Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Sphere Hunter
Feb 20, 2018
It's fake, you can just search those post numbers on /v/ and it goes to an old thread with another "leak" from December 2017, whoever made that image photoshopped a screencap of that thread and replaced the text and dates, but left the post numbers in. That pic is 100% fake.
It seemed pretty fake. The night club part was like bad fan fiction. Yet Dirge of Cerberus exists so you really can't put past anything with Square.
Feb 18, 2018
It's fake, you can just search those post numbers on /v/ and it goes to an old thread with another "leak" from December 2017, whoever made that image photoshopped a screencap of that thread and replaced the text and dates, but left the post numbers in. That pic is 100% fake.
Well damn.

That December leak was interesting though, I hope that the expanded Niflheim & Insomnia prologue parts happen


Sphere Hunter
Feb 18, 2018
Seems we’re not getting any update today. Usually australia gets it 1 day before everyone else, so i thought we might get news about it by now if it was gonna come out on april 1.
Feb 18, 2018
Seems we’re not getting any update today. Usually australia gets it 1 day before everyone else, so i thought we might get news about it by now if it was gonna come out on april 1.
I'm not sure where I heard that, but didn't Tabata say that we were gonna have less updates (not 1 every month) but that they'll be more substantial, or something among those lines?

I'm pretty sure I read that somewhere, just don't remember where lol


Forest Owl
Mar 4, 2018
Give me this and I'll die happy:

Paid DLC:
-Ardyn 2000 year backstory (not some bs like his activities while Noct was gone)
-Chapter 0 Prologue with more on Regis
-Updated Chpter 10-12 with mini open worlds to explore
-A new chapter or episode of anything about the Niff backstory

Free Updates:
-Cor/Iris/Aranea post game party members
-Glauca battle/quest/flashback
-Few more Luna scenes
-Rework season 1 episodes into main story
-Ability to freely boat to Cartanica in post game
-QOL (mapping buttons, km/miles choice, main screen logo choice etc)


Sphere Hunter
Feb 20, 2018
Seems we’re not getting any update today. Usually australia gets it 1 day before everyone else, so i thought we might get news about it by now if it was gonna come out on april 1.
They don't update on weekends and it's usually fallen on a Monday to Thursday. I can't imagine it's going to be anything major, most likely just a bug fixes and some aesthetic minor changes. The next big update patch we'll get is when Episode Ardyn is released like they've done with all the patches


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
Seems we’re not getting any update today. Usually australia gets it 1 day before everyone else, so i thought we might get news about it by now if it was gonna come out on april 1.
It's possible that it is later on in the month.

Give me this and I'll die happy:

Paid DLC:
-Ardyn 2000 year backstory (not some bs like his activities while Noct was gone)
-Chapter 0 Prologue with more on Regis
-Updated Chpter 10-12 with mini open worlds to explore
-A new chapter or episode of anything about the Niff backstory

Free Updates:
-Cor/Iris/Aranea post game party members
-Glauca battle/quest/flashback
-Few more Luna scenes
-Rework season 1 episodes into main story
-Ability to freely boat to Cartanica in post game
-QOL (mapping buttons, km/miles choice, main screen logo choice etc)
Add Luna scenes awakening Ramuh/bossfight/dungeon, and allowing her to be a playable character in spirit and we have ourselves a winner
Feb 19, 2018
It seemed pretty fake. The night club part was like bad fan fiction. Yet Dirge of Cerberus exists so you really can't put past anything with Square.
Yeah I kinda caught on pretty quickly that it was fake the moment they said that all of the upcoming DLCs were going to be like the Royal Edition despite Episode Ardyn already being confirmed by the devs and the game files themselves. That being said aside from Ardyn's DLC and perhaps a Ravus DLC if "EPR" is indeed real I would like the remaining 2 DLCs to be like the Royal Edition but on much larger scales than just one chapter. Maybe one to tweak the first half of the game and one to tweak the second half up until chapter 13.

For the first half give us Noctis walking through Insomnia picking up his friends before he goes to stand before Regis. It would mesh perfectly with the existing chapter 0 too as you could have the camera pan out from king Noctis in the heat of battle to then open on prince Noctis standing outside his home just taking it all in and then Drautos could snap him out of it and tell him to hurry up get his friends because Regis is waiting. Then you explore the new Insomnia map from Royal Edition as a bustling city in the day time as you go to different spots to pick up the gang (Maybe have them in their casual clothing too before they get their Crownsguard outfits to stand before Regis). Anyways After that they could add in the bachelor party at Galdin Quay for Noctis that was cut to contrast the dire situation unfolding in Insomnia and give us more character building with the bros. Add in an actual boss fight with Ravus in chapter 5 (I'd prefer it if the bros held back for this one, Ignis and Prompto could tend to Gladio while Noct fights). Give us a scene with Gladio and Iris mourning Clarus, and I guess finally just expand Altissia more, add in the locations from Episode Ignis, and tweak the lead up to the Leviathan fight, have it be less straightforward. Anyone remember the trailer where they showed one of the concepts for that same sequence? You had Noctis jumping through buildings as they were being ripped from their foundations and turning about like crazy. He was fighting the Niffs as water dragons were flying all over the place in a sequence that had both open areas and narrow corridors. I want something like that added and I think that pretty much answers all of my personal desires for the first half of the game.

For the second half give me a sequence that shows how the boys got on the train and maybe give some more build up to Noct and Gladio's beef, have the boys arrive in Tennebrae before the invasion and make it more explorable. This would also be an amazing opportunity to have Noctis start trying to develop his king persona which kinda happens abruptly in the crystal atm. He could try to take some control of the situation at hand be a symbol to the people when the invasion does start since neither Luna or Regis are around to pick up the slack anymore. Watching him struggle to be a leader but trying nonetheless would an amazing bit of contrast to his speech to Glaives in the new chapter 14 where he's finally a fully realized king. It would also make his transition feel more organic. Then they just need to add in the Shiva stuff from Pocket Edition, tweak Emperor Aldercapt's fight to have more dialogue, show us the bros leaving Gralea which would let us explore that location a bit, and maybe add some content in the crystal. Give me some soul searching trial of the chosen type shit where maybe Noctis can sift through his memories and fears and maybe fight Bahamut as his final trial before he gets dropped off on Angelgard. Oh and maybe give me that Glauca fight at some point eh, Square?

Other than that stuff I can't really think of anything else I would want out of Royal Edition type content.


Feb 17, 2018
Guys... I have a confession... I spent too much money on FFXV and I can't stop! (you can't see the DLC in this pic either)

Not to enable you or anything, but a XV Collection isn't complete without the Play Arts Kai.

Each one is about $150, and there are currently about 8 available. [Over a thousand dollars in total]

Noctis, Prompto, Ignis, Gladio, Luna, Nyx, Aranea, and Cindy


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
Just read the supposed 4chan leak.

I'll take it with a grain of salt and will entertain the idea of possibly, maybe, perhaps, being true since leaks in the past ended up coming true down the line.

In case anyone wanted to read it again and not have to scroll past a couple of pages, here it is again.

It doesn't sound too out of hand tbh, with the only wtf piece of information being the night club part with Aranea lol.

Some chapters being totally redone or reworked is a possibility and I wouldn't discount it entirely. If any chapters needed reworking, it would definitely be 12 and 13.

As much as I hate the idea of constantly changing the storyline of a Final Fantasy game or an RPG game in general, I actually want them to since they've already started and XV really honestly needs it given that the later half of the game falls flat in many areas.

Altissia is so small in comparison to what I think a lot of people expected, it would be great to actually explore the town more or at least go to where the area is with more trees but perhaps that's too much to ask for.

Tenebrae being completely cut from the game was such a gut wrencher... I really hope they just replace that part of the game with a way to explore the city like it was originally envisioned. It was never supposed to just be lit on fire, otherwise, why would they have teased it some of the trailers? It's sad to see so much cut from XV, and if they have to patch the game over time to add these things back in, then I'm all for it.
I agree. FFXV is unique in that it's one of the few games I can think of that are still working on the main game this long after release (which isn't a good thing unfortunately)

If they're going to do it by adding stuff to improve the game, then I'd rather they go full out to make it the best it can be. Even if the final, final product by the end of all this is drastically improved compared to what was released in 2016, then I'm all for it too.
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Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
I only have the day-one edition of FFXV, the strategy guide, and some DLC (Royal Pack, Season 1 Episodes and Comrades with Season Pass, and some DLC weapons.)