Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
I have another question: What has impressed you guys so far about what we've seen of FF XV? For most people, its the music. For me... Combination of those sleek cutscenes and Battle system and how AMAZING those animations are.
I am impressed by a lot of things, I think all the stuff shown at CEDEC2015 is incredible though! The Luminous Engine is so feature rich, it's amazing. The amount of control they have over their systems is ridiculous, it's definitely a strong competitor for UE4, in many ways I think it surpasses it.

As for the actual game, I've been excited since Versus, so it's a little hard to say really what gets me right now other than the idea of this game existing... but I do enjoy many aspects of the game as they are today, looking forward to the final product!
Thanks for sharing what you guys like about FF XV so far! I enjoy reading them. It's really nice to see some positivity. These days, FF XV is a punching bag. If Tabata says just one thing... "Get this guy!!! He doesn't know what he's doing!!!" And I can understand being cautious but a person should be cautious and realistic about any game they're interested in. They shouldn't just slam FF XV over anything.


Apr 11, 2015
First half of the CEDEC FFXV ED2.0 Animation Presentation translated (up until "Procedural Animation"). I advise that you read it in conjunction with the original document (titled: FINAL FANTASY XV -EPISODE DUSCAE- のアニメーション ~接地感向上のためのとりくみ~) as I did not include every slide used in the presentation.

But honestly, unless you're a game dev or a techie much of this will probably go over your head (like it did to me), lol.

Can someone explain what it means in plain speak?
Likes: Rin


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
First half of the CEDEC FFXV ED2.0 Animation Presentation translated (up until "Procedural Animation"). I advise that you read it in conjunction with the original document (titled: FINAL FANTASY XV -EPISODE DUSCAE- のアニメーション ~接地感向上のためのとりくみ~) as I did not include every slide used in the presentation.

But honestly, unless you're a game dev or a techie much of this will probably go over your head (like it did to me), lol.
Thank you, I'll take a look.
Likes: Rin


PSICOM Soldier
Nov 26, 2013
I really hope the final game is at least on par with that Duscae walkthrough shown last October, that's the best the game ever looked outside a tech demo.
Also definitely not a fan of that nasty vignette filter from the demo, it really diminished the lighting and overall IQ, hope that's absent in the final version.

Crystal Power

Keyblade Master
Nov 29, 2013
United States
So Tabata confirmed there will be in-game costumes. Anyone hoping for anything specific?

I would like to see some sort of Noble outfit for Noctis, with the colors of red. Also not many will agree, but I hope the cast get some athletic outfits. Gladious would be a football player, Prompto Soccer, Ignis the baseball player, and Noctis can wear a basketball uniform. If the girls join I think Cindy would be acrobats, Luna in Tennis uniform.

Crystal Power

Keyblade Master
Nov 29, 2013
United States
Wait when ? Unless you are refering to what he said at TGS- "characters may have a second outfit" (or something along the lines).
Sorry, I want to re-track what I said lol, I was a bit to ambitious. XD I actually think he mention that along the lines of DLC, which he confirmed. Things like an airship, outfits, etc, he also went on you say any DLC would be free.

Also he once said the Roen designs will still be present as well, In August.

I'm going to search to find that interview

Crystal Power

Keyblade Master
Nov 29, 2013
United States


Red Wings Commander
Feb 21, 2015
Pretty sure that in the officially translated ATR video the only thing Tabata says will be free is the Airship, and this is IF they end up adding it in post launch.

Crystal Power

Keyblade Master
Nov 29, 2013
United States
Pretty sure that in the officially translated ATR video the only thing Tabata says will be free is the Airship, and this is IF they end up adding it in post launch.
It clearly say here that if there will be DLC it will ALL be free. Unless Nova Crystallis is not a reliable source anymore...

In addition to this they are also considering adding Gilgamesh and others.
Should they add content to the game via DLC, it will always be for free. For example, if they are to add airships through DLC, it will be a free download.


Red Wings Commander
Feb 21, 2015
It clearly say here that if there will be DLC it will ALL be free. Unless Nova Crystallis is not a reliable source anymore...

In addition to this they are also considering adding Gilgamesh and others.
The article you are quoting was translated by an unofficial source, not directly by Square Enix.
The ATR with the english subs that came out a week later never talks about any DLC being free except the airship.
If you can find a moment of them talking about free DLC for anything outside of the Airship in the ATR video please, feel free to correct me.

Likes: LeonBlade

Crystal Power

Keyblade Master
Nov 29, 2013
United States
The article you are quoting was translated by an unofficial source, not directly by Square Enix.
The ATR with the english subs that came out a week later never talks about any DLC being free except the airship.
If you can find a moment of them talking about free DLC for anything outside of the Airship in the ATR video please, feel free to correct me.

If that is how you operate then that is fine. However, mind you with that logic that means you don't accept any written interview on any site that is not published on the developers, producers, and so on, official sites.

As I said if that is how you take all interviews as 'grain of salts' unless said from the source itself then that's fine. I don't go around claiming any site to be truthful but as for Nova Crystallis I trust them to be reliable, and if a mistake was made by the site then I will accept that, but as far as I know it was said to be in the Q&A with Tabata there and I trust them. So I believe Tabata wants all DLC to be free.


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
and if a mistake was made by the site then I will accept that
NC's wording was taking as an assumption from a rough translation and in a way out of context. The only usage of "free" was towards the airship, however nothing was stated about other DLC being free or not.

If you can find a moment of them talking about free DLC for anything outside of the Airship in the ATR video please, feel free to correct me.
You are correct, it was basically just a rushed out translation based on what other people were reporting on Twitter on NC nothing really concrete or anything. The official translation should be taken as it is stated as you show here.

It doesn't matter either way, it's just costumes... Personally I don't care if they get any new ones as I wont be switching them regardless.