FF Type-0 paying homage to FFVI?

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Sphere Hunter
Mar 18, 2015
After playing the game, I feel that Type-0 references FFVI very often. In some very big and subtle ways. I'll elaborate, also keep in mind that this is purely my /opinion/

- Setzer Airship: There's a familiar name. Unlike Cid, this is a name we've only seen once before in FF. That was back in FFVI. Setzer Gabbiani. In FFVI, Setzer is Gambler/Pilot who eventually becomes a party member. Also, he commands one of two Airships in all of FFVI: The Blackjack (name is a reference to his nature as a gambler.) The Setzer in FF0 being one of two Airships in Orience (albeit, the only airships that you, the player, can use.) only loosely alludes to Setzer, imo.

- Class Zero Codenames: It's apparent that the members of Class Zero's codenames are a metaphor to "playing cards".
- Jack
- Ace
- King
- Queen
, etc.
I don't believe this is purely a nod to Ace's fighting style. But rather the character of Setzer Gabbiani (FFVI). Playing Cards, for the most part, connote gambling. A pretty central theme of Setzer's character.

- Magitek: It's pretty common knowledge (or at least... I hope it is.) that the concept of Magitek, Magitek Armor, etc. made its first appearance in FFVI. I don't say that Type-0 simply references FFVI by inclusion of this (because FFXIV and FFXV do the same.), but more so because of the mission in Chapter 3, I believe? "Operation MA Demolition"
The mission places you in the Azurr region "a snowfield" on the Overworld, while in a suit of Magitek Armor.
I've included two comparison images for reference. I feel this is a pretty clear nod to FFVI's opening scene.
Screen Shot 2015-04-01 at 7.46.25 AM.png Screen Shot 2015-04-01 at 7.47.05 AM.png


Random Things that just stand out to me:

- Celes Chere/Celestia: (mostly due to name, characters are pretty different.)
- Kefka's Tower/Tower of Agito: Not super familiar with Tower of Agito yet so I can't say much in the way of similarities here other than both can only be reached via Airship lol.

Hajime Tabata /has/ stated before that FFVI is indeed his favorite FF game (praise be), so with that in mind, I'm not surprised if these things were intentionally done in-game to serve that purpose. But, these were my thoughts haha.
Anyone agree/disagree? Found anything else that stands out? I'd love to hear more opinions!
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