis and Ravus reaching the Altar. When Pryna shows Ignis the future, we should just hear what Bahamuth says, without showing the ending (it doesn't affect the narrative to know at that moment Noctis should die. Even better, MORE DRAMA!). The rest of the chapter is played as usual and the first credits scene of Ignis speaking to Noctis should be played before Chapter 10. Then the final scene should be played at the last camp, which help us to see how Noctis matured and now has become King.
-Episode Prompto. Once we left Tenebrae Noctis says "It's snowing." this would be a great transition to Prompto. His chapter is played without interfereance, but the credit scene should be omited (doesn't add anything)and the post credits should be added at the rest point before we fight Ravus at Chapter 13.
-Regis scenes: One thing that was promised during the development of the game is the relation father and son. Right now this content is not in the game, and don't seems to fit at the descriptions of the new dlc. So is important to remark that through Chapter 3 to 12 Noctis doesn't mentions his dad at any moment, making his later appearence, disjointed.
This scenes could be placed as little dreams at camp sites, so it doesn't interrupt the story progression and add's development at the moments you're running around doing side quests.
-Luna scenes: It seem's by description that her episode happens after her death, which is cool, but is important to add 1 or 2 scenes before reaching Altissia, so i can learn a little about her and how much Noctis loves her before he loses her.

-Exposition scenes: The game doesn't tell well what the objectives are.
At the end of chapter 2 Cor should tell us he's preparing an army and the protagonist should prepare for the moment by getting the Royal Weapons and doing the Covenants with the Astrals.
Then at chapter 5 we should learn by Gentiana or before by Umbra's diary, about Luna having the ring and tell why it is important.
Before reaching the train, a scene should be implemented to learn why they're rushing towards Gralea (at that moment you don't know Shiva and Ifrit are dead or Bahamuth is in the Cristal), and showing how Noctis isn't collaborating before Gladio screams at him.
-How Noctis was chosen (playable): Being FFXV the story of Noctis we should know he was attacked as a child and then he was chosen.
This should be told by using the Platinum Demo, the content of the fifht chapter of Brotherhood and the Dawn trailer. To create a playable experience that introduces us to the main plot.
-Add Verse 2 at chapter 13 without cutting out Noctis route. The Verse should start after we learn with Noctis that Ravus is dead. So we don't discover that watching a tape, but learning the Demon is Iedolas before he chases us.

About the dlc: I hope they are tied to the main story and the lore details are shown and explained without having to take the alternative ending.
The worst part of Ignis Verse 2 is having Ardyn telling things that we didn't learn at the main story.
Nobody knows how this content or new ending will play, but i hope it does everything more cohesive instead of making everything more messy.

Also, please, don't make a happy ending.
Having an option of the characters being happy without consequences, deminish the entirety of the theme the game has about sacrifice.
An alternative ending without a bad side will make the original ending the "wrong way" of finishing the story.

Thanks for all your efforts!I hope some things placed here are already in mind of the developers.
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Wena Washo

PSICOM Soldier
Nov 30, 2017
What I think the game urgently needs:

-Map the "jump" and "interact" commands to different buttons, or at least give priority to the "interact" command over "jump".
-Insomnia prologue to properly set-up the relationship between Noctis and Regis, the bros lives in Insomnia, and the political conflict.
-Incorporate key Kingsglaive plot-points into the game (Niflheim attacks Insomnia, Ravus loses his arm, Regis gives the ring to Luna, Regis dies).
-Add a scene between Gladiolus and Iris mourning their father's death (to help with the tone dissonance).
-Add more Luna PRIOR to her death, so her character is properly built-up.
-Add a prompt to play the DLC during the main-game.
-During the first playthrough, don't show the spoiler of Ignis finding out Noctis must die.
-Properly set-up the Noctis and Gladio discussion that goes down in Chapter 10.
-Open up Tenebrae. It doesn't have to be as big as Lucis. Best moment to do so is between chapters 10 and 11.
-Hard mode.
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Balamb Garden Freshman
Feb 28, 2018
This x1000. Every other suggestion is also very important, but the lack of transparency a lot of times makes the game unplayable. Being able to see what you are doing is KEY in an action game.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork