final fantasy vii remake

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  1. Lulcielid

    [SPOILERS] Final Fantasy VII Remake Discussion

    For all things spoilery about the FF7Remake game(s).
  2. Lulcielid

    FFVIIRemake & how would DLC work?

    As far as we know the FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE will come in multiple parts/games, each one would remake a certain part of the original game. That being said, under this format: Could they make DLCs for each individual "part" of the Remake? What type of DLC would they be?
  3. DailyFillup

    My Final Fantasy VII Remake Gameplay Trailer Analysis

    Hello guys, I'd love to hear what you guys think of my analysis of the new gameplay trailer. I think it's a great time to be an FF fan and we're all in for one heck of a reunion :)
  4. DailyFillup

    Why Nobuo Uematsu Must be Involved in FFVII Remake Music

    Hey everyone - this is my first thread here. I made this video to put into words why I think Nobuo Uematsu should be involved in the FFVII Remake. I've had lots of people agreeing with me, but also those who favor Shimomura to arrange for the Final Fantasy VII Remake, Ishimoto, even Okabe or...