Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Feb 19, 2018
Sorry for my bad english in advance guys.

So they tell us the events of Episode Ardyn happens 30 years before the beggining of the game (M.E 756 Kingsglaive Movie, probably game too). So the year we can expect the Episode to begin around M.E. 726 (no excepional event in this year).
But around this time Regis was not a king, he only became king around M.E 729, and he travel the world with his friends around M.E. 725 (same year the war against Nif started again).

We can expect Ardyn to be release from his prison around M.E 723 ( the year Nif started making Magitek soldiers, but we can't know how many years Verstael lose trying to make actual functional Magitek Soldiers with the help of Ardyn, can't remember episode Prompto dates).
Like the tumblr post saided the Kingsglaive were created 15 years before the events of game.

But you see a lot of this dates don't match. We're gonna have another time skip inside the Episode? And this is where crazy theories start. Why Ardyn's waited at least 15 years to make a move against Insomnia (M.E 723 - M.E. 741)? Why King Regis doesn't know how the hell Ardyn is in Kingsglaive movie. Did they make a deal of some sort (so why attack Noctis as a kid, it was implied Marileth was unleashed because of the empire, why attack Tenabrae).
The next paragraphs is just a wild theory of mine xD. A man can hope at least.

I have a theory of my own. One thing i think is very confusing is whole Somnus thing in the trailer, not the character itself but the blur around him and the field of flowers around him, so i don't think is a flashback of anysorts, but a real encounter after the fight against him (we did see Tonitrus in the trailer, so a fight against Somnus can be expected) in somekind or another dimension thing or a ending with him after Noctis destroy Ardyn (we did see this ''time skip'' with episode Ignis, and the director for Ep Ardyn is the same).

So if the whole thing with Somnus happened after the ''True Death'' of Ardyn i really expect they can put the alternative ending inside Ep. Ardyn. I don't remember if there any hints of time travel in the game, or sending the consience of someone to the past (Ignis somehow have a foresight abilitie because of the power of ring, so I can hope Ardyn or even Somnus have some abilitie of this kind). Ardyn finnaly purged of the Starscourge sends him consience into the past to the point where he is free by Verstael. There is a glimpse of Somnus appearing btw in the trailer when Verstael wake him. Because he is weak for staying sealed for so long he needs to work with Nif. He goes to Insomnia, warns the Regis about the events that need to happen and one life still need to be sacrificed (Dawn Trailer btw xD, it is Ardyn speaking to Regis in the trailer, confirmed by the French and German version of the trailer if iam not wrong) and i think the life is no other than Regis. (we did see the image where everyone is fine, except old King Regis, btw i know he can died of old age by that point xD). Boom we get the alternative ending, everyone is fine, except Tabata u,u)
Is most of that info from the Ultimania guide? If so, aren't they known for having inaccurate or conflicting information in them compared to the games? As far as the game, movie, and anime are confirmed I don't really recall seeing any truly conflicting info between them. Just a bunch of unexplained stuff if anything.


PSICOM Soldier
Nov 24, 2016
in my opinion I think is silly for scare to moving all the team working on FF XV to a new AI and cancelled DLC for the game. why not just let the team finish up the DLC and do the NEW IP later. FF XV sales speak for itself that the game is popular and a major financial success.

it's financial success means their will be more Final Fantasies. as of now FF XV has sold 8.4 million copies . FF XV is game that definitely has plenty of fans. it has manage to last longer than games like Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite. MVCI didn't even last a year before it was declare dead. of course their are rumors of a Marvel vs. Capcom 4.


SOLDIER Second Class
Apr 12, 2016
How much do you expect the hours of playing in the episode ardyn?

How much do you expect the price of ardyn episode?

Do you expect we will be able to upgrade ardyn like noctis ?


Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014
How much do you expect the hours of playing in the episode ardyn?

How much do you expect the price of ardyn episode?

Do you expect we will be able to upgrade ardyn like noctis ?
Previously I was expecting it to be 3-4 hours edging on 5 hours, but now I'm expecting it to be 1 to 2 hours. I don't know if them doing an Anime prologue to Ep Ardyn means they had to do that for whatever stuff they didn't have enough budget to put into it because of the cancellations, or maybe that was always planned, since last year they did say they were looking into doing Ep Ardyn as a manga or an anime or whatever. But I feel like it will probably be around the same length now as the S1 DLC episodes now.

why not just let the team finish up the DLC and do the NEW IP later.
Ofuji said in the stream that the reasoning was that even if they could deliver the new AAA game even 1 day earlier they would do everything they could to do that, which is part of the reason for the cancellations.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork
Feb 19, 2018
How much do you expect the hours of playing in the episode ardyn?

How much do you expect the price of ardyn episode?

Do you expect we will be able to upgrade ardyn like noctis ?
The hours are anyone's guess but they did mention wanting this batch of DLC to be more hefty than what the bros' episodes were so I guess at the least it'll be longer than 1 hour of straight up story but I'm also not expecting anything more than 3 hours tops and that's with all side content included like challenge fights or any alternate routes.

For the price I'm expecting anywhere in between 10-15 dollars

As for the upgrade tree, either Tabata or Terada mentioned a while back that the team wanted to include some sense of progression in the DLCs since the bros felt kinda stagant skill wise so unless they changed their mind I'd say there's a strong possibility of that happening. Could be that they also changed their mind so don't expect it as a given either. I'll personally be happy with Ardyn just playing well and in a fun manner even if he ultimately doesn't get expand his moveset beyond what he starts with.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Mar 7, 2018
Is most of that info from the Ultimania guide? If so, aren't they known for having inaccurate or conflicting information in them compared to the games? As far as the game, movie, and anime are confirmed I don't really recall seeing any truly conflicting info between them. Just a bunch of unexplained stuff if anything.
Most of this information came with the official guide of the game and the final fantasy wikia. I don't know if they retcom any of this in the Ultimania guide, but i guess they didn't.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


PSICOM Soldier
Jul 17, 2018
Sardinia, Italy
Holy shit, Google translate is the worst translator in the world, hope you understand this wall text about Episode Ardyn.

It's been a few days by bad news and now I reasoned a bit 'about what we were shown in the trailer and what MAYBE we might expect in the final result, mere speculation, so do not take trust for everything.
We start with the poem.

I was reminded of a Tabata sentence, where he spoke precisely of Episode Ignis and the fact that it turned out quite sad for the fans , and at that time he asked everyone if we'd enjoyed a happy or a sad ending for the future project he had in mind, what eventually became "Dawn of the future" with its grand finale.
Also he said that the next DLC we would have snatched a few smiles , the next, and only now, it's Episode Ardyn, and you say .. But how can Episode Ardyn snatch a smile if that poor Christ was imprisoned for 2000 years and only wants revenge? And then it was probably related to the grand finale.
Well, hold on, maybe Episode Ardyn to really succeed in concluding the fifteenth chapter with a smile, but also with some tears too.
Small trivial detail but not too much in the trailer we are shown a Ardyn prisoner by long hair and a young Verstael informing him that has been there for 2000 years ... 2000 years, we already knew, but how can react to a person who after all these years is suddenly catapulted into a reality that does not belong?

Ardyn will also Magitek tech savvy but I highly doubt that he know something about the "modern" technology ... Try to imagine that kind of reaction may be observing an ordinary coffee maker, a TV or a radio ... "that sorcery is this?".

I do not know about you, but I immediately came to mind this iconic scene of Jumanji (if you do not know the film absolutely remedied ).
Since the DLC will show us the path Ardyn, from the onslaught of prison for Insomnia (not to kingsglaive), perhaps waiting for us something curious and cute on his first approach with the modern world.
On another, Verstael knows the identity of Ardyn ( had not been erased from history? Even though they found Ignis and Talcott information about him ), probably Iedolas too, in short, the Empire needs someone like him, with his knowledge and abilities, and will do anything to take it on their side, and they succeed, or rather, who will think (because we all know how things will turn out).
It will Ardyn to "use" the Empire, to the new world experience and to move his evil plan of revenge.
But something will go wrong during these thirty years.
Terada during live leaves us some information, informs us that through this DLC we will explore the human feelingsof Ardyn and how it will meet an important revelation about his fate .
In the trailer shown Regis and an unusual assault on Insomnia fact, none of this fits absolutely with the events related to Kingsglaive, apparently, in the latter Regis show some suspicion as soon as the Chancellor will enter the throne room, recognizes but not flustered at the sight of this man who has already attacked and threatened his kingdom.

Something very important must have happened between the two during the last thirty years, Ardyn could have understood at that moment that he was deceived by the astrals and the crystal, and that for him there would be no way out, but most will find that the his memoirs there is no trace in Insomnia, and Regis may have discovered precisely on that occasion the truth about his dynasty and the fate that awaits her son ... after all, light and darkness coexist, they are the face of the same coin, and someone had to take this role.
Below you place an old 2015 trailer that shows Regis and Noctis was little, a few years after the events shown in Episode Ardyn.


What Ardyn has shown its "human feelings" during the first affront giving a little respite to Regis, who until then had remained in the dark?
And there's more, a few years later in Omen trailer, Regis turns to crystal, we hear a deep voice respond, and then the whole thing ends with a dramatic phrase Regis: "may the gods forgive me."
Whether or Bahamut ... Somnus at this point? Perhaps Regis accepts the conditions of Ardyn, perhaps both are grieving for their fate and in fact share the same sorrow, anger trying ... but this must stop, and the weight of all this, unfortunately, if you will have to load Noctis, because it is the only who can.
Minute 3:40.


Also in Episode Ardyn they also have flashbacks will be included as the opening film, or conclusive as a result of the "revelation" about his past? In any case, by the look of wry Somnus I do not think is going to happen something good ... Somnus will really wicked, or " envious " as defined Ardyn in the game? Armed with sword certainly I do not think it's going to hug him.

Speaking of gameplay , always Terada left us some information about it, Ardyn also take up the same moveset of Episode Ignis, so it will be fun, do not forget that in an old Tabata interview he said that in his future DLC would implement new features , like the ability to level up and gain new skills ( what they would like to do with Episode Ignis, but that was not possible ).
The DLC so perhaps it will be set in stages , perhaps retrace all the events of Final Fantasy XV from the antagonist's point of view, between the past, present and future as the final episode of this chapter.
Can they do fit together all the pieces of the puzzle? We'll find out until March, in the meantime get ready in December for the prologue of Episode Ardyn.



Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014
Ardyn's knowhow regarding Magitek would likely come from the fact that he's from the Solheim era which had Magitek, as they were an advanced civilization.

If you look at the scene of Regis in Kingsglaive closely you can see him act surprised and lean in as soon as the doors open and he see's Ardyn, the most logical conclusion is he's going along to not cause a scene with Ardyn, Regis already had his plans and acting out or causing a scene would do him no favours at that moment anyway. Regis's plans was always to accept the attack on Insomnia anyway, he knew this and Clarus knew this, even Cid knew this. Regis doesn't exactly say anything to suggest that he doesn't recognize Ardyn, but if anything him being mostly silent as he listens to Ardyn's terms only indicate that he is purposely restraining, even with that you can see Regis glaring at Ardyn towards the end of the scene.

It's sort of like the same reason why Noctis doesn't just up and attack Ardyn in chapter 7 even after knowing he is Chancellor of Niflheim.


Warrior of Light
May 2, 2016
Ardyn's knowhow regarding Magitek would likely come from the fact that he's from the Solheim era which had Magitek, as they were an advanced civilization.

If you look at the scene of Regis in Kingsglaive closely you can see him act surprised and lean in as soon as the doors open and he see's Ardyn, the most logical conclusion is he's going along to not cause a scene with Ardyn, Regis already had his plans and acting out or causing a scene would do him no favours at that moment anyway. Regis's plans was always to accept the attack on Insomnia anyway, he knew this and Clarus knew this, even Cid knew this. Regis doesn't exactly say anything to suggest that he doesn't recognize Ardyn, but if anything him being mostly silent as he listens to Ardyn's terms only indicate that he is purposely restraining, even with that you can see Regis glaring at Ardyn towards the end of the scene.

It's sort of like the same reason why Noctis doesn't just up and attack Ardyn in chapter 7 even after knowing he is Chancellor of Niflheim.
I don't have any problems with Regis keeping an earlier encounter with Ardyn a secret. His opening exchange before Ardyn formally introduces himself could be seen as a veiled acknowledgement of that encounter (and his barely suppressed hatred). Let's not forget that Regis knew a whole lot more than Noctis ever did, and I think deliberately kept secrets from others to further the Crystal's plans.

I see this as a likely pattern that might go through someone's head. "Regis recognises the Chancellor? Of course he does, he knows him by repute if nothing else. He's the king. A madman ran rampant in Lucis during the reign of the last king? So what? It's been thirty years. Regis apparently defeated him. And this man looks so young. Anyway, we know who he is. He's the Imperial Chancellor. No reason these two events - one of which was (likely) made a matter of national security - should be related in any way."


Warrior of Light
Oct 30, 2016
in my opinion I think is silly for scare to moving all the team working on FF XV to a new AI and cancelled DLC for the game. why not just let the team finish up the DLC and do the NEW IP later. FF XV sales speak for itself that the game is popular and a major financial success.

it's financial success means their will be more Final Fantasies. as of now FF XV has sold 8.4 million copies . FF XV is game that definitely has plenty of fans. it has manage to last longer than games like Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite. MVCI didn't even last a year before it was declare dead. of course their are rumors of a Marvel vs. Capcom 4.
It's true that new IPs are risky enough that it would be smarter for Squenix to keep low risk, low reward DLCs going for as long as possible while making one.

But that's why it makes sense to think that LumiPro was probably conscripted for a Final Fantasy project. A new FF -- even as part of a new FF sub-series -- could make a lot more money without significantly increasing the risk.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


PSICOM Soldier
Jul 17, 2018
Sardinia, Italy
There's another point of view, that "speculation/theory" talk about the first meet with Regis shows in Episode Ardyn.

Regis know nothing about him, and Ardyn too.

Ardyn attack Insomnia for revenge but he meet a poor men that doesn't know anything about him and the truth beyond his dynasty.
Regis probably know that truth at this point and Ardyn realized that was betrayed by the astrals and the crystal (and not only from his envy brother).

And then, Ardyn and Regis shares the same feeling: sadness and sorrow for each other.

Ardyn shows his "human feelings" and leave Insomnia (just for now) then he comes back (kingsglaive) because "they have to stop all this" and Regis accepts it, because there's no other way to end it, maybe Regis share the same idea of Ardyn... "the astrals, or the crystal, are evils".

Ardyn accept the fact that is the darkness of this world, he wants revenge and the end of the Lucis royal family.

Regis accept his death... Also Regis said "may the gods forgive me" in the Omen trailer because he want too the end of all this, but he's full of anger for his innocent son, the chosen one.

That's interesting, but we have to wait until March :mad:
Feb 19, 2018
Most of this information came with the official guide of the game and the final fantasy wikia. I don't know if they retcom any of this in the Ultimania guide, but i guess they didn't.
Idk honestly, maybe Square thought that the guide became too restricting and decided to disregard it. Wouldn't be the first time an external piece of media has been rendered non canon in a compilation like this. Hell certain series even make actual games within the series non canon if they begin to become too restricting or conflict with future plans.

Star Wars is a really big example of this, the only surefire canon is the movies since that's what started the franchise. Same thing applies to FFXV, the game is the main source of canon and if the devs feel like the guide has limited their creative freedom then I wouldn't be surprised if they ultimately decided that it was expendable in the grand scheme of things. The movie itself doesn't seem to contradict the game since it doesn't mention any really explicit dates and the exact time stamp on the anime is entirely left up to our imagination as well. So I doubt that they'll be rendered non canon but the guide provides a lot of specific info that they never originally intended to put in the game and once you do decide to include that stuff in the game you have to tweak it so that it fits in, in an enjoyable manner.

I doubt people would find it enjoyable if Ardyn's episode was him entirely just walking about non violently scheming and quietly working on his political career within the empire like the guide originally implied. It would work in a movie or in written form sure but within in a game you typically wanna be able to enjoy playing the game. So they likely had to spice it up so that it's fun for people to experience it within the form of media they've ultimately chosen to adapt the story in.

Honestly I'm fine with the game disregarding a guide, in an ideal world they'd disregard all the external media and adapt the entire story into the game even at the cost of changing previously known info for the sake of keeping a consistent and fun experience but yeah Episode Ardyn and the game is more canon in my eyes than a guide book at the end of the day and I won't really be mourning its loss.