Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Forest Owl
Feb 24, 2018
Some of the stuff in the Episode Ardyn trailer was pretty neat. Alot of callbacks to old FFXV stuff. epardyn.JPG
Thought that this concept art was meant to be more symbolic than anything but seems like Ardyn was really crucified by his former people. Makes sense that all that talk about judgement on Angelgard was referring to him.
EDIT: It's also interesting that thematically they've stuck to Regis's Armiger being made up of random weapons, rather than those of the previous rulers. I thought this was an inconsistency between the movie, anime, and game's rules for a while but seeing it appear here in the game alongside Ardyn using the Rulers of Yores' weapons confirms it's intentional.
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Red Wings Commander
Oct 28, 2017
I get why everyone's upset, but if anything, FFXV should've taught us to always keep the expectations to the minimum and never believe in SE's promises.

No matter how much potential it had, just let this troubled project to rest, there are so many great games out there right now(and still coming out) that deserve much more attention and deliver on same aspects better than XV did.

This has been a wild ride, however.
Feb 19, 2018
Some of the stuff in the Episode Ardyn trailer was pretty neat. Alot of callbacks to old FFXV stuff. View attachment 1052
View attachment 1053
View attachment 1054
View attachment 1055
Thought that this concept art was meant to be more symbolic than anything but seems like Ardyn was really crucified by his former people. Makes sense that all that talk about judgement on Angelgard was referring to him.
I'm still wondering how this is supposedly canon. The subbed version confirmed this as being 30 years prior to chapter 1 but again, Regis coming face to face with Ardyn directly conflicts with Kingsglaive. Unless Ardyn's got memory wiping abilities or the ring gave Regis alzheimer's disease this DLC pretty much renders KG non canon or at the least sets itself up as an alternate timeline.
Likes: Vankwisha


Forest Owl
Feb 24, 2018
I'm still wondering how this is supposedly canon. The subbed version confirmed this as being 30 years prior to chapter 1 but again, Regis coming face to face with Ardyn directly conflicts with Kingsglaive. Unless Ardyn's got memory wiping abilities or the ring gave Regis alzheimer's disease this DLC pretty much renders KG non canon or at the least sets itself up as an alternate timeline.
That's about the only thing that doesn't fit though imo otherwise it works and looks like it'll fill in the lore in some really interesting ways (i.e. Ardyn being found on Angelgard). Which is why it's so confusing why they'd have Ardyn tear up Insomnia and face off with Regis when it contradicts the existing canon. Seems like a dumb oversight to have an excuse for a Regis boss fight and explorable Insomnia like everyone's been asking for.


Warrior of Light
Jul 14, 2015
there are so many great games out there right now(and still coming out) that deserve much more attention and deliver on same aspects better than XV did.
It also actually helps that those great games aren't held at fucking gunpoint by their publisher at any time to this degree.

If this was suppose to make me feel better, it did the exact opposite. I fear for the other Business Divisions at this point.


Keyblade Master
Sep 9, 2016
Man, im gonna miss Tabata's BD2, good memories like Matt fucking up presentation on Microsoft stage by playing superbad, amazing PAX when they showed Aranea fight, when i wake up early in the morning just to watch Tabata and this guy in cape ATR's.
Its fucking sad, trainwreck after trainwreck, Blizzard first, now SE, who's next?


Sphere Hunter
Feb 20, 2018
Well, good riddance. As some of the forum knows I was no fan of Tabata. He made really poor choices for FFXV, taking something that could have rivaled VII or X and made it into a copy and paste job with barely any story. We'll see how Nomura does, if the first chapter of VII will live up to the original.


PSICOM Soldier
Mar 20, 2018
That's about the only thing that doesn't fit though imo otherwise it works and looks like it'll fill in the lore in some really interesting ways (i.e. Ardyn being found on Angelgard). Which is why it's so confusing why they'd have Ardyn tear up Insomnia and face off with Regis when it contradicts the existing canon. Seems like a dumb oversight to have an excuse for a Regis boss fight and explorable Insomnia like everyone's been asking for.
My guess is it was supposed to the the beginning of an alternate timeline that would have concluded with Episode Noctis rather than be connected with the main FFXV story. Now they'll probably throw together some BS excuse at the end like "it was all a dream!" or something equally stupid. Or hey, maybe they won't and it'll be yet another story point that goes no where.
Likes: Vallen
Apr 13, 2018
So basically only EP Ardyn lives, the other three have been canned. There will be (two?) animations; one for EP Ardyn prologue and one for something else from what I understood. Then in December we get the FF14 collab and the Comrades update.

The consolidated sad news are that Tabata quit, S2 of DLCs got canned, no PC tools mention, no grand finale, it doesn’t seem like there’s going to be a big update for the 2nd anniversary, obviously no story changes/new scenes/hard modes, and even that big trailer at the end felt rushed and incomplete with footage that’s not in the game. I also bet tomorrow when the full stream gets translated we’ll learn even more details on stuff/plans that got nuked. Sad day.
Don't forget, no summonable Bahamut too i guess.. This is completely fucked up. No new magic shown for the collab like in the datamine. Goddamnit square enix!


Red Wings Commander
Oct 28, 2017
It also actually helps that those great games aren't held at fucking gunpoint by their publisher at any time to this degree.

If this was suppose to make me feel better, it did the exact opposite. I fear for the other Business Divisions at this point.
Let's not put the full blame on the publisher alone. There were many questionable production and directional decisions that didn't do this game any favours (the whole FFXV universe idea, for example).

Also Tabata mentioned multiple times that the team was struggling having no experience creating an open world game and developing an engine at the same time.


Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
I know it's sad that 3 DLCs were cancelled but is it really that big of a doomsday failed traiwreck?

Episode Ardyn is coming, the other 3 DLC stories will come in some non-game form and Comrades will get more content.

I'm not saying this is a wonderful scenario but it's not as terrible as first reaction claims.

EDIT: I'll come with a more elaborate write up later.


Sphere Hunter
Feb 20, 2018
I know it's sad that 3 DLCs were cancelled but is it really that big of a doomsday failed traiwreck?

Episode Ardyn is coming, the other 3 DLC stories will come in some non-game form and Comrades will get more content.

I'm not saying this is a wonderful scenario but it's not as terrible as first reaction claims.

EDIT: I'll come with a more elaborate write up later.
Well, it's still a shit show. They are once again retconning that movie they spent so much money and time on. The same movie they used as the excuse why they didnt have the invasion ingame. God. I wish they would just add a DLC pack that to the main game than this.
Feb 19, 2018
Well, good riddance. As some of the forum knows I was no fan of Tabata. He made really poor choices for FFXV, taking something that could have rivaled VII or X and made it into a copy and paste job with barely any story. We'll see how Nomura does, if the first chapter of VII will live up to the original.
Nomura hasn't even finished the first part of a trilogy for the FFVII Remake and yet he's already talking about remaking other games in the compilation. Last time he got this sidetracked with such little work done on an FF game Tabata had to come in and try to salvage FFXV. I wouldn't declare him the savior of FF just yet since he's yet to actually prove himself with FF and I'm starting to see the same signs in the FFVII Remake that I saw in FFVersusXIII years ago.


Forest Owl
Mar 4, 2018
What I’m okay with:
-no alternate ending nonsense
-EP Ardyn getting like a year of development time
-the new guys promising to bring XV to a conclusion (which gives me hope that at least one more patch at the end will come to fix/address whatever they can before closing the book on the game)

What sucks:
-I bet money/resources were put into the other 3 DLCs and some parts were coming along, this all is just sunk money and scrapped efforts (a theme of XV, too much finished work gets scrapped)
-kingsglaive will never be tied to the game
-DLCs forever will be disjointed from the narrative (even worse it seems comrades is being taken out of the main game menu and is now permanently a separate game... even more disjointed)
-they’re making even more movies/anime/“other forms of media” to deliver story, I don’t give a shit to keep up with multiple games, apps, web comics, OVAs ffs
-Little QoL elements and parts of the story that needed work (like the Niffs’ perspective) will never be realized.
Oct 26, 2017
Costa Rica
The story of Episode Ardyn take place 30 years before the main game.

Terada: “Episode Ardyn takes place in Insomnia, approximately 30 years prior to the events of the main game, where he begins his revenge on the royal family, and in the midst of all this, you’ll see him come to a revelation regarding his own destiny. The episode is a direct depiction of the story that couldn’t be told within the main game.”
Shinoda: “So it takes place prior to the main game?”
Terada: “Yes, that’s correct.”
Shinoda: “What are some of the highlights of this episode?”
Terada: “What I wanted to depict the most is showcasing Ardyn as he becomes enraged, or feels hatred or sorrow. A huge aspect we wanted to show players was his human qualities, so I see that point being one of the biggest highlights. Additionally, players may recall this being done in Episode Ignis, where we implemented wire action features that enabled players to essentially fly around Altissia, and this has also been incorporated into Episode Ardyn in the hopes that players will enjoy flying around Shinjuku.”
Shinoda: “When you recall Ardyn in the main game, he seemed quite aloof, and didn’t appear to show too much emotion, whereas in Episode Ardyn you intentionally show him feeling angry…”
Terada: “Yes.”
Shinoda: “I mean, there are scenes where he’s clearly enraged or even crying…”
Terada: “Yes.”


Sphere Hunter
Feb 20, 2018
Nomura hasn't even finished the first part of a trilogy for the FFVII Remake and yet he's already talking about remaking other games in the compilation. Last time he got this sidetracked with such little work done on an FF game Tabata had to come in and try to salvage FFXV. I wouldn't declare him the savior of FF just yet since he's yet to actually prove himself with FF and I'm starting to see the same signs in the FFVII Remake that I saw in FFVersusXIII years ago.
The game is coming out next year or early 2020 based on the sales projection for the next fiscal year. And we already had this conversation about what happened in the production for FFVersusXIII/ FFXV. I really dont want to rehash this. I think its under Nomura vs Tabata. And im not saying he's the savior, I'm just looking forward to the next FF installment.
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