Favorite Final Fantasy

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Sep 28, 2013
Oldenburg, GERMANY
I have heard a lot of criticism from people about X-2 as well but this is actually the first time I hear that Yuna is OOC. Mostly the criticism is about the upbeat tone and the "girly" style.

Actually I like FF X-2 a LOT. When they announced a sequel to my favorite game of all time I went bonkers. This meant that maybe Tidus and Yuna could find each other again. You have no idea how emotionally excited I was about this.

It has the characters and the world that I connected to the most (FF X), so that already was a huge bonus for me.

I also like the fact that its different from FF X. I think its important that if you make a sequel you need to give it an identity of its own, not just a "been there done that" kind of game that just rehashes what worked in the first one. That is why I think Lightning Returns will be a far better game then XIII-2 because it will provide a very fresh experience with new gameplay and world. Its more something of its own while still being a continuation of this universe which in my opinion is exactly what a sequel should be like. XIII-2 was almost more of an expansion pack to FF XIII. It used a lot of the things from XIII, had essentially the same gameplay. there were of course things that ere very different then in XIII (and some of them not for the better I´m afraid) but overall the game felt a little too much like the same game. Which is of course one of the reasons that in the 3rd game they go such a different route to keep it fresh and unique.

FF X-2 did that from the start and I really liked that. It was a completely new gameplay (one that was dynamic and wildly fun by the way!) and you could really feel that Spira had moved on into a post-SIN era and away from the despair and gloom. Which to me was only natural since the great menace SIN was finally purged from their lives.

X-2 also presented the story in chapters and presented you with tons of optional things to do and unlike FF X you could practically anywhere at any time. That in itself was already extremely different from X, which I think was really important.

The whole tone was very different which was a conscious descision on SEs part to seperate it further from FF X. X was dark, epic and melancholic so X-2 would be the opposite: fun, upbeat and bright. However there where also still moments of great emotion and sadness and yearning and it was still a game that in these moments effected me emotionally very heavily. Unlike XIII-2, X-2 was never boring or dull to me but always kept me emotionally in excitement and suspense.

The different endings were also something quite unique at that time. I remember when I played it first I skipped all the bonus stuff and just played the story because I was so desperate to see how Yuna and Tidus get together again. After X I had been an emotional wreck. That ending really knocked the life out of me. And so from the moment I even saw the start screen of FF X-2 with the beautiful "Eternity" playing in the background, I wanted her to find him again so badly. whenever she mentioned him during the game my heart would beat faster, when Shuyin first appeared on that sphere and like everybody I thought that was Tidus I nearly gasped.

Then once Yuna goes down into the farplane I knew right away (much like her) that this wasnt Tidus. He sounded the same and moved the same but he looked a bit off. then of course when he said he wanted to destroy Spira that was pretty much a giveaway. So I was just as devastated as Yuna that she had never been after Tidus in the first place.

But then there were the scenes with the whistles and the real Tidus appearing shortly (who led Yuna out of the Farplane) that gave me hope again.

That hope was then SEVERELY crushed when I saw the ending. Since I had completed none of the sidequest stuff I got the bad ending - where she says goodbye to his spirit and moves on with her life. When the end credits rolled I was empty. I was angry, I was beyond devastated. I thought that was really it. I couldnt believe SE would get my hopes up like this only to crush them in the end for another emotional blow.

Then I found out about the different endings. And of course I was all over it in an instant, did everything 100 % and got the perfect ending in which he returns to her. I swear, when that scene happened I yelled in happiness. i was like "Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, god YES!!!!!!!" It was so perfect. And if a game can affect me emotionally like this it can never be bad. Never.

I also really liked how FF X-2 not only adds to the mythology of X but actually changes the history of it (XIII-2 did that to a lesser extent as well) X-2 really wasnt just an add on to X, it was an integral part of the whole story.

Now thanks to X-2 we know that Lenne and Shuyin from the original zanarkand died 1000 years ago and when the Fayth recreated Zanarkand as a dream, they used Shuyins physical likeness as a basis for Tidus ´creation. That much is pretty obvious right now. They are still very different as characters because only the physical appearance and attributes were based on Shuyin, not the soul (Which I guess is something that the Fayth have no control over). Some also argue that Yuna might be a re-incarnation of Lenne and that her and Tidus´love was meant to happen because its a re-incarnation of the love between Shuyin and Lenne. The similarities are striking indeed and I love how the stories of X and X-2 are so interwoven and really create one larger story as a whole.

as for the OOC criticism - I dont think so. In fact between X and X-2 Yuna was an emotional wreck (pretty much like me lol), living only in pain every day. But the sphere Rikku showed her gave her hope and reignited her spirit. She became more carefree and funhaving because she WAS having fun with Rikku and Paine. That is something we simply didnt see before. In X Yuna was so chained down by her burden as summoner and what Yevon expected of her and knowing she would die, if she would defeat SIN - I wouldnt be very funhaving and upbeat either under those circumstances. It was a different life for her in a different world.

In X-2 however these things are gone. There are no summoners anymore, there is no SIN, there is no death in her immediate future, its a different world. of course its a world with different problems now as Yuna would find out during her journey but still. Yuna was free now. And guided by Rikku and Paine who often kind of swept Yuna away from her emotional pain, in their company she finally could enjoy her life, have fun with it (which is something that Tidus taught her in X - to be more outgoing and enjoy herself more), be carefree and at least momentarily happy. So I dont see where thats OOC. Its a natural evolving of the character to me after the world and circumstances of her life have changed after what happened in X.

of course her happiness was always juxtaposed by her sadness. Which is something I was very happy about. She should never forget Tidus just because she is having fun adventures with her friends. And in the story it was very clear that no matter how much fun she had, he was always in her heart and whenever she would think of him (and there were many things on Spira that instantly reminded her of him) she would be sad and in pain. I really liked that because its exactly how I felt as well. It makes you identify with her all the more on an emotional level. I thought that was very well done.

Yuna to me is one of the greatest FF characters ever created. I think I dont feel as emotionally close and connected with any other games character or japanese fictional character. A lot of my emotional bond to the world of FF X comes from my connection to her. And FF X-2 only enhanced that.

All that being said, of course FF X-2 is not on the same level as FF X. So anybody who expected a game that would be superior to X would be utterly disappointed. But I never expected it to better. Nothing will be better to FF X to me. If i would want to expect that from every FF to come, I would hate them all lol. FF X was something very special that is one of the things that happens once every few decades or so. maybe "better" is the wrong word for it. FF X probably objectively isnt "better" than VII or IX. But to me its the most special because of the emotional experience and close connection it gave me.

FF X-2 is inferior to X, no doubt about it. Its more serious, more epic, darker, more emotional and gameplay wise far superior to X-2 in my opinion. But that is totally okay with me. I never expected or even wanted FF X-2 trying to outdo X. That was never the point for me. the point of this game for me was to have a fun, emotional return to Spira, to return to the world and characters I loved so much (Which at that time FF fans had never been able to do), to see how the story continues and how Yuna and Tidus finally get their well deserved happy end and to make the gaming experience of it as different as possible so its something of its own not a rehash.

FF X-2 delivered this on all fronts. It was never as great, serious or powerful as a main numbered FF (which to me it was never supposed to be. You have a party of three funhaving girls who change into funny costumes! Of course that could never compete with a main title FF) but it was a lot of fun, a great ride, brought the story to a very perfect conclusion and added lots of stuff to the overall mythology.


Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Sep 30, 2013
Aylesbury, UK
What is your favorite Final Fantasy Main Line title?

I have loved every game since VI save XI, which I haven't played, and XII, which I lost interest with and haven't touched since.. though I need to give it another chance I think.

VIII was my first, so holds a special place in my heart, I hadn't played anything like it before.

IX I think wins it overall as my fave of the favourites, as there are so many facets to it even now I remember and love, with so many callbacks and references to the others, like XIV is now doing.

What is your favorite Final Fantasy Side game?

Final fantasy tactics, been playing FFTA and war of the lions too, and I just love the job system in these games.

What is your favorite battle system?
The old ATB system of yore, especially its 7/8/9 evolution, as well as the wayz summons worked in X and XIII

What is your favorite plot twist?
The fact Zidane was created to be an angel of death in IX, and the following "you're not alone" scene has always stayed with me since.

Also sort of a twist is Alexander's summoning in IX, easily my favourite version of the summon, and wished you could have got him as a secret one.

What is your favorite side quest?
Hard to think, chocobo breeding in VII was fun, only bothered with that on my latest replay, and getting KOTR felt great. The chocobo quests in IX, any of the optional summons like in VIII or X
Likes: Sapientia


Site Staff
Sep 24, 2013
Atlanta, GA
My favorite Final Fantasy is either VI, X or XII. I have been trying to decide for years which one I prefer most, but I have failed in that endeavor.

Favorite battle system in FFX. I really enjoy the pure (non-ATB) battle system. It can work fairly quickly when you need it to (random battles) or you can take your time when planning out your course of attacks during a difficult boss. For boss fights especially, it allows more for preemptive strategy than other systems and I love it.


Balamb Garden Freshman
Oct 4, 2013
What is your favorite Final Fantasy Main Line title?
The story, characters and setting of Final Fantasy X were the best, but the vastness of FF XII has no rival

What is your favorite Final Fantasy Side game?
Probably Crisis Core, it had me playing like crazy the whole summer

What is your favorite battle system?
I really really loved FFXIII's battle system, it was very dynamic

What is your favorite plot twist?
FF X is an epic masterpiece

What is your favorite side quest?
Not much into sidequests, but hunts in FFXII really trapped me
Oct 4, 2013
What is your favorite Final Fantasy Main Line title?

What is your favorite Final Fantasy Side game?
Probably Type-0 , it was neat game, It is basically combo of Action games and Japanese strategic scale games not in tactical/Strategic terms but in terms of world-building and objectives (invade towns, defeat strongholds and kill leaders to make army surrender). It even have "cannon fodder" trope to summon a powerful beast.

What is your favorite battle system?

What is your favorite plot twist?
Don't care about stories.

What is your favorite side quest?
I don't care about side-quests.
Oct 4, 2013
What is your favorite Final Fantasy Main Line title?
Final Fantasy VII followed closely by Final Fantasy X and IV

What is your favorite Final Fantasy Side game?

Blitzball from Final Fantasy X

What is your favorite battle system?

Final Fantasy X's CTB

What is your favorite plot twist?

Sephiroth's plot reveal in Final Fantasy VII

What is your favorite side quest?

Getting the ultimate weapons in Final Fantasy X for each character


Balamb Garden Freshman
Oct 9, 2013
What is your favorite Final Fantasy Main Line title? Final Fantasy IV

What is your favorite Final Fantasy Side game? Dissidia Duodecium 012 Final Fantasy

What is your favorite battle system? Final Fantasy XIII's Paradigm Shift

What is your favorite plot twist? The truth about Tidus' existence

What is your favorite side quest? Side Quests are the bane of my existence and I prefer the quicker ones that waste less of the game's time.


Oct 6, 2013
Favorite Final Fantasy: VII, closely followed by VIII, XII and VI.

Favorite Spin-off Title: Crisis Core

Favorite Battle System: X-2 or XII

Favorite Plot Twist: XIII was certainly a plot twist in the once epic story of FF. Sorry, couldn't think of anything else.

Favorite Side Quest: Getting Doomtrain and Odin in VIII.
Likes: Azuardo