FFXV Talk Show Q&A

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SOLDIER Second Class
May 27, 2014
Q&A posted by Dengeki from the Talk Show. Some good information.

Q: So after all, the E3 2013 trailer was a lie? You can’t actually play like that?

A:You can fight like that. I think in the recent play demonstration we showed several techniques and functions, but at E3 last year the game was running on a prototype environment (Ebony). At TGS 2014 we showed the game running in the actual environment (Luminous). Right now we are in the process of migrating functions from the prototype into it. It will take time to migrate it all. I wanted to show footage in the actual environment as soon as possible, so I ended up showing something that is in the midst of migrating. The video shows actual footage, not an idealized version. It will become more and more advanced from here on out.

Q: Can you go into detail about the “holding down the button” issue? Is it really okay to just hold the button down?

A:It’s not that simple! (Laughs.) Yes, when you continue to hold down the guard button, you can basically auto-guard and evade, but it consumes MP. You can’t infinitely evade. You have to think about timing, when it’s a good idea to attack or evade. Also, you aren’t invincible. There are attacks you can’t avoid. In those cases, there are also essential technical evasion methods.

Q: What about attacks?

A:When you push the attack button, you invoke the standard combo. You can change the actions by using it in coordination with the directional buttons. The actions change depending on your circumstances—things like whether you’re guarding and whether the timing is right, (imagine in this circumstance: when you’re guarding, you might get a chance to counterattack or something), or if your companions are nearby.

Q: Can you change the operational character?

A:Not in its current specifications. Everyone on the development team thoroughly looked into an Active Cross Battle system that made free use of attack, guard, and co-op functions, but as a result they arrived at the conclusion that changing characters would be too difficult. In order to create a new and interesting battle system, we ended up not being able to put in the character switching.

Q: Is jumping in?

A: It is. Considering PlayStation 4 has plenty of buttons, there is an independent jump button.

Q: What about free running?

A: It’s there. Except for the character switching, everything that was in the E3 2013 trailer is still there. All the cool actions like the weapons barrier that surrounds Noctis called “Phantom Sword,” and the short warps and jumping from the Behemoth battle are in the actual game. We’ll release more information later on, so please look forward to it.

Q: What about weapon selection?

A: You set them yourself before battle. You set each weapon considering what actions you can use with which weapons. You can only determine one weapon from the ones equipped to be your main one, but that weapon will come with techniques which can be invoked at your discretion in battle. Besides the basic assault button (attack), you can invoke techniques with the technique button.

Q: I can’t tell if it’s more like Kingdom Hearts or Final Fantasy Type-0. Which is it?

A: We explained that when you push the attack button, you invoke the standard combo, which is similar to Type-0. Considering the battle system as a whole, however, it is different from both Type-0 and Kingdom Hearts.

Q: Is it being simplified for casual users? Is is still an action RPG?

A: In order to widen its appeal, we’re developing the game aware that anyone can immediately be able to play it, however the game as a whole is not casual. Because it’s a core game, we have casual controls. If you obtain good weapons and level up, you won’t have to worry about clearing the main scenarios.

Q: Will you listen to feedback from the demo version?

A: We want to reference your feedback during development, but how we’re going to do that is still under review.

Q: Haven’t you been poor at putting out information?

A: If our fans are uneasy about the information we have released, then our ways of issuing information may in fact be poor. Even though we didn’t have a lot of time, I wanted to make clear the current situation. In the future, our information releases might be poor, but I think we can receive your approval.
Additional details were shared on cooperative chains, parrying, and other general information.:

Final Fantasy XV’s Coperative Chains & Growth

“The co-op moves aren’t one-offs, you can do them continuously.”
“Invoking co-op moves is automatic, but it’s necessary for the player to aim their mark.”

Turning to the Side = The Concept of Parrying

“To connect a co-op move while avoiding an enemy attack, you have to keep an eye out for an indication when to invoke it.”
“You can’t auto-parry.”
“It feels accomplishing to pull of a co-op attack from a parry.”
More details to come later.


“Even though there are parts from Versus that we have ended up changing, we’ve developed them in more interesting ways, I want you to look forward to it.”
“I get reports everyday from development staff about what was said on the internet. If we have material, I’d like to release development information again in a live broadcast like this on November 1.”
“Next month they’ll release information from other development members.”

“Development progress is at 55%. Final Fantasy XV has entered the phase where they are mass producing resource material. After that, it’s a fight against the amount of resource material and time. We are also hiring people to help make Final Fantasy XV, so interested applicants should check out the homepage.”
Read more at http://gematsu.com/2014/10/final-fa...fan-concerns-new-gameplay#ZF0dsTBQbfFIZRUJ.99
Likes: Mistwalker


Warrior of Light
Sep 27, 2013
When you push the attack button, you invoke the standard combo. You can change the actions by using it in coordination with the directional buttons.
This is what's bothering me the most (except for the part that Noctis is the only playable character, that downright pisses me off), because that still could mean a lot. Do you have to hold the button for the combo? Or can you mash it and expect the same result? Or even worse, do you only have to tap the button for the whole combo to be performed?


SOLDIER Second Class
May 27, 2014
This is what's bothering me the most (except for the part that Noctis is the only playable character, that downright pisses me off), because that still could mean a lot. Do you have to hold the button for the combo? Or can you mash it and expect the same result? Or even worse, do you only have to tap the button for the whole combo to be performed?
It's clear for a while you have to hold a button to perform a combo. But using the directional pad/analog stick will result in different combos/moves. But if you think you're just holding it to awesome, that is not the case. You have to Dodge, defend, parry, holding down a button will get you nowhere since timing and positioning is essential.
Last edited:
May 26, 2014
Q: Can you change the operational character?

A:Not in its current specifications. Everyone on the development team thoroughly looked into an Active Cross Battle system that made free use of attack, guard, and co-op functions, but as a result they arrived at the conclusion that changing characters would be too difficult. In order to create a new and interesting battle system, we ended up not being able to put in the character switching.
I'm not even mad though

King Bimpy

Clan Centurio Member
Jul 11, 2014
This is what's bothering me the most (except for the part that Noctis is the only playable character, that downright pisses me off), because that still could mean a lot. Do you have to hold the button for the combo? Or can you mash it and expect the same result? Or even worse, do you only have to tap the button for the whole combo to be performed?
No it is not automated where you press the button, put down the controller, and Noc performs the action on his own. its not that type of auto. Noc isn't set on auto walk and strike after you press the button. That would be more like the Auto features in Tales franchise. AI does everything for you.


Balamb Garden Freshman
May 26, 2014
There is one part where Noct gets shot, and then when he has the Phantom Sword barrier up, it deflected the bullets. Wonder if it consumes MP as well.


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
I just thought of something with parrying and your companions initiating events with you. It reminds me of the Iron Giant from E3 trailer. This is how I assumed it worked back then and even more so now.

You hold guard stance and attack to parry which can drain MP greatly when parrying out of your guard. After three parrys then your party members will come to help you out. This seems like it might be plausible given the information from this Q&A, which excites me.


SOLDIER Second Class
May 27, 2014
I just thought of something with parrying and your companions initiating events with you. It reminds me of the Iron Giant from E3 trailer. This is how I assumed it worked back then and even more so now.

You hold guard stance and attack to parry which can drain MP greatly when parrying out of your guard. After three parrys then your party members will come to help you out. This seems like it might be plausible given the information from this Q&A, which excites me.
Prompto hugging Gladio from the back confirmed!

But yeah, it's basically the counter-attacks we're going to get I'm guessing.


Knight of Death
May 28, 2014
Shops and levels and skills/spell trees still haven't been covered. I'm wondering if at the start you have all the weapons you ever get and they just get upgraded as you find components which alter their look and power slightly as you progress and find more. Or maybe all the weapons are gained in sidequests and each one is tied to the lore. Like you have few weapons and spells but they're really powerful, like a less in more type deal.

I know the leads aren't based on classes but since the enemies are, I thought that some hail backs to other classes would be found somewhat in the leads. I'm thinking it'll be like this:
Prompto is the gunner/archer. Likely to have wind spells and boosting spells that up speeds and evasion.
Gladio is the heavy knight/tank. Def boosting spells, earth spells, some fire. Low magic power, but super high def and attack power.
Ignis is the black mage. With most elemental spells, but focuses mainly fire, flare, meteor, comet. Maybe they'll bring back Meltdown for him (ff8 and 6).
Noctis has been called a Weapon summoner. I like that! He'll likely be a jack of all trade and have a little bit of all spells, but mainly focus on fire and lightning. His boosting spells will likely be weaker then the others since he has some much power to tap into. Any skills he learn's likely area based or one on one style I bet.

That's all what I foresee with this battle system and the knowledge we have so far with the characters.