Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Feb 20, 2018
Insomnia was decently large in the Royal Edition, so... I suspect around that size, though the parts we visit might not all be the same.
I'm hoping most of the city to will made available too us this time around, if not all of it. After all, they've had a full year to develop it now and assets for a good majority of Insomnia already existed thanks too the Royal Edition.

It's a shame though that regardless of what size it is, be it what your predicted or what I'm expecting... Insomnia's going to be relegated too Episode Ardyn. I mean I'd pay good money for a proper epilogue there with Noct/Regis/Cor & the boys. A bit of time spent in Insomnia too help establish the city and its importance too the party as well as give some of the important characters that didn't get enough screen time (like Regis, Cor, etc) a bit more of it would've been incredible. And a patch that could let us return too the city in the main game with umbra would've been awesome...
Oct 26, 2017
Costa Rica
A good point to let us explore Insomnia in the game would be after the "goodbye" scene between Noctis and Regis, let us explore de City all we want and continue the game if we get near the car and press "x."

Or maybe before that escene, just after the prologue, just wake up as Noctis in his room/home in Insomnia and then go looking for our friends around the city. The only way to continue the game is go to The Citadel for triggering de intro. Also use Umbra or Pryna to go back in time to this point.


SOLDIER Second Class
Feb 23, 2018
I think we shouldn't change the start of the game. One of the best things of the game is how it starts and how the ending ties with the beginning.
But what should be added is the intro of Kingsglaive with Luna monologue after the flasforward at the begining.


Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014
A bit of time spent in Insomnia too help establish the city and its importance too the party as well as give some of the important characters that didn't get enough screen time (like Regis, Cor, etc) a bit more of it would've been incredible.
That's basically the Parting Ways prologue.

There's straight up about 30 minutes of audio there from different characters POVs, which in the context of turning them into cutscenes would be longer and more paced out, and in the context of turning them into game cutscenes in between sections of exploration or what have you would make the section even more longer. Like Episode Duscae for example only has 15 minutes or so of cutscenes in it but the whole thing was like 2-3 hours long because of the stuff you do in between. Though even if an Insomnia prologue before they set off were to ever be added, there wouldn't really be much to do since you aren't gonna be fighting enemies or anything prior to leaving, unless they make it so you spar against Crownsguard or something. As far as actual gameplay potential for a Insomnia prologue goes prior to them leaving, I don't know what there would be to even really do gameplay wise other than just walk around and look at stuff.


Feb 20, 2018
A good point to let us explore Insomnia in the game would be after the "goodbye" scene between Noctis and Regis, let us explore de City all we want and continue the game if we get near the car and press "x."

Or maybe before that escene, just after the prologue, just wake up as Noctis in his room/home in Insomnia and then go looking for our friends around the city. The only way to continue the game is go to The Citadel for triggering de intro. Also use Umbra or Pryna to go back in time to this point.
Those are some awesome ideas, I've actually made similar assertions in the past in regards to how a proper epilogue could work although I've recently come to the conclusion that it would've probably worked best as a non-integrated DLC. Not that I wouldn't want it included however, as I would, but that thought was more of a compromise... Firstly, it maintains Tabata's original vision allowing players to begin their journey in a relatively short period of time, and secondly it would allow players doing subsequent runs too opt out of the epilogue if they pleased. That seems to me like it would've been a fair way for every ones wants to conjunct while at the same time giving this game its much needed Insomnia epilogue...

Now, as for what the story content could've consisted of I like that idea you mentioned that takes place before chapter 1. Personally, I've always thought they could seamlessly utilize the script from parting ways and deliver that experience too us in-game, with a bit extra on the side of course ;) - such as spending a bit of time with Regis (perhaps the day before?), encountering unique NPC's in the streets and growing some attachment to the citizens of the capital in the process, sitting down and enjoying a meal at the restaurants, and just enjoying the metropolitan marvel that is Insomnia... this place holds so much significance to the world, the main characters, the plot.. it's what ultimate end-goal we're slowly but surely fighting towards the entire game and the destruction as we witnesses it as we return is supposed to have a rea significant impact on the player but because we don't even spend 1 minute their establishing any sort of connection or attachment too it the feeling just doesn't resonate through the party back too the player, not as strongly as it should anyway... and I think that's a real travesty. So many players would connect more with the end-game, and this game would be appreciated much more significantly than it is now if this had been a thing, but unfortunately it never will...
That's basically the Parting Ways prologue.

There's straight up about 30 minutes of audio there from different characters POVs, which in the context of turning them into cutscenes would be longer and more paced out, and in the context of turning them into game cutscenes in between sections of exploration or what have you would make the section even more longer. Like Episode Duscae for example only has 15 minutes or so of cutscenes in it but the whole thing was like 2-3 hours long because of the stuff you do in between. Though even if an Insomnia prologue before they set off were to ever be added, there wouldn't really be much to do since you aren't gonna be fighting enemies or anything prior to leaving, unless they make it so you spar against Crownsguard or something. As far as actual gameplay potential for a Insomnia prologue goes prior to them leaving, I don't know what there would be to even really do gameplay wise other than just walk around and look at stuff.
If you think that's an acceptable compromise than you're missing the point... it's not just about having an epilogue or a prologue, it's about having one in a playable Insomnia. Who would we fight? Again, you're missing the point... although, I mean there are plenty of potential training partners like: Nyx, Regis & Cor but than again it's not about the fighting and FF has never, ever only been about the fight. It's about the story for me, at least here in this instance... It's about bringing the main city into the main game and actually making the player feel attached too it before spending 40-60 hours trying to reclaim its throne.


Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014
Those are some awesome ideas, I've actually made similar assertions in the past in regards to how a proper epilogue could work although I've recently come to the conclusion that it would've probably worked best as a non-integrated DLC. Not that I wouldn't want it included however, as I would, but that thought was more of a compromise... Firstly, it maintains Tabata's original vision allowing players to begin their journey in a relatively short period of time, and secondly it would allow players doing subsequent runs too opt out of the epilogue if they pleased. That seems to me like it would've been a fair way for every ones wants to conjunct while at the same time giving this game its much needed Insomnia epilogue...

Now, as for what the story content could've consisted of I like that idea you mentioned that takes place before chapter 1. Personally, I've always thought they could seamlessly utilize the script from parting ways and deliver that experience too us in-game, with a bit extra on the side of course ;) - such as spending a bit of time with Regis (perhaps the day before?), encountering unique NPC's in the streets and growing some attachment to the citizens of the capital in the process, sitting down and enjoying a meal at the restaurants, and just enjoying the metropolitan marvel that is Insomnia... this place holds so much significance to the world, the main characters, the plot.. it's what ultimate end-goal we're slowly but surely fighting towards the entire game and the destruction as we witnesses it as we return is supposed to have a rea significant impact on the player but because we don't even spend 1 minute their establishing any sort of connection or attachment too it the feeling just doesn't resonate through the party back too the player, not as strongly as it should anyway... and I think that's a real travesty. So many players would connect more with the end-game, and this game would be appreciated much more significantly than it is now if this had been a thing, but unfortunately it never will...

If you think that's an acceptable compromise than you're missing the point... it's not just about having an epilogue or a prologue, it's about having one in a playable Insomnia. Who would we fight? Again, you're missing the point... although, I mean there are plenty of potential training partners like: Nyx, Regis & Cor but than again it's not about the fighting and FF has never, ever only been about the fight. It's about the story for me, at least here in this instance... It's about bringing the main city into the main game and actually making the player feel attached too it before spending 40-60 hours trying to reclaim its throne.
For a city as big as Insomnia there needs to be a purpose to making it actually in game in the context of a prologue and to do it justice. If the purpose is just for story content then cutscenes alone would suffice, there needs to be an actual reason why you're going to the location to walk around. Even in FF10's intro in Zanarkand you still fight enemies even though you're basically running down a corridor path. There needs to be actual game play worth for it to even be a viable reason to make the area in the game for that section.

Even Tenebrae which you only stop off for a bit still has the function of having item stores, weapon stores, food stores, a rest point, some items to find and NPCs to talk to, but the context of when the player goes there is after something has happened to the city within the context of the story. If they were to make Insomnia playable prior to leaving the city then there'd have to be an actual game loop reason for why and for things to actually do, who would you talk to? Nothing has actually happened yet at that point because as far as Noctis and co are concerned they are still at peace, the only real story content it could cover is what's in the Parting Ways prologue and it can't go against what's established in that, ergo Noctis cannot get to see Regis until the actual CG we see in the final game because Regis is too busy, the context is completely different. It's why so many people would rather the Insomnia invasion itself being in the game because that gives gameplay purpose to the city during that moment.

Even as far as things like stores would be concerned in Insomnia, why would there be item stores or weapon stores inside the city? There's a reason why they're outside the city, but for inside especially during that time it doesn't contextually fit, the Kingsglaive and Crownsguard have their weapons and it's not like they're going out to random stores in Insomnia to buy weapons or something.

As far as doing an Insomnia prologue goes, the way I see it the most viable way to do it would be to make something that is a really linear prologue that just gives you a taste of Insomnia, ala Zanarkand with cutscenes interspersed, or the alternative is a far more costly and time consuming endeavor for little gain comparatively since they would have had to spend well over a year fully developing Insomnia as a city just for it to be destroyed after an hour or so.

A pre-destruction Insomnia fucntioning as a RPG city with stores, inns, NPCs to talk to, quests, etc and a pre-destruction Insomnia functioning as a battlefield with objectives are different things, what Episode Ardyn is looking to do is the latter based on what we've seen.
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PSICOM Soldier
Feb 18, 2018
Do you think Ep. Ardyn's gameplay is going to start in Insomnia, or do you think that we'l perhaps make our way to Insomnia for a short while?


SOLDIER Second Class
Feb 23, 2018
Do you think Ep. Ardyn's gameplay is going to start in Insomnia, or do you think that we'l perhaps make our way to Insomnia for a short while?
I think it will start with Ardyn being freed. Then he will show his value to the Empire by getting Ifrit and killing Shiva (first section playable), then he will go to Insomnia when he learns that Regis has a son and may fulfill the prophecy.
We will probably play a little peaceful section, walking some streets untill he's discovered or triggered and then shit will hit the fan with all the battles happening in rooftops.

What concerns me is that we may fight some bosses from the main story like the King of Yore with a Mace (he appears in the trailer). It could deminish the final push of the game if the bosses are repeated during the episode.


PSICOM Soldier
Feb 18, 2018
I think it will start with Ardyn being freed. Then he will show his value to the Empire by getting Ifrit and killing Shiva (first section playable), then he will go to Insomnia when he learns that Regis has a son and may fulfill the prophecy.
We will probably play a little peaceful section, walking some streets untill he's discovered or triggered and then shit will hit the fan with all the battles happening in rooftops.

What concerns me is that we may fight some bosses from the main story like the King of Yore with a Mace (he appears in the trailer). It could deminish the final push of the game if the bosses are repeated during the episode.
Hmmm sound reasonable.
Also does anybody remember that interview where Tabata said something about the new dlc episodes being more polished and/or expansive than the first batch? I can't find it anywhere.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork
Feb 19, 2018
Hmmm sound reasonable.
Also does anybody remember that interview where Tabata said something about the new dlc episodes being more polished and/or expansive than the first batch? I can't find it anywhere.
I can't remember where he said it but it was either him or Terada (Episode Ignis director) that talked about wanting to add some more sense of progression to the upcoming episodes so like a skill tree or something from the sound of it. They also said they wanted to tell a connecting/overarching story of sorts with all the DLC but obviously there have been changes made to that plan with the cancellation of 3 of those DLCs so I don't know what's gonna happen on that front though I assume maybe that means Episode Ardyn might be more lengthy as a way to compensate for the now lost content. Honestly Idk if any of that old info still stands as being true seeing as Luminous got the rug pulled out from under them. What they plan to do now is anyone's guess. All we know is they've got an Episode Ardyn and Ardyn anime one shot in the works.


Sphere Hunter
Feb 20, 2018
I think the only enemies in Ardyn are going to be the 3 Kings of Yore, hence their corruption in the Royal Edition, Insomnia Guards, the Kings Glaive, and Regis as the final boss. I think Ifrit will only be there as a summon. They might mention the attack on Shiva and awakening Ifrit but it might be passing dialogue. The gameplay will be restricted to Insomnia and we'll have flashbacks of Somnus and Verstael removing Ardyn from Angelguard and maybe some aspect of Graela. Hopefully it will look better than what they showed.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


PSICOM Soldier
Feb 18, 2018
I think the only enemies in Ardyn are going to be the 3 Kings of Yore, hence their corruption in the Royal Edition, Insomnia Guards, the Kings Glaive, and Regis as the final boss. I think Ifrit will only be there as a summon. They might mention the attack on Shiva and awakening Ifrit but it might be passing dialogue. The gameplay will be restricted to Insomnia and we'll have flashbacks of Somnus and Verstael removing Ardyn from Angelguard and maybe some aspect of Graela. Hopefully it will look better than what they showed.
Well, datamining points to battling Ifrit as well, and I doubt the Verstael part'll be a flashback, it doesn't make sense, at all.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


SOLDIER Second Class
Feb 23, 2018
If we get Episode Ardyn inside the main story, it doesn't make any sense to have flashbacks inside flashbacks to tell the Episode. It would be a mess.

In other matters.Do you think we will receive some explanations about Ardyn's powers?
We don't know if he spawns like daemons when he dies, if he can teleport, if he can really stop time... This guy is a lovable trickster full of bullshit superpowers, maybe they have a script that justifies all this things.


PSICOM Soldier
Feb 18, 2018
If we get Episode Ardyn inside the main story, it doesn't make any sense to have flashbacks inside flashbacks to tell the Episode. It would be a mess.

In other matters.Do you think we will receive some explanations about Ardyn's powers?
We don't know if he spawns like daemons when he dies, if he can teleport, if he can really stop time... This guy is a lovable trickster full of bullshit superpowers, maybe they have a script that justifies all this things.
Well they did say that Episode Ardyn IS going to answer all remaining questions, whatever that means to them. I honestly don't know if I'm honest, but I hope they have a fire under their asses right now and do whatever they can with the whole game :)


Feb 20, 2018
For a city as big as Insomnia there needs to be a purpose to making it actually in game in the context of a prologue and to do it justice. If the purpose is just for story content then cutscenes alone would suffice, there needs to be an actual reason why you're going to the location to walk around. Even in FF10's intro in Zanarkand you still fight enemies even though you're basically running down a corridor path. There needs to be actual game play worth for it to even be a viable reason to make the area in the game for that section.

Even Tenebrae which you only stop off for a bit still has the function of having item stores, weapon stores, food stores, a rest point, some items to find and NPCs to talk to, but the context of when the player goes there is after something has happened to the city within the context of the story. If they were to make Insomnia playable prior to leaving the city then there'd have to be an actual game loop reason for why and for things to actually do, who would you talk to? Nothing has actually happened yet at that point because as far as Noctis and co are concerned they are still at peace, the only real story content it could cover is what's in the Parting Ways prologue and it can't go against what's established in that, ergo Noctis cannot get to see Regis until the actual CG we see in the final game because Regis is too busy, the context is completely different. It's why so many people would rather the Insomnia invasion itself being in the game because that gives gameplay purpose to the city during that moment.

Even as far as things like stores would be concerned in Insomnia, why would there be item stores or weapon stores inside the city? There's a reason why they're outside the city, but for inside especially during that time it doesn't contextually fit, the Kingsglaive and Crownsguard have their weapons and it's not like they're going out to random stores in Insomnia to buy weapons or something.

As far as doing an Insomnia prologue goes, the way I see it the most viable way to do it would be to make something that is a really linear prologue that just gives you a taste of Insomnia, ala Zanarkand with cutscenes interspersed, or the alternative is a far more costly and time consuming endeavor for little gain comparatively since they would have had to spend well over a year fully developing Insomnia as a city just for it to be destroyed after an hour or so.

A pre-destruction Insomnia fucntioning as a RPG city with stores, inns, NPCs to talk to, quests, etc and a pre-destruction Insomnia functioning as a battlefield with objectives are different things, what Episode Ardyn is looking to do is the latter based on what we've seen.
Who... would we talk too? How about Nyx & Titus? How about Gladio's father, sister, and Ignis family. Than there's Jared, Cor, the Kingsglaive oh and the citizens of Insomnia. As I mentioned earlier I want to encounter unique NPC's across the city to help establish a connection with the people who live there so that seeing the city completely devoid of life and personality at the end of the game actually means something. What we have now would be like the equivalent of starting off OoT after a brief cutscene in Hyrule Castle and first getting control of Link outside the gates of the city. Never actually having the chance to go into the market, or into the castle, not until mid-to-end of the game anyway and while it would still be shocking to see the city so baron & void of life it wouldn't have the same impact without having the opportunity to explore it before hand and speak with the quirky npc's, play the mini-games, interact with the market vendors and whatnot.

Cutscenes would be appreciated but only in addition to a playable Insomnia, they wouldn't help fill the void left by not actually getting the chance to experience the place before hand. Let me gaze upon the unique land marks, wade amongst the busy city streets, visit the famous restaurants and unique shops (Ebony shop?) lol. Of course there are going to be weapon vendors there because you have to be prepared for whenever you actually leave the city. I mean, while the people of Insomnia do indeed live peacefully, they have a constant reminder of the dangers that exist outside looming over their heads 24/7. And that shield has been tested on several occasions, especially during the events leading up too the treaty signing.

As for how the Regis situation could be handled, I had suggested above that the epilogue could begin the day before although that was just an idea I had put forward. It could start weeks before, with a time skip filling the gap after we have a few character building talks with Regis OR Noctis could have a dream the night before of when he was a kid spending time with Regis. Something maybe along the lines of what we saw in the Dawn Trailers. Anyway... there's many potential solutions here for how we could give King Regis the character building he deserves (and desperately needs) and I'd personally like to find ways to make it work rather than ways to say it won't, or wouldn't have in this past-tense context.

Oh and lastly, it doesn't have to be completely devoid of gameplay. Here's a potential scenario, as we know Niff has attempted to break down the shield before lets say they've sent a small army of mech's & daemons down in Airships to try and break down the shield (kind of sounds like infinity war lol but bear with me), and Regis sends Noct, Prompto, Gladio, Ignis, Nyx, Cor & the rest of the Kingsglaive to deal with them. This would be a great way to establish how tense things are between Niff & Ins before the treaty signing and it would also give a great gameplay justification to bring us Insomnia. A big battle that where you fight alongside the KG to save the city. Not exactly the Invasion DLC everyone hoped for but it would be something.


Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014
How about Nyx & Titus? How about Gladio's father, sister, and Ignis family. Than there's Jared, Cor, the Kingsglaive oh and the citizens of Insomnia.
Noctis doesn't know Nyx and there isn't any point prior to him leaving Insomnia that he would ever go out of his way just to go and talk to Nyx, the only time they even ever come in contact is when Nyx is dropping him back home that one time and even then that's just a car ride and nothing more. The only time prior to leaving that Noctis is confirmed to have talked to Drautos is in their exchange in the Parting Ways, same with his entire conversation with Iris. Noctis doesn't go to see Clarus or Cor at this time or any of the days prior to leaving, and Ignis is with Noctis during this time and they have a conversation with Ignis's uncle. Why would Noctis go and talk to the Kingsglaive? A bunch of them bump into him and aren't even seemingly aware of who he even is and Ignis even informs him that they are Kingsglaive members, this is all in the parting ways audio. What citizens would Noctis talk to and for what purpose? They wouldn't have anything of note to say at that point because again Insomnia has been at peace for years, there isn't anything that would add that just doing some cutscenes wouldn't do better. Look man I don't think you are actually thinking this through, it's good to want things but you aren't thinking this through from a game design perspective, rather just from a "i want this and that" perspective with some really impractical applications for those things. It's why if they were to ever add stuff from Parting Ways into the game it would be more viable by doing them as their own cutscenes rather than playable sections.

You keep mentioning epilogue, do you want this stuff at the very end of the game after we've already beaten Ardyn? Why would it be the epilogue? The whole point of Noctis not being able to get a chance to see Regis prior to the day he leaves is to emphasize the whole point of Regis being too busy to see Noctis because of his kingly duties, having Noctis just up and meet him just because would undo and undermine the entire point of it. It's why Regis's last time seeing Noctis was him trying to talk to him as a father rather than as king because of him barely having enough time to see him.

There would never be any logical reason for Regis to send Noctis, Gladio, Prompto and Ignis to go and check out some Niflheim soldiers trying to attack the wall, that's the entire reason why the Kingsglaive exist and only they would go out to deal with that. And on top of that a skirmish with Niflheim is already seen happening with the Kingsglaive taking active duties in that during a few days before the invasion, it's in the first 12 minutes of Kingsglaive we see that and right after that Ardyn comes with the peace treaty terms.

There is no real gamepay scenario that would be worth the time and effort doing for Noctis in a pre-destruction Insomnia in the current canon that is anything more than just some sparring with Gladio and other crownsguard, or just walking around looking at stuff in a linear area with cutscenes interspersed. The biggest gameplay scenario potential for Insomnia comes during the invasion itself because it functions as a battlefield that way. Even when it was Versus we only ever saw Insomnia function as a battlefield, not as an RPG town with inns, shops to buy stuff, quests to obtain etc.

Even as far as Regis goes, the intent of his character was always to be someone who dies early on but was to be fleshed out via cutscenes in flashbacks after the fact, and while he did end up having very little actual cutscenes/flashbacks in the game anyway, if they really were to add more to Regis's character then adding more of those do would add more to his character. Knowing that a character is dead does not mean they cannot be fleshed out after that fact, there are entire stories built around a character dying and you learning more about them afterwards, what really matters is execution, and in regards to Regis here is to keep his characterization and actions consistent.

Take Brotherhood's scenes of Regis for example, and Insomnia in general, we already know Regis is dead and that Insomnia was invaded as it happened before the 1st episode takes place, but Regis and Insomnia still get plenty of scenes that help flesh them out and show more sides of them in the form of flashbacks, and they are effective in conveying to the audience what Regis is like and what Insomnia is like.

While having an Insomnia prologue sounds good on paper, how you actually execute that has a lot of things you have to tip toe around and be within the constrains of becaus of the established canon for what happens in the days leading up to the Invasio, it's for that reason that having something like the Insomnia invasion/Kingsglaive's events be something like an alternate Chapter 1 instead would do much more to help flesh out those things within the game, those are more effective showing those from Regis's and Nyx's perspectives, since we already see Noctis's perspective of how the invasion plays out in the main game.


Feb 20, 2018
Noctis doesn't know Nyx and there isn't any point prior to him leaving Insomnia that he would ever go out of his way just to go and talk to Nyx, the only time they even ever come in contact is when Nyx is dropping him back home that one time and even then that's just a car ride and nothing more. The only time prior to leaving that Noctis is confirmed to have talked to Drautos is in their exchange in the Parting Ways, same with his entire conversation with Iris. Noctis doesn't go to see Clarus or Cor at this time or any of the days prior to leaving, and Ignis is with Noctis during this time and they have a conversation with Ignis's uncle. Why would Noctis go and talk to the Kingsglaive? A bunch of them bump into him and aren't even seemingly aware of who he even is and Ignis even informs him that they are Kingsglaive members, this is all in the parting ways audio. What citizens would Noctis talk to and for what purpose? They wouldn't have anything of note to say at that point because again Insomnia has been at peace for years, there isn't anything that would add that just doing some cutscenes wouldn't do better. Look man I don't think you are actually thinking this through, it's good to want things but you aren't thinking this through from a game design perspective, rather just from a "i want this and that" perspective with some really impractical applications for those things. It's why if they were to ever add stuff from Parting Ways into the game it would be more viable by doing them as their own cutscenes rather than playable sections.

You keep mentioning epilogue, do you want this stuff at the very end of the game after we've already beaten Ardyn? Why would it be the epilogue? The whole point of Noctis not being able to get a chance to see Regis prior to the day he leaves is to emphasize the whole point of Regis being too busy to see Noctis because of his kingly duties, having Noctis just up and meet him just because would undo and undermine the entire point of it. It's why Regis's last time seeing Noctis was him trying to talk to him as a father rather than as king because of him barely having enough time to see him.

There would never be any logical reason for Regis to send Noctis, Gladio, Prompto and Ignis to go and check out some Niflheim soldiers trying to attack the wall, that's the entire reason why the Kingsglaive exist and only they would go out to deal with that. And on top of that a skirmish with Niflheim is already seen happening with the Kingsglaive taking active duties in that during a few days before the invasion, it's in the first 12 minutes of Kingsglaive we see that and right after that Ardyn comes with the peace treaty terms.

There is no real gamepay scenario that would be worth the time and effort doing for Noctis in a pre-destruction Insomnia in the current canon that is anything more than just some sparring with Gladio and other crownsguard, or just walking around looking at stuff in a linear area with cutscenes interspersed. The biggest gameplay scenario potential for Insomnia comes during the invasion itself because it functions as a battlefield that way. Even when it was Versus we only ever saw Insomnia function as a battlefield, not as an RPG town with inns, shops to buy stuff, quests to obtain etc.

Even as far as Regis goes, the intent of his character was always to be someone who dies early on but was to be fleshed out via cutscenes in flashbacks after the fact, and while he did end up having very little actual cutscenes/flashbacks in the game anyway, if they really were to add more to Regis's character then adding more of those do would add more to his character. Knowing that a character is dead does not mean they cannot be fleshed out after that fact, there are entire stories built around a character dying and you learning more about them afterwards, what really matters is execution, and in regards to Regis here is to keep his characterization and actions consistent.

Take Brotherhood's scenes of Regis for example, and Insomnia in general, we already know Regis is dead and that Insomnia was invaded as it happened before the 1st episode takes place, but Regis and Insomnia still get plenty of scenes that help flesh them out and show more sides of them in the form of flashbacks, and they are effective in conveying to the audience what Regis is like and what Insomnia is like.

While having an Insomnia prologue sounds good on paper, how you actually execute that has a lot of things you have to tip toe around and be within the constrains of becaus of the established canon for what happens in the days leading up to the Invasio, it's for that reason that having something like the Insomnia invasion/Kingsglaive's events be something like an alternate Chapter 1 instead would do much more to help flesh out those things within the game, those are more effective showing those from Regis's and Nyx's perspectives, since we already see Noctis's perspective of how the invasion plays out in the main game.
In addition to a 30-40 minute Insomnia prologue I would've absolutely loved an invasion DLC! Give me control of Nyx (who's model is actually already created) and let me play through the events of the movie. Can you imagine how awesome the Glauca fight would be? And how incredible an optional boss fight vs Diamond Weapon could've been? I'd of paid some serious money for that, and we would probably have too as well considering the kind of undertaking that would be but I would've been completely on board with it considering how important it is to actually have it In. The. Game.

Anyway... in regards the prologue, listen man it just wouldn't resonate as well with players as cutscenes. It would be like relegating destiny island in KH1 too cutscenes only. Would it work? Maybe, but it wouldn't make the experience as fun or endeering. You wouldn't become as attached too the place since you never got to explore it or appreciate it in the process. Also there wouldn't be any training with Rikku, Wakka, or Tidus. No racing with Rikku. No stopping at the beach to look out at the ocean and no exploring the island and discovering its secrets. I'd personally love to train against Nyx, Regis & Cor and explore the royal city and discover all its lore & secrets.

Oh. and, if I was asking for the assets to be made from scratch I could see where your coming from but a good majority of the assets for the city already exist thanks to the Royal Edition. If that wasn't enough however, I would assume (although I could be wrong) that we'll... finally... have the full city at our disposal thanks to Episode Ardyn. I imagine you'll probably want to dispute that and you could be right but I mean, the last significant DLC took place in Insomnia too and if they expect ppl too double dip they're going to need to give them a little more incentive than the same thing again but "daytime".


Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014
It would be like relegating destiny island in KH1 too cutscenes only. Would it work?
But Destiny Islands is a really tiny area that is inherently linear in design, what you're proposing they do for a prologue makes it sound like you want a full open world Insomnia city with complete NPC interaction, quests, shops and stores etc with every thing possible which would never have been doable in the game development timeframe given to them anyway, like not even Destiny Islands gets that treatment, and IIRC Destiny Islands was only cutscenes in KH2 too, hell we saw an entirely new area of Destiny Islands where the people actually live in KH2 yet that was never actually gameplay, it was only in cutscene. Hence why I said having Parting Ways as cutscenes interspersed between some linear section of Insomnia is as feasable it could really get for a pre-destruction Insomnia prologue from Noctis's perspective and with some gameplay training and/or minigames with Gladio and other crownsguard at most, because that already would give as much as Destiny Islands gives.

Again it makes 0 sense for there to be any possible training against Nyx or Regis at that time and for you to actually explore any meaningful area of the city and "discover" any secrets. You aren't really "exploring" anything in Destiny islands, it's just two small tiny areas with like 5 NPCs, and functionally Destiny Islands works the same as any "area" in KH because the entire game is structured linearly for its area level design and it acts as a tutorial for the actual gameplay loop of KH, what you are saying they do for Insomnia isn't like that.

Also again, Episode Ardyn functions as a battlefield the same way as Episode Ignis, Gladio and Prompto did, and even though you could buy items in those that was mainly because Prompto uses the vending machines and Ignis leaves the money in the unmanned till because he's a good boy, while Ardyn likely wouldn't be the type to do any of that, the Insomnia that is going to be in that functions not like what you are saying when you are describing what you want out of an Insomnia prologue, assets are the only real thing it could share, since you are basically describing an actual RPG city.


PSICOM Soldier
Feb 18, 2018
Okay I just watched the anniversary stream lol and they said this about Episode Ardyn(I'm paraphrasing ofc)" We'll be adding grappling functions from Episode Ignis, so that you can fly around Shinjuku" why are they calling it Shinjuku?