Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
Ambra "You participated in the battle of various places with Legis and Clayreas and Sid.The regis has protected the orphaned drato in such a fight, too, is not it?"
Regis and his connection with Drautos during the Great War once again alluded to, first time was in unused backstory information found in the datamine.

stuff that could easily have been implemented in the dossier.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


SOLDIER Second Class
Apr 12, 2016
I have a savedata with Noctis out of bounds in Niflheim continent and Lucis, i'm just waiting for a big update for Ep. Ardyn to discover new areas hidden in the map lel btw i really hope that this last episode have something like 6h of gaming and not 2-3 like the others, but first of all we need a new GOOD trailer for the dlc, the last one was... sad, it showed just a little part of Insomnia with very very bad graphics and embarassing gameplay.

Need new hype content from the Katsucon, can't wait for the anime prologue too.
i hope so


Warrior of Light
May 2, 2016

Just now I will close # Animate _XV Hokkaido character recruitment. Thank you very much for your entry!

※ The results you received this time will be released on Twitter at a later date.

google translate

ffxven retweeted

So.... They ignore a solid relationship that survived divine curses and the end of the world (Snow and Serah, yes them), and put in a couple that barely ever met and had one of the weakest arcs in the entire game. There's no justice.


Warrior of Light
Jul 14, 2015
I personally never found Sarah and Snow's relationship compelling tbh.

Also no Tifa x Cloud? Idc what anyone says that ship is canon as for as I'm concerned.
Likes: Vankwisha


SOLDIER Second Class
Feb 23, 2018
I can't believe that we will give closure next month.
I have big hopes for this video, dlc and possible final update. And I don't really know what to expect from Square.

The dlc cancelation may have given the opportunity to give more time to Ardyn's episode and a final update. But it can also mean that a lot of people working on this content have been removed ans we will receive a half baked dlc because the lack of people working on it.

To be honest I will be glad if Episode Ardyn is treated like the Royal Update, meaning we will receive a big update for the main game even if it have to cost 20 bucks.


SOLDIER Second Class
Feb 23, 2018
I think at least we're gonna get a Hard difficulty mode.
If they got the resource choped, cutscenes and dialogues are not an option.
But balancing moves and stats are something that a little group of people can do.
We could also get a message in some parts of the game to invite us to play the dlc like in Chapter 13 Verse 2.
Obviously i would prefer to have them included narratively with some editing like removing credits, have the post credit scenes added in the best and changing the unnecesary spoiler from Episode Ignis.
But that could be too much if they're out of budget.
Likes: Cloud_CR


Warrior of Light
May 2, 2016
I think at least we're gonna get a Hard difficulty mode.
If they got the resource choped, cutscenes and dialogues are not an option.
But balancing moves and stats are something that a little group of people can do.
We could also get a message in some parts of the game to invite us to play the dlc like in Chapter 13 Verse 2.
Obviously i would prefer to have them included narratively with some editing like removing credits, have the post credit scenes added in the best and changing the unnecesary spoiler from Episode Ignis.
But that could be too much if they're out of budget.
Something that might just work, and also backfire if done wrong, would be a special secret ending of sorts. Just two to three minutes or so. Something like the original Kingdom Hearts or The 3rd Birthday. Something not intended to directly reference a planned sequel or continuation, but as a kind of fanciful bookend to the entire journey.
Likes: Mewex