How would you make the next Final Fantasy?

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Oct 5, 2013
Okay, this is a bit of game/experiment/discussion.

You're the producer of the next Final Fantasy entry after XV. It's your job to gather a team to make it a reality.

Describe your scenario. What's the game all about?
Describe the gameplay. How does the game work? How's the battle system?
Choose your team. You'll need your writer(s), composer(s), scenario writers, co-producer (alongside you). Who will you choose?

Alternatively, you can just choose a developer, a studio, ect. And explain why you choose that studio.


PSICOM Soldier
Sep 30, 2013
I wouldn't. However, if I did, I'd make the "Final Fantasy to end all Final Fantasies."

Anyway, I'd make a terrible producer and a FF RPG maker, so I'll need time to think about this question!


Scenario: Four ordinary friends lead comfortable lives in a rapidly changing world. However, when they find themselves endowed with incredible powers, their nation's government brands them as threats and drive them underground. While on the run, these four friends confront horrible truths about themselves, and ultimately they must decide if they want to return to their previous ways of life. This is truly the "final fantasy."

Story's theme: fantasy v. reality (that sounds familiar)

Game play:
  • Real-time "battles": Players can rotate party members and switch control at any time, and the environment is completely interactive.
  • Stealth: Since your characters are on the run, the game rewards you for finishing battles quickly or taking down enemies without the glitz and glamour. Depending on the environment, "glitz and glamour" might be appropriate, and this point leads me to the next . . .
  • Special character moves and party combos: You're more than welcome to show off your skills. The only catch is that if characters exert too much energy in battle, their lifespans will shorten.
  • "Battle" evasions - normally in an RPG, you have no chance of defeating stronger enemies, let alone the final boss, if you don't consistently level up your characters. However, rather than fighting enemies head on to gain XP, the game also allows you to solve various puzzles to earn XP and equipment. Some of these puzzles weaken major enemies beforehand, so players should look out for these alternatives as often as possible, as they'll be crucial.
  • FF staples: What is Final Fantasy without crystals, moogles, black mages, Genji Equipment, and Esuna? Crystals play a significant role in this game's story, and I plan to include as many of the famous "staples" in the game (within reason).

No clue. A competent and ambitious one that's not afraid to change up the FF and JRPG formulae.

On second thought, this game might be better off as a non-FF title. Or an additional entry in the VERSUS epic. Who knows.
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Likes: ArkhamFantasy


Warrior of Light
Sep 27, 2013
Scenario: No "traditional" JRPG crap. That means no story filled with plot and character tropes and 50 clichés per hour, with a villain tryng to destroy the world because he is evil, or because he is misguided and thinks he will lead the people to salvation. No. I'd do a real story that is willing to take risks and provides realistic (if still fantasy) scenarios.

Gameplay: ARPG. No more ATB for me. The more precise the gameplay, the better.

Team: Certainly not Toriyama. Tabata, Nojima, Nomura, Uematsu, Ito, and Kitase if he's willing to revive his glory.
Likes: ArkhamFantasy


Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Oct 19, 2013
Madison, WI
It's been many a century since the goddesses came down to the planet, and ravaged it. Most people thought they were divine, and attempted to worship them. Only to be devoured, soul and all. The goddesses, they made the universe, yet they are angry with our ways of life. Their giant bodies crush our lands as they walk, their bosoms, ever smothering those they think are worthy of becoming one with their beauty, and those who fail to meet anything, have their souls ripped apart, and left to wander the lands until some demon decides to feast upon it. They say that the goddesses are upset because of our machines, and non-magical magic devices. They want us to destroy them, and return the planet back to its natural form. But most of us, want to keep these machines, these powers. We created them, and they fear them; and that means, we can defeat them.

However, not everyone wants us to continue using our machines, groups, entire cities and lords have banded together under the watchful eye of one of the goddesses known to have more compassion. They sit in a grand city, overlooking the main canyon that splits the entire planet into two. The goddess lays beside the city, protecting it always, while the others rampage the planet. These "Divine" people, they are our worst enemies. They embrace the goddess' bosom, its body... and it blesses them with magical abilities. As we look upon their city, ready to strike for the first time, I'm here, ready for them.

The gameplay would be based on the Star Ocean / Tales series / Radiata Stories battle systems. Full Action isn't my style. The game's progression would be more Eastern, rather than Western (IE: Not the same progression as Elder Scrolls, Demons' Souls, etc.) There would be several branching storylines, bad ends, good ends, middle ends as well. However, unlike other RPGs, every "End" actually is the same end, but with different perspectives. For instance, if you had a bad end, where a goddess devoures your soul at the end, it would give a synopsis of what happens after, etc. Since the story actually continues and whatnot. It would give you a choice to start a New Game+ no matter what end you get, to get a different, better end if possible.

Some of the "Dungeons" would be inside of these "Goddesses" the player would be able to see how souls are absorbed into the flesh, etc. quite graphic content for an FF game. The "Compassionate" Goddess may even have a "Prison" within herself, that you have to escape. One of the Optional Bosses is an "Ancient" Goddess modelled after the Tri-Ace Goddess Tria, who you awaken at the end of a very long dungeon.

The game would use a combination of different leveling systems. Your main character can pretty much use anything, but has to use skills / equips to get better at them. (A la Final Fantasy 2.)

The team would mostly be: Tri-Ace, Square Development, maybe have Tsuyoshi Sekito, Noriyuki Iwadare and Motoi work on the musics.
Likes: ArkhamFantasy
Sep 29, 2013
Scenario: There are two different dimensions, the Human Dimension and the Eidolon dimension, Humans have found a way to summon the Eidolons and use them for War using crystals that have somehow crossed to human dimension. You play as Ifrit/Shiva/Ramuh as they go to investigate the stones and remove them from the human dimension.

Gameplay: Real time combat with turn based elements, you can freely move and control all 3 summons but you can only move so much and use so many attacks before its the next character/enemies turn. Every Eidolon has its "human" form that it uses to blend into the human world, however if they fill up their gauge in battle they can transform into their true Eidolon form and become much more powerful (This will be used like a limit break or trance)

Semi-open world, there is exploration and sidequests but there will always be a mountain or ocean keeping you from going to far away from where you should be.

Director: Ito

I've long looked at FFXV in the Versus days as a ripe opportunity for a game to be seen through multiple perspectives, through the eyes of opposing characters with their own beliefs, creeds and values, and for the player to make some form of personal judgement of which character or perspective they consider to be heroic or villainous. And that would mean intermittently swapping between different protagonists, as such. It probably won't be, but I can dream for FFXVI!

The Last Of Us has shown that premise and story setup need not be avant-garde and original so long as the way you tell the story and convey the characters and their behaviour, with a theme that invokes abstract conflict down the line are excellently done. So I started to think to myself what familiar path can be tread on again, and how can we take that familiar path and re-tile it so it becomes something special of our own?

Okay, let's take the ol' Empire VS the Resistance setup. It's basically nearly everywhere, and a cliché that invites many people to yawn. We're supposed to BE and root for, the resistance faction, because they want freedom or something like that, and the Empire wants only subjugation and continued coercion of its people. But let's start giving this Empire some noble ideological qualities. Something to make the player sit up straight and say to themselves: "hold on, they have a point there. Maybe they're not simply a bunch of moustache-twirlers who can be justifiably bombed from above!". Let's try and even things out and present solid ideological credentials for both sides so that there's not quite this huge asymmetry of one side clearly being good and the other being bad.

Let's say this is a sprawling empire losing its way, and has succumbed to a civil conflict of a magic vs technology kind. For a long time it has seen itself to be the centre of everything, and a great civilisation that brought proud technological and intellectual advancements to the world. But the world modernises, approaches an era of steampunk, and the empire is losing its traditional grip on power. A resistance movement seeks the dissolution of the empire, idealising the chance for the people to properly respond to this changing world, but is not averse to conjuring up terrifying otherworldly spirits called Espers to advance their goal. Yes, the resistance has to resort to summoning murderous creatures, necromancy and the various dark arts to even survive. The empire side has the military might, with modern steampunk-era weaponry. The leaders have come to accept that the resistance must be culled even if it means turning society into an Orwellian paradise.

As internal war worsens, both sides resort to greater atrocities. The player will see this through both, or more perspectives, can sympathise with the ends-justify-the-means resistance side and root for them, because the people deserve a say, empires are an anachronism in this modern world, and liberty is an intrinsic right. Or they can cheer for the empire. Maybe you can see some altruism in ensuring the survival of an empire that can bring order, instead of handing the people to a chaotic mass of a resistance that is happy to bear bloody costs. The key will be how both sides are portrayed and told. Perhaps in the ending, one side does prevail, and the player does not get a choice. It will be up to the player to interpret it.

I've also considered - what if the empire wins? The resistance side tends to be the victor, so why not the reverse? If the empire wins, can that be a good thing? The suppression of superstition and of spiritual faith perhaps as an extreme reaction towards what the resistance side had done and what it represented? What if a protagonist(s) from the empire side is made to kill another from the resistance side despite genuine, vain belief that the conflict can cease with a union of both sides? It will subvert a lot of JRPG clichés. A player will expect protagonists of both sides to join together eventually to stop a greater threat like say, some kind of puppetmaster Esper lord in charge of it all that is threatening the world. But nope. Actually, there might be a "the ultimate irony is, though the resistance proclaim to be the harbingers of freedom, if their partnership with the Espers continues any longer, it may no longer be man suppressing man, but Esper suppressing man" in there somewhere.

If the above seems a bit contradictory at times (both sides can look good AND evil, but one is using Espers that can allegedly enslave mankind, wut?) and rubbish, it's because this was largely spontaneous, and not actually planned. I've always wanted to see the summons as genuinely malevolent creatures that are capable of killing their summoner. Perhaps one can be a final boss, summoned as a last-ditched attempt by one of the game's main characters on the resistance side who is willing to sacrifice himself for his people's liberation. If this kind of story is properly told, then even though one side can be the ultimate victor, a player can still see the protagonists of the winning side as the true villains, instead of the side they have just put down, even if against their will or not.

Obviously, the Cid of the game would be working for the imperial side. Kind of like Dr. Cid. Only not as mad. Or as obsessed over stones. Or as friendly with an invisible friend. He'll be someone for the imperial protagonists to have a pint with in a tavern as he builds some swish new Magitek weapons, or someone who has to be beaten up within an inch of his life by a resistance protagonist.


I'm not too sure, to be honest. It would be nice if FFXII's Gambit System is looked at again, and evolved, so that rather than tediously buying Gambits, a player can be as flexibly strategic on the battle screen as they want, able to bring up a menu during battles to tweak certain AI behaviours at will. A form of action battle system, or ATB-action hybrid would make sense. I think after FFXV's pure action combat, something that is at least an ATB-action hybrid would be a sound choice...however that would work.

Positioning would be key during tougher fights, like boss encounters. A character can maybe even rapport themselves to a balcony above and perform an aerial attack onto a boss's weak point that the player has identified thanks to the vantage point. Other characters can be chipping away at armour, seeking to break it and inflict massive damage that way. A mage can set up a trap so when a monster steps on it, it is engulfed in flames with multiplication damage as a gun user shoots at it from afar.

Protagonists on the resistance side can summon Espers that have a chance of KOing them. To make up for it, Espers can be directly controlled. Imperial protagonists can call upon Magitek units to use, as their substitute for the lack of Esper acquirement. Maybe in circumstances when both sides have to team up, a Magitek user and an Esper can both be on the battlefield, dually dishing out pain on some befuddled Behemoth cub or something.

The empire won't be always perpetually at war, nor will every corner of it be at war, so there will be moments of peace for life to go on as normal in towns and cities. Dungeons can be places to discover Esper lore and resistance means of attaining them.


Is Itou available? Is Tabata available? Can Yoshi-P spare some time? I'll get whoever is willing with a good track record, BUT I would also like to cultivate younger, fresher talent at the same time.


Red Wings Commander
Oct 26, 2013
What's the game all about: Politics,Science,summoning,Hinduism,Saving the Crystal....About a red mage/summoner girl.
How does the game work? How's the battle system? day/night cycle,weather system,
Battle system would go to chose between old style(Lost Odyssey) or new style (FFXV)
Choose your team:Same as Agnis P. tech demo
Developer:Crystal Dynamics/Eidos.
Game name:Final Fantasy Agnis Philosophy/or Final Fantasy XVI.
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Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Feb 26, 2014
Scenario: Ten years ago UN scientists created an endless energy supply-BY SECRETLY OPENING A RIFT BETWEEN WORLDS! While the original rift is stable, smaller rifts have begun appearing all over the world, mutating the flora and fauna, and granting some humans special powers; greater strength, increased speed, and the power to cast magic. You play as four such people brought together by the Gatekeepers.
The Gatekeepers are powerful beings who reside between the worlds and repair tears in reality. If left unchecked the rifts will eventually destroy both worlds. However, they can't close the original rift because the machine that created it is still running, and while omnipotent in their own realm, they are extremely weak in the "real" world. Four Gatekeepers attach to the characters and act as Summons, close rifts and transport you from Earth to the moogle world, Kupo, which lies on the other side of the rift.
Kupo has chocobos, airships, adamantoise, etc. You fight off the mutated creatures and other super humans while trying to find the device.

Gameplay: You can freely travel between worlds at any time similar to XIII-2's Historia Crux. Every location would have a corresponding place in the other world. You can only summon one Gatekeeper per battle, but you can switch leaders during battle at any time. You can split the party in half and switch between the teams. There will temporary party members, both human and moogle. For player characters the growth system would be like FFII, but the Gatekeepers would have a Spheregrid like in FFX; different enemies would drop different spheres and bosses would drop special ones.
The Battle System would be real-time with turns determined by Speed. Also, you can stun your opponents by hitting a weak point, but they can do the same to you.

Team: I literally have no idea.

I chose the Moogle world because in all the games moogles are either two-dimensional characters or neutral or unswerving good guys. This gives them a chance to be more diverse and interesting. Plus, I think they would make awesome villains.
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Prince Naphtali

Dec 23, 2013
Scenario: (There is more to this but I got lazy trying to write all of that out) Each continent has it's own theme (one is medieval, another is modern, another is steampunk, another is Cultural(asian for on country, african for another and etc.), and then the sky continents will house the other races of the world (elves, viera, etc.) each with their own crystal and a dragon to protect it (asian style dragon for one and european style for another, etc.) Yggdrasil (the tree of life, source for all magic through mana) plays a role. Princess Sarai (aka sarah's hebrew name), Siddhartha (Cid) Mubarak (a forgotten prince raised by yauza like skypirates), Agni Jai (Siddhartha's Twin bro), Xenocrates (Mixed Race: Elvan-Dragon, HUme-Alien Android with an Automail arm)(Also comes from another time period), Lorelai and Sasarai (the magic twins). Story Starts off with Sarai adventuring of feeling the presence within her leading her off to the desert ruins of an ancient civilization, and basically ends up being a battle between the Divine slumbering God and Lucifer the lost fallen Seraphim, and Sarai has to become the Titaness (Divine sorceress blessed with the power of the "catalyst" to reincarnate the world if ever in trouble) along with awakening the lingering presence who happens to be her dead twin sister./.... Each Crystal holds the powers needed to restore an ancient Eidolon (the summons of the game): Ashura, but Seven crystals are missing and thus time travel is introduced for the first time. Lost technology, Magitch, Machina and a war over the Yggdrasil Crystal (the crystal the created all of the other crystals)
Gameplay: ARPG with Gambits/License Board (for armors and job classes and other equipment)/Crystarium (for magic and Status boosts)/ Materia system and FF8's Draw and junction system.
Team: Tetsuya nomura, Hiroyuki Ito, Hironobu Sakaguchi, Uematsu Nobuo, Tabata, Shimomura, Mitsuda, Type-0/VII/VIII/VI/IV/XV Writers