Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Chocobo Knight
Jan 7, 2019
I can't wait to hear what Ardyn whispers in all these people's ears. Verstael's consultation with dark powers. As he and the Emperor found themselves opening themselves up to something very dark and sinister.


Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014
Okay but like, the way the people talk about the gods in FFXV is not the way that people who have seen a giant dragon man drop swords the size of skyscrapers from the heavens would talk lol And we definitely see him pulling the same move he did on Ifrit at the end of the most recent trailer.
Yeah but the people we do hear talk about the gods either aren't from Insomnia to have witnessed that or weren't born yet when that happened and likely don't know it did.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


SOLDIER Second Class
Apr 12, 2016

#FFXVCOMRADES Boss Introduction
A shield of the first king and a man called Sword Sword.
The sword attack that is delivered after the left arm is embodied is just the strongest flash.
Since there is a certain rhythm in the attack, let's attack and attack well.
# FF15

#FFXVCOMRADES Boss Introduction
A three-necked beast that scolds the flames of hell. Once released to the battlefield, it is a powerful force, but it has no way to control it and was also feared by the empire.
It jumps to the game immediately because it is friendly character. Beware of scorching breath and biting!
# FF15

#FFXVCOMRADES Boss Introduction
A mussel like a woman who sang two large snakes.
There are six double-eyed snake eyes each, so you can not miss the other party for a while.
When I jump into disgust at a shift break, I see painful eyes ...
# FF15

google translate
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Chocobo Knight
Jan 7, 2019
This is the event why Lucis had to raise that magical wall to keep the powers of darkness out. Ardyn is going to get kicked out of Insomnia and Niflheim won't be able to break past the wall for 30 years.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Warrior of Light
Oct 30, 2016
Yeah but the people we do hear talk about the gods either aren't from Insomnia to have witnessed that or weren't born yet when that happened and likely don't know it did.
Well, here's the problem:

Noctis: Surprised Titan’s hands don’t burn up.

Prompto: Wait. I thought that was just a fairy tale.

Ignis: Tales of the Six fighting alongside Lucian kings date back to the age of gods.

Prompto: For real?

Noctis: For real.

Gladio: And yet somehow I find it hard to believe.

Ignis: Not all kings are created equal.

Noctis: Yeah, laugh it up.

(From the Pilgrimage sidequest)

Prompto not being told about Ifrit's attack makes sense. Noct not being told is harder to believe, but he could have been sheltered. Gladio and Ignis, however, would have absolutely needed to know what went down.


Chocobo Knight
Jan 7, 2019
Need to know how the barrier works first.. Niflheim officials were able to enter the city for the treaty even though the barrier was on.

If the barrier lets people in based on their nationality Ardyn has lucian blood.
Well they let them in that time under the pretense of what they claimed to be a treaty.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Forest Owl
Feb 24, 2018
Noctis could not enter the wall created by Ardyn in the Royal Edition, otherwise I'd say Ardyn's Lucian blood is what allows him to enter. Assumedly Regis's wall should function the same, Ardyn used the same receptor on the citadel to project his.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
Well they let them in that time under the pretense of what they claimed to be a treaty.
I doubt that they deactivated the entire barrier just to let them in, could be but it isnt evidenced in the movie, how the barrier works isnt explained much even in the game.

anyway considering Ardyn is immortal and made of dark fog... he can easily rematerialize if the barrier burns his body or something.


Chocobo Knight
Jan 7, 2019
I doubt that they deactivated the entire barrier just to let them in, could be but it isnt evidenced in the movie, how the barrier works isnt explained much even in the game.

anyway considering Ardyn is immortal and made of dark fog... he can easily rematerialize if the barrier burns his body or something.
I always imagined there was a check point where people could get in and out.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork
Feb 19, 2018
Noctis could not enter the wall created by Ardyn in the Royal Edition, otherwise I'd say Ardyn's Lucian blood is what allows him to enter. Assumedly Regis's wall should function the same, Ardyn used the same receptor on the citadel to project his.
Thing is Noctis is also kind of noob compared every other Lucian king that we've seen in addition to his injury canonically nerfing him. It's quite possible that an experienced member of the family like Ardyn knows the ins and outs of the royal family magic to a very intimate degree and can thus find loopholes within it and counter it such as when he turns off Noctis' powers in chapter 13. Even if it is via a machine, he's likely still the one who supplied Verstael with the knowledge of how to build it in the first place since the whole magitek project originates from him. The man knows his shit about magic, specifically royal magic, and I can entirely see him pulling some hax bullshit with that knowledge.

Honestly the case for Ardyn throwing the final fight on purpose gets stronger and stronger the more I think about it. lol
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Likes: Storm


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
Thing is Noctis is also kind of noob compared every other Lucian king that we've seen in addition to his injury canonically nerfing him. It's quite possible that an experienced member of the family like Ardyn knows the ins and outs of the royal family magic to a very intimate degree and can thus find loopholes within it and counter it such as when he turns off Noctis' powers in chapter 13. Even if it is via a machine, he's likely still the one who supplied Verstael with the knowledge of how to build it in the first place since the whole magitek project originates from him. The man knows his shit about magic, specifically royal magic, and I can entirely see him bulling some hax bullshit with that knowledge.

Honestly the case for Ardyn throwing the final fight on purpose gets stronger and stronger the more I think about it. lol
I mean he literally took away Noctis powers with a snap, hes an illusionist, immortal and has satan at his side.

Barrier lol


Forest Owl
Feb 24, 2018
So why did Ifrit end up getting daemonified? It's not like he turned on Ardyn, he was working with him!
We will have to wait and see if the DLC addresses it, but from what I remember it does kind of clash with what Shiva says in chapter 12. Honestly kind of wish they didn't daemonify Ifrit because it makes him fighting for Ardyn at the end of the game less interesting imo. Also I'm a bigger fan of his previous model.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork