Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Chocobo Knight
Feb 25, 2018
It is good, PC sales work different than console sales, they sell over time and alway get boosts because of things like Steam sales, and not the bulk of it just at release with minimal growth afterwards before plateauing. Their 2m target was for lifetime sales, not launch sales.

You think FF13 hit 700k in 4 years on Steam by being at full price? Nah son.
I guess that's why developers still favour consoles, get large sales within the first few weeks. I hope SE are happy with the sales,I wouldn't want them cutting support short due to disappointing sales. I for one bought both a EU copy and US copy of the Royal Edition for trophy stacking. That, and I also own the Collector's edition and a digital copy hahaha.
Likes: Somber
Feb 19, 2018
I'm thinking that at this point since we're relatively close to E3 they're gonna keep a big announcement like the Roadmap which consists of 4 confirmed DLCs tucked away until the right moment. E3 is the one gaming event that everyone and their mother pays attention to so I can see them holding out on revealing info like that until they've had more time to polish and finalize what they wanna show. I'm thinking that after this long silence the DLCs will probably come out on a faster schedule of maybe every other month if they plan to stick to that early 2019 cut off date. In other words I honestly wouldn't expect any news on the new DLC or any news even relevant to it tomorrow as their main focus seems to be on supporting the PC release as much as possible for now.
Likes: Nariya36


Sphere Hunter
Feb 18, 2018
I'm thinking that at this point since we're relatively close to E3 they're gonna keep a big announcement like the Roadmap which consists of 4 confirmed DLCs tucked away until the right moment. E3 is the one gaming event that everyone and their mother pays attention to so I can see them holding out on revealing info like that until they've had more time to polish and finalize what they wanna show. I'm thinking that after this long silence the DLCs will probably come out on a faster schedule of maybe every other month if they plan to stick to that early 2019 cut off date. In other words I honestly wouldn't expect any news on the new DLC or any news even relevant to it tomorrow as their main focus seems to be on supporting the PC release as much as possible for now.
As much as this makes me sad, it does make sense.


Balamb Garden Freshman
Feb 28, 2018
Its possible, but I have a feeling they will be releasing slower than that. Its the same director and team working on all 4 now (the Episode Ignis team, which is awesome because the story/gameplay was the best in that one), so I have a feeling that while Ardyn is almost done, the others are still going to be in development for a while each.

My personal belief:

1. Episode Ardyn: Q2 2018
1.5 "Episode Luna" by the free update team (not as big as Ardyn, but a significant feature. See my point below for why I think this): Also Q2 2018
2. DLC 2: Q3-Q4 2018
3. DLC 3: Q1-2 2019
4. DLC 4: Q2-3 2019

I think it will be faster than the above, but with 1 team working on all 4 and one free update team, content should be taking longer than it did last year. A different director did each DLC previously, even up to the Royal Pack.

Also, on the Luna point, the way Tabata addresses Episode Luna and talks about it as if it is an almost separate entity to the 4 DLC episodes makes me believe it will be. In the Dangeki interview he said something along the lines of "There will be 4 DLC to "complete" FFXV. There may also be an Episode Luna as well." He talks about it like it is separate from those 4, and that gets me excited. He also talks about how the next DLC will be "happy" or "making the player smile" , which I CANNOT see Episode Ardyn being happy at all, nor that making any sense. Also, several of us in the datamine found evidence of her playability but no direct DLC episode content, indicating it may just be through an update if they do in fact add gameplay/story to her.

Just my two cents.
You're completely ignoring the context and his old interviews. The FFXV team DO NOT WANT TO MAKE AN EPISODE LUNA. Mainly because they don't want to get chewed out by self important western game journo harpies and every idiot kid with a tumblr. E Luna is a result of their hand being forced, where popular demand was so great that they couldn't ignore it. Tabata and crew are clueless as to what to do with Episode Luna. Hence why it comes as an aside. They probably want to do an Episode Kenny over E Luna.
There is a very good reason why Luna's story was cut from the main game. Just look for that one trailer and you'll get an idea.


Sphere Hunter
Jan 5, 2018
Idk what's so wrong with the idea of Luna being abused (ofc apart from fact that no one should be abused xd). Isn't that showing that her life was very tough and yet she was able to bo strong heroine, took the ring and talked with gods and stuff? not that she was sheltered princess without any interesting story? I mean there are worse things in this people getting killed or blinded or being clones or something... her and Glauca background seemed very interesting and was hinted during the movie...then never properly developed :/
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Forest Owl
Mar 4, 2018
You're completely ignoring the context and his old interviews. The FFXV team DO NOT WANT TO MAKE AN EPISODE LUNA. Mainly because they don't want to get chewed out by self important western game journo harpies and every idiot kid with a tumblr. E Luna is a result of their hand being forced, where popular demand was so great that they couldn't ignore it. Tabata and crew are clueless as to what to do with Episode Luna. Hence why it comes as an aside. They probably want to do an Episode Kenny over E Luna.
There is a very good reason why Luna's story was cut from the main game. Just look for that one trailer and you'll get an idea.
Perhaps, but in his defence the game is out now. It's old, even. The SJW moved on a long time ago and won't have an impact on the game's reception at this point. If hardcore fans that stuck around want Luna, and if most of her story is done, might as well throw it into the game now.


Forest Owl
Feb 24, 2018
Perhaps, but in his defence the game is out now. It's old, even. The SJW moved on a long time ago and won't have an impact on the game's reception at this point. If hardcore fans that stuck around want Luna, and if most of her story is done, might as well throw it into the game now.
There are people that still follow this game's post-release development just to complain about every new announcement. It would not surprise me if a poorly-executed Episode Luna led to backlash from the western audience.


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
You're completely ignoring the context and his old interviews. The FFXV team DO NOT WANT TO MAKE AN EPISODE LUNA. Mainly because they don't want to get chewed out by self important western game journo harpies and every idiot kid with a tumblr. E Luna is a result of their hand being forced, where popular demand was so great that they couldn't ignore it. Tabata and crew are clueless as to what to do with Episode Luna. Hence why it comes as an aside. They probably want to do an Episode Kenny over E Luna.
There is a very good reason why Luna's story was cut from the main game. Just look for that one trailer and you'll get an idea.
No I'm not? I partially translated those interviews myself. He specifically says Episode Luna may be coming in a non-joking manner, albeit cryptic (because he's teasing 90% of the time)

Tabata already submitted the business plan for the 4 DLC on January 31st this year. He then goes to say that Luna may also be planned, but we don't know if it's 1 of the 4 or if it's a separate, free update.

And if my point isn't getting through, here is Shuya's translation, because he's much better than me at translating:

So that means the story updates from now will expand?
田畑 はい。アクティブユーザーの皆さんが、これ以上の本編の穴埋めを求めているかというと、そうではないと思いますし、作る側としてもそれでは『FFXV』は完結させられないと思うので、これまでのエピソード配信とは異なる、新しい展開を考えています。その先駆けとなるのが、ユーザーアンケートでもっとも希望が多かったアーデンのエピソード。それから、ATR(『FFXV』の配信番組)で言っていた通り、ルーナのエピソードもあるかもしれません。2019年にかけて、4つのエピソードを制作することにしました。
Tabata - Yes. If I were to say that the fans wanted more and beyond to fill the gaps of the main story, I don't think that would be the case. Even in the development point of view, I think if we did that, FFXV will never be able to come to a conclusion. So we are thinking about new developments that are different from the DLC's up until now. The spearhead of this goal is Episode Ardyn which was highly sought out for in the survey. And as so, as mentioned in the ATR, there might also be a Episode Luna. Continuing up to 2019, we have decided to make 4 episodes.

I've ALSO found code indicating Luna's playability and inclusion as a temporary or summonable party member via datamining. This isn't an assumption or a guessing game anymore. They CLEARLY have or at least are attempting to do something with her gameplay-wise. It's all there in the code.

So no, I don't think its a statement they say to shut people up.
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Warrior of Light
Jul 14, 2015
Just look for that one trailer and you'll get an idea.
If its about SJWs/the abuse, then i still find that argument weak when:

the full game literally showed Luna getting stabbed, smacked across the face, and expressing grief.

So i don't i really see how that should be enough to keep them from making an EP. Luna or anything close to help flesh her out.

And lets not forget that Cidney had a vocal amount of criticism from the EU audience that was bought up in a 2015 ATR after EP. Duscae released and, yet Tabata couldn't give less than two fucks as a response.
Feb 19, 2018
The only problem I see with an Episode Luna is figuring out a compelling style of gameplay. We already saw how Prompto's gameplay turned out due to him not being a melee combat oriented character. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the DLC overall for it's story and exploration of Niflheim territory but gameplay was definitely the weakest point of that episode as once the novelty of having third person shooting in FF wears off you kinda wish you could go back to warping with Noctis, performing perfect blocks and special finishers with Gladio, or having all sorts of fun between Ignis' 3 elemental play styles.

I'm assuming that's the hardest part to figure out for a potential Episode Luna and that's what's keeping them from jumping right in with the idea like they did with Ardyn seeing as they have a lot to work with regarding his abilities and movesets. she's even less involved in combat than Prompto who at least still has his variety of ranged attacks to keep you interested for a while. So far Luna only has healing, summoning, and a really vague defensive Oracle magic push against Leviathan under her belt making her by far the most passive character in the game in terms of combat. She'd probably be best suited to getting the guest party member treatment more than anything as I'm having a hard time imagining what Luna could do on her own without straying from established lore.

At most she probably knows how to stab someone with that trident like Aerith could only really stab people with her lance in FFVII and that was the full extent of her offense. Maybe she could be a party member for Ravus but yeah unless they make up an entirely new offense based moveset for her I don't see her being made the main focus of an Episode of her own and that would honestly just raise a bunch of questions regarding the lore as well like "where have all these sick Oracle moves been this entire time?"
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Sphere Hunter
Jan 5, 2018
Does DLC always must be combat and action oriented? I don't mind NOT fighting with Luna, or having only a small fight...she has a weapon after all, but whelp, she is a healer type. She lived in a wonderful place that just asks for exploration and a lot happened in her life (being kids with Noctis, Nifilheim attack, living with angry Ravus, Glauca, becoming Oracle, then her journey that we didn't really see). I feel like movie left a lot of unexplained questions (tho idk if it's a good example because I feel like Luna from movie was still Stella and didn't have much in common with game Luna). We had 3 boys dlc that were all about angry fighting can't we have one about travelling, helping people and backstory? It might seem boring but on the other hand I would pay more than those 5$ to just walk around Tenebrae.
Likes: CloudBuster