Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
what a fucking mess

obviously the amateurish FFXV marketing team drop the news right on the 2nd anniversary because they thought it was worth for a present.

silence is always bad news for SQ, it was true for Versus, it was true for these canned DLCs and its probably true for FFVIIR.

the way this project was handled was embarassing, to think they managed to make something good (yet unfulfilled) from this is a miracle.

at least the alternate ending idea is done for good, and we're still getting Ep Ardyn which was going to be the most relevant anyway, losing playable Luna sucks though.


Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
what a fucking mess

obviously the amateurish FFXV marketing team drop the news right on the 2nd anniversary because they thought it was worth for a present.

silence is always bad news for SQ, it was true for Versus, it was true for these canned DLCs and its probably true for FFVIIR.

the way this project was handled was embarassing, to think they managed to make something good (yet unfulfilled) from this is a miracle.

at least the alternate ending idea is done for good, and we're still getting Ep Ardyn which was going to be the most relevant anyway, losing playable Luna sucks though.
Yeah, man, I'm glad that Episode: Ardyn was spared, but I'm still very bitter that they cancelled Aranea's Episode... Also, to summarize a few things during your absence, NoxFleuret told us that Sylva told him that pre-destroyed Insomnia in Ardyn's Episode will have some exploration in it, in addition to fights with QTEs, as well there being allocations for Aranea's Episode, and play the first five opening minutes of Aranea's Episode after you beat Ardyn's Episode before being notified to pay for it, which won't happen now, with Episode: Aranea being on Episode: Ardyn's menu, and there was a prompt to purchase the prologue animation as well.


Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014

don't think i've ever seen this one. stella entering a building...this one with the aquarium i guess

seems like the party in which noctis and stella meet was a treaty signing one - probably for important people to watch it "live". somehow i never realised that xD
I took these exact pics from my copy of the FFXV artbook and posted them a while back, even in this thread in September.
There was some artwork in the artbook that is Visual Works concept art showin

And at that time Luna still had the white Roen party dress and wore her hair down too, which is reflected in this artwork here of her (despite her design being basically identical to 2013 Stella's at the time)

You can see in the previs here that in early CG tests with Nyx and Luna that Luna still had the white Roen dress and wore her hair down, this stuff was created sometime between October 2013 and 2015.

If only Square would've let Nomura directed XV and then move on to VII Remake for PS5
There is a reason why he was taken off XV to begin with.


Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014

cool shot of clarus from old trailer. i will never understand why they changed his design....
Yeah I really liked this design of Clarus, he actually has a resemblance to Gladio too, unlike the new design they gave him in Kingsglaive. This change is actually the biggest design change I didn't like, they threw out a perfectly good Clarus design that actually resembles his son, in exchange for using the facial scan of some random white actor, and on top of that completely shaved his head and beard style...

It looks like even in mid 2015 according to the date "150728", or 28th of July 2015 here from when they were doing mocap for Kingsglaive that Clarus still had the old hair/beard/face but in the outfit current Clarus has, then sometime after that they changed his face/hair/beard completely.



Chocobo Knight
Jul 15, 2014
What a waste, this game has so much potential.
yeah...i really wanted to play the invasion and feel the dark atmosphere/tension, but then again theres the royaln edition with the expanded Insomnia and I didnt played the game over 1 year long.
So I will start the game to the beginn after Episode Ardyn is there.

i've just remembered about this whole "abused kid luna" thing. ahh now im sad for episode being cancelled T__T
Actually in the Dawn Trailer theres one frame you get to see this here:
This pic is so sad and at the same time just shocking. Now we know that the man was Caligo (and not Regis as some of us were thinking that, like me xD).
In the final game we captured Caligo in a Niflheim base but than he escaped. I always found that pretty strange, because the whole mission was useless and didnt made any sense. Did Noct and the others wanted to capture him, because he killed Jared or something?
Perhaps in the original story Caligo talked to Noct or someone else or just remembered how he attacked Luna ect.


Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014
I suspect he might have been General Glauca in the pre-Kingsglaive version, just for the fact that someone had to be.
I highly doubt Glauca was supposed to be Clarus. There is another face that we see in the 2013 CG faces that we never saw again, people often mistook this face for Cor but it ain't.

Here's Cor's face just for comparison.

Something common I've seen people say is that this unknown man could have been the original Drautos, before they had a mocap actor facial scanned for his face. I can see where they are coming from too, though I'm not sure if the character of Drautos in particular was ever a part of FFXV prior to Kingsglaive becoming a thing. So if this unknown man was supposed to be Drautos, we'll probably never know.

The only character with short dark brown hair with blueish eyes we ever saw prior to XV was the Driver from the 2011 Versus trailer, the one heard saying "Noctis Ouji" repeatedly in the trailer, who Nomura had confirmed was originally voiced by Hiroki Touchi, but that Hiroki Touchi later became Cor's voice actor by 2013 and Nomura said that the Driver now had a different VA. Maybe the unknown man from 2013 CG face renders was a modified version of this man, who BTW is also wearing Roen clothes, as indicated by the Roen skull on his vest.

I always thought it was odd that this supposed innocuous man was shown almost as much times in this scene as Noctis was, and this is pretty baseless on my part here but what if this dude was Glauca, or an original incarnation of "Drautos"?

After Noctis mentions that the Niflheim ships heading to the Citadel look as if it's gonna be taken over the Driver looks at Noctis then shifts his gaze in the opposite direction and purses his lips and "swallows" his lips, and then laughs Noctis's comments off, in terms of body language what he did on his mouth is a sign of hiding the truth, or suppressing information, sort of like how crossing your arms means someone is being defensive. If this man was actually Glauca, wouldn't he know about the incoming invasion and intentions of Niflheim? And when Noctis made that comment the body language the gives off falls more inline with someone hiding or suppressing the truth, as if he does know the truth and is purposely trying to hide it from Noctis by laughing it off.

This man also waves to some Lucis royal guards we can see standing by the gate, at first I thought they were saluting because Noctis was in the car, but what if they were saluting because this Driver was actually himself someone in Lucis upper military? He's driving Noctis around so back in 2011 people assumed he must be low on the ranking and just a driver, but Cor drove Regis around and he is general of the Crownsguard, and even in Kingsglaive Drautos drives around Noctis's car, so what if this guy was someone important within the Lucis military given that he is the one driving Noctis around?

I wonder if Drautos being the one driving around Noctis's car is in anyway a nod, assuming the 2011 Driver was the original "Drautos". Even during this scene Drautos is hiding information and pretending to be ignorant about what's really going on to Nyx.

And in the 2011 trailer when driving off the Royal Guards salute the driver as a show of respect.

These guards from the 2011 trailer are still used as we see them a lot in Kingsglaive and they even made a whole named character as one.

And in Kingsglaive there's also this scene where a Niflheim person is talking off to that Royal Guard who when Drautos comes in the scene fixes his posture and stands up straight as a sign of respect.

It's not really much to go off of but at the very least I think they are nods.
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Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
yeah...i really wanted to play the invasion and feel the dark atmosphere/tension, but then again theres the royaln edition with the expanded Insomnia and I didnt played the game over 1 year long.
So I will start the game to the beginn after Episode Ardyn is there.

Actually in the Dawn Trailer theres one frame you get to see this here:
View attachment 1060
This pic is so sad and at the same time just shocking. Now we know that the man was Caligo (and not Regis as some of us were thinking that, like me xD).
In the final game we captured Caligo in a Niflheim base but than he escaped. I always found that pretty strange, because the whole mission was useless and didnt made any sense. Did Noct and the others wanted to capture him, because he killed Jared or something?
Perhaps in the original story Caligo talked to Noct or someone else or just remembered how he attacked Luna ect.
here's your invasion



Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Feb 28, 2018
I highly doubt Glauca was supposed to be Clarus. There is another face that we see in the 2013 CG faces that we never saw again, people often mistook this face for Cor but it ain't.

Here's Cor's face just for comparison.

Something common I've seen people say is that this unknown man could have been the original Drautos, before they had a mocap actor facial scanned for his face. I can see where they are coming from too, though I'm not sure if the character of Drautos in particular was ever a part of FFXV prior to Kingsglaive becoming a thing. So if this unknown man was supposed to be Drautos, we'll probably never know.
You're absolutely right, I had forgotten about the Cor lookalike (brother?) from the same trailer.
I've read articles about how Final Fantasy VII and X changed from their original concepts, but XV's changes happened publicly. It does feel like expectations have been hurt. A lot of these old ideas were more interesting than what we ended up with.

Hoping that Clarus appears in Episode Ardyn. All they need to do is drop in a carbon copy Gladiolus enemy NPC, with his model altered a little bit!

All that's left then is to see Ignis's father...
Likes: Dorothy95


Sphere Hunter
Jan 5, 2018
I took these exact pics from my copy of the FFXV artbook and posted them a while back, even in this thread in September.

There is a reason why he was taken off XV to begin with.
aww yeah you are the source! found these on tumblr, but later yesterday i found your twitter and followed :3 never too much ffxv people to follow :D sorry, i must have missed these in september


Sphere Hunter
Jan 5, 2018
yeah...i really wanted to play the invasion and feel the dark atmosphere/tension, but then again theres the royaln edition with the expanded Insomnia and I didnt played the game over 1 year long.
So I will start the game to the beginn after Episode Ardyn is there.

Actually in the Dawn Trailer theres one frame you get to see this here:
View attachment 1060
This pic is so sad and at the same time just shocking. Now we know that the man was Caligo (and not Regis as some of us were thinking that, like me xD).
In the final game we captured Caligo in a Niflheim base but than he escaped. I always found that pretty strange, because the whole mission was useless and didnt made any sense. Did Noct and the others wanted to capture him, because he killed Jared or something?
Perhaps in the original story Caligo talked to Noct or someone else or just remembered how he attacked Luna ect.
wut he was caligo? i was pretty sure that it was glauca and was actually shocked that it fitted with how luna felt about him in kingsglaive xD yeah in game you go after him because of jared :/


Sphere Hunter
Jan 5, 2018
I highly doubt Glauca was supposed to be Clarus. There is another face that we see in the 2013 CG faces that we never saw again, people often mistook this face for Cor but it ain't.

Here's Cor's face just for comparison.

Something common I've seen people say is that this unknown man could have been the original Drautos, before they had a mocap actor facial scanned for his face. I can see where they are coming from too, though I'm not sure if the character of Drautos in particular was ever a part of FFXV prior to Kingsglaive becoming a thing. So if this unknown man was supposed to be Drautos, we'll probably never know.

The only character with short dark brown hair with blueish eyes we ever saw prior to XV was the Driver from the 2011 Versus trailer, the one heard saying "Noctis Ouji" repeatedly in the trailer, who Nomura had confirmed was originally voiced by Hiroki Touchi, but that Hiroki Touchi later became Cor's voice actor by 2013 and Nomura said that the Driver now had a different VA. Maybe the unknown man from 2013 CG face renders was a modified version of this man, who BTW is also wearing Roen clothes, as indicated by the Roen skull on his vest.

I always thought it was odd that this supposed innocuous man was shown almost as much times in this scene as Noctis was, and this is pretty baseless on my part here but what if this dude was Glauca, or an original incarnation of "Drautos"?

After Noctis mentions that the Niflheim ships heading to the Citadel look as if it's gonna be taken over the Driver looks at Noctis then shifts his gaze in the opposite direction and purses his lips and "swallows" his lips, and then laughs Noctis's comments off, in terms of body language what he did on his mouth is a sign of hiding the truth, or suppressing information, sort of like how crossing your arms means someone is being defensive. If this man was actually Glauca, wouldn't he know about the incoming invasion and intentions of Niflheim? And when Noctis made that comment the body language the gives off falls more inline with someone hiding or suppressing the truth, as if he does know the truth and is purposely trying to hide it from Noctis by laughing it off.

This man also waves to some Lucis royal guards we can see standing by the gate, at first I thought they were saluting because Noctis was in the car, but what if they were saluting because this Driver was actually himself someone in Lucis upper military? He's driving Noctis around so back in 2011 people assumed he must be low on the ranking and just a driver, but Cor drove Regis around and he is general of the Crownsguard, and even in Kingsglaive Drautos drives around Noctis's car, so what if this guy was someone important within the Lucis military given that he is the one driving Noctis around?

I wonder if Drautos being the one driving around Noctis's car is in anyway a nod, assuming the 2011 Driver was the original "Drautos". Even during this scene Drautos is hiding information and pretending to be ignorant about what's really going on to Nyx.

And in the 2011 trailer when driving off the Royal Guards salute the driver as a show of respect.

These guards from the 2011 trailer are still used as we see them a lot in Kingsglaive and they even made a whole named character as one.

And in Kingsglaive there's also this scene where a Niflheim person is talking off to that Royal Guard who when Drautos comes in the scene fixes his posture and stands up straight as a sign of respect.

It's not really much to go off of but at the very least I think they are nods.
I think that in the old trailer they were saluting him more because it was a royal car with noctis inside, not because the guy who was driving was important. also the render looks bit similar (eyes, hair, ear) but the guy driving doesn't look so...angry :v
Feb 19, 2018
How much of Insomnia do you think we can explore in Episode Ardyn?! I hope it is something similar to the expanded Insomnia in the Royal Pack dlc.

There's a bunch of a nice places in that city, I really want to see something similar to the concepts of Kingsglave: FFXV in that episode.

Man... if only the negative response to the XIII trilogy didn't scare Square off from attempting another trilogy while FFXV was still in development. It would've been really cool to have a first game that takes place in Insomnia for a good long while before you depart as part of the invasion. Honestly while it's crying over spilled milk at this point I kinda wish Square had instead doubled down on polishing one piece of the story first then releasing the rest as sequels. Would've cost them less money and man hours while also sparing them the headache of going back to retroactively fix a game as they could've just used feedback from it to make a better sequel. I just don't get the higher ups over at Square sometimes.


Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
but they are sure vii remake will sell, with xv they didn't know i guess...especially if it was going to be connected to lightning saga which was a flop
Because VII on itself is a powerhouse brand within Final Fantasy something that XV as a new installment (and any other new installment after VII) never had on its favor.