FF15 Royal Pack Content - Discussion Thread

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Wena Washo

PSICOM Soldier
Nov 30, 2017
The only thing I could POSSIBLY guess is that there is another update tonight that actually updates the Royal Pack itself, but I don't get why that'd be the case.

-New cutscene with Cor in the beginning
-New Ardyn cutscene with the Barrier
-New cutscenes for all of the new boss fights
-New cutscene of Luna and the summons taking down the barrirr
-New cutscene of Gentiana introducing Omega.

-Cor scenes with Cerberus are suspiciously missing, as with other events that have been found in the datamine that should exist.
Thanks. If they do add any more Cor/Luna scenes, I hope they play organically "on the main path" and don't force the player to go out of their way to see them. The plot needs to be tightened up, not sprinkled around in bits and pieces.
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Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
Thanks. If they do add any more Cor/Luna scenes, I hope they organically play "on the main path" and don't force the player to go out of their way to see them. The plot needs to be tightened up, not sprinkled around in bits and pieces.
Also a pretty awesome scene if Noct motivating the Glaives with his return. Forgot that.

And I agree
Likes: Storm

Wena Washo

PSICOM Soldier
Nov 30, 2017
Just did the first off road race, was pretty good actually.
Of all the things they announced for the Royal Edition, this is probably the one I'm happiest about. Off-road Regalia was alright but the fact that Chocobos could already go anywhere the Regalia could rendered it a bit obsolete. At least now there's somewhere the off-road Regalia can go that a Chocobo can't.
Feb 19, 2018
Well guys. Some of you need to calm down. About Cor, Omega and car dont worry, we(people) will find out. About anything else, its just your own fault if after reading data-mine materials you thought that it will be right here in royal edition.
In that second part right there you're faulting people just for trying to make sense of and speculate about stuff through the datamining. I very much agreed with the first part of your statement that people needed to relax and that info would become available over time. Then in the second part you just had to try and make it seem like people were wrong for trying to gain info from datamining. Everyone (or at least most of us) knew to take the info with a grain of salt but disappointment is a natural thing as you can't help but wish for something more. I'm not trying to "make a villain" of you I'm just saying to cut back on the finger pointing. I have nothing to gain from making you some sort of bad guy, you just have a tendency rub some people the wrong way with how you word your responses whether it's unintentional or intentional. Anyways I'm gonna get back to trying to find more info on the DLC, enjoy your browsing through the forums.


Forest Owl
Mar 4, 2018
Have we seen the Insomnia quest where we are joined by our Comrades Avatar?

- The Cor cutscenes
- The Iris dialogue
- Tons more Luna dialogue and battle stuff
- Regalia Replica stuff.

It's together with everything else that has been confirmed legit. I refuse to believe any of this is cut yet. Not until we can actually confirm it.
Square Enix did us dirty again lol
Likes: Nariya36
Feb 2, 2017
It's been real guys :D Tomorrow's the day. It's getting late in South Africa and I've yet to make a Comrades character with Ravus' jawline lol Here's hoping we find everything tomorrow, and if not, let's still enjoy the update :)


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
Have we seen the Insomnia quest where we are joined by our Comrades Avatar?

Square Enix did us dirty again lol
Yes, @Vankwisha had done the quest with your custom glaive, it's awesome!

at this point we should call this FFXV Royal Pack: the search for the missing car

did anyone found all the keys?

maybe something you do on a previous chapter affects the last chapter? so ironic that every quest that was datamined was found minus the hypest one.
I think there are only those 2 keys, aside from the Regalia one. All of it is found together, which is why I can't see it being cut. This also includes Luna shit


Jan 7, 2017
@CloudBuster And instead of checking what preceded out why did I write something like that, you just running ahead of you typing long post full of nonsense which doesnt make you any good. Keep it up and goodluck with you browsing internet in searching information.
Feb 19, 2018
Somewhere in Japan Square's CEO is just quietly looking out over the city through his office window and sensing all of the fan confusion and lack of info. He closes his eyes, tilts his head back, and breathes in the satisfaction of it all and calmly exhales to himself "please be excited." as the world goes to shit around him trying to decipher yet another cryptic mess.
Feb 19, 2018
I mean, if you go the official Royal Edition website: https://www.finalfantasyxv.com/en/royal-edition
At the bottom they have screenshots, that bit with Cor is right there as a screenshot on their main game page..

-we either need to somehow get him to come with us through quests (main game or comrades)
-or trigger a battle specific event (a parry or drop to really low health)
I'm thinking Cor only becomes a party member for the Cerberus battle if you complete all of the other Kingsglaive objectives. I think that dialogue from Prompto and Ignis was more important than it seemed.

Prompto: Sure wish the Marshall were here
Ignis: He's much too busy attending to other matters right now so we'll have to do this on our own.
I'm paraphrasing a bit but that seems to imply Cor won't join you on that final Citadel assault unless you help him complete all the objectives he's overseeing.


Sphere Hunter
Feb 18, 2018
I'm thinking Cor only becomes a party member for the Cerberus battle if you complete all of the other Kingsglaive objectives. I think that dialogue from Prompto and Ignis was more important than it seemed.

Prompto: Sure wish the Marshall were here
Ignis: He's much too busy attending to other matters right now so we'll have to do this on our own.
I'm paraphrasing a bit but that seems to imply Cor won't join you on that final Citadel assault unless you help him complete all the objectives he's overseeing.
Ok but if thats the case, why show his cutscene in a flashback in the luna scene ? Makes no sense tbh. If this is really how it works, they should notify you that cor can join if you finish all side quests first don't you think ? Smh square...
Likes: Wena Washo


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
Is it remotely possible that a second patch is supposed to come in and add these things? Like square doesn't want all of the spoilers out while the DLC is only available in Australia?

At least the Cor and Armiger HAVE to be in, that much has been shown to us already. But things like additional Luna stuff and the Regalia also hidden by it?


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
  • Gift from Cid
  • Noctis receives a special delivery from Cid via Talcott: a mysterious key. True to form, however, Cid provides no specifics regarding its function, only noting it would provide access to "somethin' mighty handy." Eager to decode the meaning behind this cryptic message, Noctis and his friends set out to unlock the secret of the key.
  • Head to the destination.
  • The Regalia replica will not run out of gas.
  • Ask Talcott to service the car when it is too damaged to drive.
was talcott even found in insomnia?

this talk about mysterious key and secret of the key might imply is a hard to find quest, after all.