Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Jun 7, 2014
Tabata says that Luna is a strong female character...
Why not present her as such, then?

EDIT: They didn't even reveal the other female's name and kept calling her "the black-haired girl" lol
So much for the info blowout.
Last edited:
Feb 21, 2015
Heya haven't been on here in forever though I felt like I needed to say this.
So the interwebz is saying the showing for Final Fantasy XV was somewhat lackluster and the fanbase and commenters and, well everyone is really pissed off.
I am kinda too, probably cause there is still a small part of me that wants to see it suceed because of my time with it as Versus XIII
But now I know it's not Versus anymore it is FFXV. Although it was born from Versus.

So here are the reasons why and some of my thoughts and analysis behind it. Feel free to ignore this if it doesn't interest you. But this is my sociological business side coming out.
I'll post this in the Gamescom details thread too.

1. No release date or window.
2. They keep saying Luna is a damsel in distress Stella wasn't.
3. All the changes they are making from Versus XIII including Regis design.
4. Lack of gameplay shown.
5. Don't know what's going on in the trailer thus can't be emotionally intrigued or invested.
6. Lack of story details.
7. Nothing to get them hyped again.

There are several things to note though.

1. Most people cannot admit that this is no longer Versus XIII and it is different so they should see it as something new rather than a 9 year old promise.
2. Even though it is not Versus it was born from it and evolved from it so Versus is its core and its essence.
3. Lunafreya is only shown slightly so they need to withhold judgement. Also she is teased to be the one who summons Leviathan... Yea damsel in distress my ass.
4. All the redesigns are normal for game development it's just that Versus XIII was a special case. We basically got to see it when it was in pre development stages so things naturally change. I also believe that all the changes were okayed and done by the previous Kingdom Hearts director before he left the project.
5. The are basically trying to ease all the people in with the changes in a slow manner.
6. The "Dawn" trailer shown would have been great for mid promotional phase but to start it... Eh not so much.
7. They need to release some back story to get players emotionally intrigued.
8. Players are dumb they don't know what they want, the don't want to be spoiled but they want story details.
9. They need to show the full fleshed out gameplay and combat system.
10. We need a 5 min story trailer with gameplay and a release window soon. The fans and masses will be back on the hype train then. But it needs to happen fast or they will lose traction.


SOLDIER Second Class
Sep 20, 2014
Santiago de Chile
Heya haven't been on here in forever though I felt like I needed to say this.
So the interwebz is saying the showing for Final Fantasy XV was somewhat lackluster and the fanbase and commenters and, well everyone is really pissed off.
I am kinda too, probably cause there is still a small part of me that wants to see it suceed because of my time with it as Versus XIII
But now I know it's not Versus anymore it is FFXV. Although it was born from Versus.

So here are the reasons why and some of my thoughts and analysis behind it. Feel free to ignore this if it doesn't interest you. But this is my sociological business side coming out.
I'll post this in the Gamescom details thread too.

1. No release date or window.
2. They keep saying Luna is a damsel in distress Stella wasn't.
3. All the changes they are making from Versus XIII including Regis design.
4. Lack of gameplay shown.
5. Don't know what's going on in the trailer thus can't be emotionally intrigued or invested.
6. Lack of story details.
7. Nothing to get them hyped again.

There are several things to note though.

1. Most people cannot admit that this is no longer Versus XIII and it is different so they should see it as something new rather than a 9 year old promise.
2. Even though it is not Versus it was born from it and evolved from it so Versus is its core and its essence.
3. Lunafreya is only shown slightly so they need to withhold judgement. Also she is teased to be the one who summons Leviathan... Yea damsel in distress my ass.
4. All the redesigns are normal for game development it's just that Versus XIII was a special case. We basically got to see it when it was in pre development stages so things naturally change. I also believe that all the changes were okayed and done by the previous Kingdom Hearts director before he left the project.
5. The are basically trying to ease all the people in with the changes in a slow manner.
6. The "Dawn" trailer shown would have been great for mid promotional phase but to start it... Eh not so much.
7. They need to release some back story to get players emotionally intrigued.
8. Players are dumb they don't know what they want, the don't want to be spoiled but they want story details.
9. They need to show the full fleshed out gameplay and combat system.
10. We need a 5 min story trailer with gameplay and a release window soon. The fans and masses will be back on the hype train then. But it needs to happen fast or they will lose traction.
I agree with you almost to completion, but what I think is the reason behind people's anger is the same that angered people when the Final Fantasy VII Steam port was presented for PS4 the last December on the PSX Event: Square Enix (Tabata, in this case) tend to hype a lot announcements that just don't measure up, and that hype explodes in everyone faces. I think that that plus what you posted is what allow us to name this 'reveal' (?) a disaster.

It's a shame, really, because we are fans of Final Fantasy who are entusiastic enough to look for these kind of forums and communities just to share our love or liking for this franchise, but even we get hit hard when SE does these kind of BSs. What do you think happen to people who doesn't share our love for this franchise than much? They are the ones that get pissed off more quickly and just don't go and buy the game in the end. And it's just SE fault in this case, because they present these events as the second coming of our Saviour (pun intended), but everything ends up with a "Please be excited" ending that just slowly kills every drop of passion we have for this series.

And that's a shame.
And it pisses me off.

And sorry for my English. Not in the mood to check for grammar corrections this time.

I'm going outside and kill something in the meantime.
Damn! It's raining! >_<
Likes: Rin
Feb 21, 2015
(Tabata, in this case) tend to hype a lot announcements that just don't measure up, and that hype explodes in everyone faces. I think that that plus what you posted is what allow us to name this 'reveal' (?) a disaster
I don't believe they actually hyped it up beyond belief this time. For one the game's existence because of its history creates a hype or mystery about it naturally so that's always a factor. Though, concerning Gamescom. I only really recall them saying that they will "start" their promotional campaign and posting a gif about it one day before. I could be wrong. But I think we hyped it up a lot more in our heads than in reality this time around.
Again I could be wrong. But that's what I feel like I did. Not saying they could've done a better job though.
Feb 21, 2015
That's the problem. That's what they said. That alone should be reason enough to hype people.
From a business standpoint, which I think was the context. It's more semantics and PR than anything else. The hyping falls on the consumer to be hyped and how hype affects them, whether it be a little or a lot.

I get where you are coming from though. I got too hyped.
I also still see this game as Versus XIII when it isn't. It was born from Versus and retains its essence but it is not Versus.
So I am personally trying to see it as a new game and not a 9 year old promise. It is difficult though.
My hype will be logically under control until I see something that really resonates with me.
When that happens its okay to be excited!! HAHA!


Balamb Garden Freshman
Aug 30, 2014
Well, the E3 absence had a big part in setting up high expectations for Gamescom. Personally, I didn't expect much of anything (my feeling is that their cards had already been shown with the public demo and ensuing's now time to tune things and focus on finishing the game), but then again, I have no emotional investment in FFXV aside from wanting it to succeed and bring back some enthusiasm for Japanese development.

At the end of the day, I think there's still a problem with PR/marketing trying to heat things up and development struggling to move fast enough to catch up (in which case, they'd be inclined not to disturb development too much when preparing for public events). I guess we can pick our poison: radio silence for lengthy periods or lots of PR with erratic timing in terms of new things to show. Either way, fans can get pretty pissed, even taking it personally as some kind of maliciousness.
Feb 21, 2015
At the end of the day, I think there's still a problem with PR/marketing trying to heat things up and development struggling to move fast enough to catch up (in which case, they'd be inclined not to disturb development too much when preparing for public events). I guess we can pick our poison: radio silence for lengthy periods or lots of PR with erratic timing in terms of new things to show. Either way, fans can get pretty pissed, even taking it personally as some kind of maliciousness.
Right on point.