Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
They didn't say this, they said that the new DLC episodes will be more like a new series and having more to do with the foundation of the games world and expanding on locations of the game, which they are doing in Ep Ardyn and Ep Aranea, and would too in Luna and Noctis's, they said nothing about them not making new Episodes.

Luna's Episode does not sound as it is an alternate story, just like Ignis's one isn't either, it only sounds like hers has a seperate alt end in it like Ep Ignis Verse 2 was, and things like Alt ends can in turn give more context for things never given the context in a different timeline, like Ardyn mentioning that his Brother was the founder king only in Ep Ignis, but not in the main timeline, but that doesn't make Ardyn mentioniong it in Ep Ignis a non canon thing, it just gave a new contextual situation for why he'd reveal that.

I don't know why you are acting as if them doing alt ends means they can't answer stuff people were wondering about in the main timeline portion of those DLCs.
Why not just reveal the canon info in the canon storyline instead of the alternative one?

Ardyn could've just as easily revealed his brother being the Founder King in the original story. I see no reason why it was put there.

Case in point, alternative endings or alternate storyline's shouldn't be entertained at all when they have so much that needs fixing for the main story. This is just my no-fuss, no-nonsense personality trait coming out here.
Likes: Loganight
Feb 19, 2018
No one said anything about the original ending being replaced officiall (unless you count peoples head canon)

The main argument is focusing on alternatives is a waste of time when they should be focusing on the core game.

It’s odd because they said they weren’t going to do anymore character episodes yet... now they are.

No complaints about episode Ardyn since that’s a given. Aranea at least focuses on the core game, even if it’s via a separate entity...

Noctis and Luna ones are just weird.

You can’t honestly tell me you think focusing production time into anything alternative related is a good way to spend resources?

Especially on a game where the fans have been waiting for clarifications for specific parts of the story for over a year now...
I'm curious as to what other clarifications you were hoping for seeing as Ardyn is effectively giving us most of Eos' most pivotal history/backstory and will explain about the crystal, line of Lucis, and will even heavily feature the astrals. Episode Aranea seems to address most of the things we wanted to see more of in the second half of the game which was more of Niflheim's story with the Starscourge and we know she was at Tennbrae fighting Daemons so we're likely getting more of that as well. Episode Luna like I said before doesn't seem to imply that it's entirely non canon in its description and honestly seems like an Episode Ignis type of deal. Either way we're gonna get more on her character as well and will likely get more elaboration on the afterlife and whatnot through her. Only Episode that I see not at all adhering to canon is Noct's but even then that doesn't mean it cant have canon components or that it still won't answer certain questions we want to know like how Ignis Verse 2 is where we first found out that the founder king was Ardyn's brother. Anyway I get where you're coming from but I don't see what other big revelations or clarifications that you want that you don't think you'll get because of Episode Noctis or because of Luna having a Verse 2? I'd like to know.

Edit: Whoops seems like I repeated some of Bazztek's points due to not seeing his post pop up while I was typing. lol
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
Here's how I can see it going down:

Aranea's could be very well be incoporated into the main story. It's considered a side story that seems to be an additional scenario much needed in Niflheim. How much of what it covers remains to be seen.

The other 3, starting with Ardyn, will all be "post game stories", meaning you possibly have to clear the original ending first before the DLC unlock. It seems that Ardyn's episode will spark a chain of events that allows the future to be changed through Noct's, even though it's 99% likely to be canon!

This is why I think that these won't be silly wasteful episodes that give us only a "happy" ending, it's also possible that this could possibly lead to a more optional, extended, more grandiose ending.

For example, people wanted a bigger final boss for the series? Ardyn not enough? Wanted some form of Chaos or some ridiculous meta-physical being? Episode Noct can possibly do that for people who wanted it. Ardyn crypictically says to Noct that he's being used by the crystal. Not saying that Ardyn's fight would change (please god no we do not need a monster form), but the Starscourge itself or the crystal could be pulling the strings and THAT I'd be game for.

This is why I can be excited for the 3 DLC. All 3 could possibly paint a picture as to how something like this could be accomplished. It gives us a chance to have a bigger, more FF like ending for the classic nerds like me, while also not stomping or shitting in the ending we already have, because it was perfect.
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Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
I'm curious as to what other clarifications you were hoping for seeing.
Mainly improving the chapter content, story telling aspect and chapter transitions for the main game.

More cutscenes, scenarios, and story/lore explanations as part of the main story instead of it being an afterthought accessed via DLC on the title screen.

This would include adding in cutscenes for the rest of the cast throughout the game (Cor and Iris for example), explore their backgrounds, cutscenes for Ravus and Luna, Noctis and the guys learning about their roles in the overall grand scheme of things, etc.

Each chapter is so focused on only one thing that I can finish the game in under 10 hours if I did nothing but do the stuff for the main storyline.

Getting back a car, finding parts for a boat, and hopping on a train as the sole focus of an individual chapter isn't good at all.

I just feel that the story for this FFXV Universe is so poorly put together overall...
Likes: Wena Washo


Forest Owl
Feb 24, 2018
The thing that makes me think Episode Luna will be non-canon is the bit about her trying to subvert Noctis's fate. Maybe it comes to naught by the time we get to the point where her ghost shows back up in the main game but I think it definitely leaves the DLC open to possibly being non-canonical.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
Because he only reveals that to Ignis because Ignis questions him, as he would, while Noctis was busy being sucked into the Crystal while Ardyn told him his identity.
Writer's can obviously find a way of divulging that information.

The Founder King battle in Royal Edition is an example of that. He basically tells them once you defeat him.

My point is, they can divulge the info they need in canon updates. Alternative nonsense does not need to be a thing at all.

I've said my piece on the matter.

If people want them to distract themselves with alternative stuff, then fine. Nothing we say is going to stop what they're going to do anyway.

I just find it baffling they can't focus on the main things and they like to waste time on things that don't matter.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Warrior of Light
Jul 14, 2015
That still doesn't answer my question of why they went the episodic route when they said they weren't going to do that anymore.
They never said they wouldn't though, they said that they'd take a different direction with them that would connect to the main storymore as a series, with EP. Ardyn spearheading that direction.
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Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Forest Owl
Mar 4, 2018
Now everyone's arguing over SE's vague few sentences lol. I'll just take a step back for now and go back to questioning the possibility of a hard mode in 2018 as free DLC. At least until we get more concrete details about each new DLC.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014
Writer's can obviously find a way of divulging that information.

The Founder King battle in Royal Edition is an example of that. He basically tells them once you defeat him.

My point is, they can divulge the info they need in canon updates. Alternative nonsense does not need to be a thing at all.

I've said my piece on the matter.

If people want them to distract themselves with alternative stuff, then fine. Nothing we say is going to stop what they're going to do anyway.

I just find it baffling they can't focus on the main things and they like to waste time on things that don't matter.
The founder kings battle was added months after Episode Ignis and after it was already made clear that the Founder King is Ardyn's brother, you act like the characters backstory and personality somehow change by alt timeline stuff when that isn't the case, the future is what is being changed in an alt timeline here, not the past. For example say Ravus died in one timeline without ever getting to tell the real Noctis he accepts him as his true king, while in another timeline he lives and does get to, this is not a change in vision but it is a change in context for why one character was able to do something and it having an affect on another.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
They never said they wouldn't though, they said that they'd take a different direction with them that would connect to the main storymore as a series, with EP. Ardyn spearheading that direction.
Can't find the article since it's buried under so many new ones, but I remember one where Tabata said he wants to focus on the core game and they weren't going to do an episodic approach like that they've been doing.

Not to be too much of a downer, but how exactly is Episode Ardyn, Episode Luna, Episode Aranea, and Episode Noctis, that different from what we've been getting?

Each one still focuss on one main character, and ties back to the main story in the same way Gladio, Prompto, and Ignis did.

It's the same approach if you think about it.

Anyway I need to go out with my gf now, but I will say that leaving the core game as it is, is kinda sad. When he said he'll be updating the core game in the article I read, it implied the main game will be beefed up.

What we're getting now is no different from the season 1 DLC. Content accessed separately.
Likes: Vallen


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
you act like the characters backstory and personality somehow change by alt timeline stuff when that isn't the case
You are missing my main point entirely.

I am saying alternative things should not be developed at all. Episode Ignis was enough. They don't need to do more alternative stuff for future content since it's a waste of time.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
its possible we are overrating the alternate stuff, maybe itll just work like ep ignis

Ep Ardyn - main canon story + verse 2 leading towards the alt finale

Ep Aranea is not involved (doesnt have a numeral)

Ep Luna - main canon story (she'll fail to change Noctis fate) + verse 2 leading towards the alt finale (she succeeds)

Ep Noctis - main canon story + the alt finale or totally alternative

It just seems too risky to release two dlcs or one totally non-canon
Feb 19, 2018
Mainly improving the chapter content, story telling aspect and chapter transitions for the main game.

More cutscenes, scenarios, and story/lore explanations as part of the main story instead of it being an afterthought accessed via DLC on the title screen.

This would include adding in cutscenes for the rest of the cast throughout the game (Cor and Iris for example), explore their backgrounds, cutscenes for Ravus and Luna, Noctis and the guys learning about their roles in the overall grand scheme of things, etc.

Each chapter is so focused on only one thing that I can finish the game in under 10 hours if I did nothing but do the stuff for the main storyline.

Getting back a car, finding parts for a boat, and hopping on a train as the sole focus of an individual chapter isn't good at all.

I just feel that the story for this FFXV Universe is so poorly put together overall...
There's still a lot we don't know in regards to their game plan and free updates generally aren't announced unless they're gigantic. Hell the ride with Ardyn out of the disc of Cauthess was pretty much added secretly so I wouldn't lose hope for more free updates that patch up the main narrative's flow especially around the time of the DLCs since they'll be adding compatibility updates and whatnot. We may not be getting monthly updates anymore but that doesn't mean we probably won't get any updates at all. I can see them adding stuff to main game along with the Comrades patches like they did for March. Anyways I wouldn't totally lose hope for more fixes of that nature.