If you had to make a TV spot for FFXV...

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Warrior of Light
Oct 30, 2016
...how would you do it?

Since we haven't gotten a western TV spot for FFXV yet, I've started wondering what such a thing would even look like. It does seem like a difficult game to boil down to 30 seconds, after all.

Here's my idea, to start things off:

Open with Squenix logo before switching to Noct and company in a Niflheim base at night. Noct narrates "The Empire took everything from me" as Ignis is shown pulling him behind a crate in a Niflheim base to keep him from drawing fire immediately.

Ignis points at a turret; Noct warp-kills the soldier in it then starts blowing everything up. Noct narrates, "Now I'm taking it all back."

Before he can do too much damage, an MA-X appears and blows up the turret with missiles, forcing Noct to phase out of the way. Noct warp-strikes the MA-X and does a few air steps before getting swatted away. Gladio helps him up while Prompto provides cover fire, but Noct's eyes are already glowing purple.

"Good thing I have help," the narration finishes, and Ramuh appears in the sky, lightning flashing menacingly behind him. Cut to title card.

The benefits of this:
- A nighttime stealth mission offers a dark Versus-style feel while visually justifying the Chocobros' black clothes.
- A military setting is more likely to draw the immediate interest of the AAA spectacle shooter crowd than any other setting, while Ramuh should make it clear that we're dealing with a fantasy game (and therefore an RPG, given AAA genre trends).
- It shows off quite a few of Noct's unique abilities.
- It offers an increasing sense of scale as it goes from stealth assassination to flashy explosions to fighting giant mechs to literal gods.
- Pretty much everything can be done at will in the actual game.
- It shows off the brotherhood theme.

The disadvantages, of course, are that it doesn't really show off the open world or the road trip, and it doesn't lend itself to using Stand by Me as the background track. But I think it could be really effective in the West, at least.

Anyone else have any cool ideas about how to advertise the game?
Likes: Lulcielid


Warrior of Light
Oct 30, 2016
Just cut off scenes from the Omen trailer :]
I considered this, but it's hard to find 30 seconds of the Omen trailer that are both properly representative of the game and viable to show in general audience trailers. Omen seems more like the FFXV equivalent of the Digic shorts used by Assassin's Creed and The Witcher as online hype trailers than the base for an actual commercial.

Plus, I'm kind of hoping the TV spot is done by Visual Works. >_>


SOLDIER, First Class
Mar 27, 2016
I kinda made a quick and dirty one using the Omen trailer. Wanted it to be shorter than 1 minute though. About 40 seconds would have been good:

The only real editing I did was add some creepy whispers in the background and sped up the footage.

I wanted to add some dialogue from the game with an echo effect but got lazy xD
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