FF15 Judgement Disc Demo Discussion Thread

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Aug 13, 2016
It didn't take much persuading, but i have now created my Japanese PSN account and downloaded the Judgement Disc demo. Great way to spend my Saturday


Keyblade Master
May 18, 2014
Madrid, Spain
Beat it yesterday and had great fun, even though I wish I hadn't seen the whole Chapter 1 (and 2, and part of 3, 4 and 5...). I noticed some things missing (like the cat in the bridge), so I'm guessing they took out some sidequests.

The combat feel so much better now that PD is basically a joke (also, the magic system, while roughly the same, is much more responsive and fast right now. I don't know a lick of Japanese though, so I don't know how to get new flasks lol).

And the game looks either great (night time and in settlements) or a bit bland (some texture and your usual open-world jankiness, but that's to be expected, especially in an area as -usually- bland as a desert). Haven't encountered any big bug in my 2:30 playthrough.

A shame we couldn't pick Chocobos yet, because it was a little tedious if you wanted to travel vast distances without the car.

BTW, do we know if they're adding a bestiary where we can see the 3D models? I know Tabata talked about that a while ago. I'm guessing it's an option later on? I'm wondering as I really want to see the Bandersnatch I completely fucked up yesterday at level 6! It wasn't very hard tbh (you can very easily spam warp strikes from high locations and, well, it's in easy mode). Only Prompto managed to survived, I'm guessing because of his non-melee fighting style. Haven't even encountered yet a Giant; the only other Daemons I've seen so far are water-based Flans on the road to GQ.

Also, you can basically stay as much as you want during Chapter 0 provided you don't get very close. I checked Noctis' new model and man, it's fire. Also could get a look at the rest and they all look amazing.


SOLDIER, First Class
Mar 27, 2016
A Kotaku preview talked about finding passages from the world's lore book Cosmogony. Maybe that'll be it: finding pieces of info scattered around the world and some environments, which are added to a datalog-esque journal.
Ah cool! I hope there are a healthy amount of these passages scattered throughout Eos :3

Prince Naphtali

Dec 23, 2013
I've translated all of the stat icons in the equipment menu from when you open up the Help text so now we can FINALLY know what the hell these icons are.

I'll be using this screen for reference, I was going to get the icons from the demo and try to upload individual icons, but I can't be bothered to put that much work into it...

SWORD physical damage (敵に与える物理ダメージに影響する数値)
SHIELD physical defense (敵から受ける物理ダメージに影響する数値)

HEART vitality (HP) (最大HPに影響する数値)
SCEPTER magic (MP) (最大MPに影響する数値)
FLEX attack power (攻撃力に影響する数値)
FIST defensive power (防御力に影響する数値)
WAND magic damage (敵に与える魔法ダメージに影響する数値)
SUN magic defense (敵から受ける魔法ダメージに影響する数値)
FIRE fire resistance (炎属性のダメージを軽減する割合)
SNOW ice resistance (冷気属性のダメージを軽減する割合)
BOLT lightning resistance (雷属性のダメージを軽減する割合)
???? darkness resistance (闇属性のダメージを軽減する割合)
BULLET bullet resistance (弾属性のダメージを軽減する割合)
The Darkness resistance symbol Looks like a broken wing or Broken Horn.


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
The one you weren't sure about is confirmed to be dark resistance. I watched a video of a playthrough from some gaming site and he went down the list of all the stats and sure enough it was dark resistance which is interesting. I wonder if later on we will have the power to use dark elemental magic?.
I know it's Dark, I wrote that it was Dark resistance in my post. I just put ???? for the icon because I don't know what it's supposed to represent. I even put the Japanese from the help text, lol.


SOLDIER, First Class
Mar 27, 2016
Pleasantly surprised by the noise output of the console when playing this.

On my old PS4 it gets quite audible while playing PD or ED but on Pro it's pretty much whisper quiet(this is after 6 straight hours of play).

Thought, when I play the full game I'll be wearing headphones anyway so noise does not matter much xD


Red Wings Commander
Nov 5, 2016
Yeah, I noticed there aren't that many enemies like the Dual Horns at day and not so many that appear at night. I wonder if the spawn rates have been lowered because the game is supposedly running at Easy difficulty?
This the only complaint actually. There are so few monsters around... I need to walk a lot to just meet something alive :( i really hope that the number of monsters in the area is lowered cos of the difficulty thing.


Keyblade Master
Sep 9, 2016
Fixed my problem with overheating, there was hella lot of dust in PS4, now its pretty quiet and don't beeping! Im now happy that i can be lost in this game for hours.

Find amazing greatsword with different design, and its strong as f. Love the combat in this game so much, once you master it you will enjoy it in a full glory!

number of monsters in the area is lowered cos of the difficulty thing.
I bet on it, they even cut all sidequest. There is actually some of the hidden bosses. Like Bandersnatch, he fun to fight!


SOLDIER, First Class
Mar 27, 2016
Man, if the demo was in full English and had all the content expected in the final game in that segment of the demo and allowed us to transfer the save to the full game, i'd go all out and do everything in the demo! But I'm still very satisfied with just walking around fighting random mobs here and there as well as just appreciating the fine detail, art direction and graphics :)


Red Wings Commander
Nov 5, 2016
Has anyone encountered this super boss snake monster yet? It appears to be a vastly more terrifying version of Naga. She's level 49.


Here's the location apparently


All credit goes to tyoim from gamefaq.
I think the guy is just trolling. People cant enter in that frigging dungeon lol. Either hes trolling or he found a way to cheat and get in there through a bug or something.


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
I think the guy is just trolling. People cant enter in that frigging dungeon lol. Either hes trolling or he found a way to cheat and get in there through a bug or something.
Darn shame if he's trolling.

I suspect that people will be finding ways to break out of the barriers before the 29th xD


Red Wings Commander
Nov 5, 2016
managed to open the roof's car by holding R3... no wait for rain shit for me. :p

been playing with the options, considering to use the closer camera for fights, way more cinematic.
It didn't rain yet here :/ and ive been playing for 9 hours now. I was actually wondering if it will just be sunny all the time lol


Warrior of Light
Oct 30, 2016
I think the guy is just trolling. People cant enter in that frigging dungeon lol. Either hes trolling or he found a way to cheat and get in there through a bug or something.
I'm more inclined to think there's a boundary-breaking glitch than that it's a troll. That monster model had to come from somewhere; I don't think we've ever seen footage of it before, and it'd be awfully unlikely for someone to go through all the trouble of making a AAA-quality monster model just to troll FF fans.


Red Wings Commander
Nov 5, 2016
Yeah i got you. Still tho, hes the only one that has passed through the block. He should have said how to do that in the first place, as anyone would.
Maybe he wants to tease lmao