New Tabata interview on FFXV, Type 0.

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Sphere Hunter
Jul 3, 2014
Yeah, we're doing the same to you that you do to us, deal with it.

As for the rest of your post, to be brief as this is getting off topic:

Wikipedia is a credible given that the sources are cited. Yes they are from after Tabata took over, but it was never stated the game would be heavily influenced in FNC to begin with, and it doesn't really matter anyways.

My mistake on misquoting you on Cor, you mentioned he could be a sort of guest party member, so I apologize for that, completely my mistake.

As for me shitting on you, no I'm not. My point is to bring up that you come into a thread specifically about XV and talk up XVI as being the saving grace of Final Fantasy and talk down this game. Do you not expect fans of this game to defend something they've been looking forward to? It doesn't help that you have been very hostile this entire time, I'm all for you looking forward to XVI, but this isn't the place to bash other people's optimisms in favor of your own.

As with the GameFAQs thing, based on what yeah_93 has alluded to, simply being an Ito fanboy is not all that you would be known for. But, I don't know, so I shouldn't speak about things I don't know anything about.

Anyways, this back and forth is pointless, please understand that people don't like when you shit on a game they're looking forward to, and I won't mention XVI with you either.
Keep doing what you're doing, but don't whine when somebody does it back to you in return.

Wikipedia being credible? LOL! Keep believing that. Besides, Tabata already said that when he joined FFXV in July 2012 that the script had a lot of mentioning of the Fabula Nova Crystallis terms, which he then decided to omit.

Also, you have been shitting on me. If I make a FFXVI thread, you'd call me out for it just because the game hasn't been announced yet. Therefore, what's the deal if I come into a FFXV thread and post my pessimism for the title? If you don't want me dissing what you like, don't come in my FFXVI threads and start to diss me for making them.

My GameFAQs reputation is about Hiroyuki Ito. There's nothing else to it. I can even prove it. Join GameFAQs right this moment and make a thread on the FFXV board titled, "What happened to 1Truth?" I can guarantee you that among the first 10 replies will be something to do with Hiroyuki Ito. As I've said, my reputation there being seen as the biggest Hiroyuki Ito fan is quite flattering, but I don't think I deserve the title, as I know fully well that if FFXVI is a throwback like FFIX then I'm not buying it. For me, it should be a FFXII evolution or bust. The only reason I want Ito on FFXVI is because he's the only likely person that will provide this experience, as he directed and designed FFXII.

So now you realise this back and forth is pointless? Honestly, you never should have started this shit in the first place. Learn to deal with people not liking what you like. Being a FFXII fan, I've mastered that state of mind. If people don't like what I like, I shut up and deal with it; it's their loss. I actually hate arguing on forums, as it's tedious and time consuming, but if somebody begins to provoke me or start dissing me with personal attacks, I will retaliate without hesitation.
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Jun 7, 2014


Warrior of Light
Sep 27, 2013
Wikipedia being credible? LOL! Keep believing that.
I like to edit Wikipedia from time to time, and depending on the article, it really can be credible (even if you don't want to believe that). Are there poorly sourced/poorly written/outdated articles? Of course there are. I don't know about the FFXV article as I don't pay much attention to it, but to dismiss every Wikipedia article as not credible is a disservice to many hardworking editors.
Likes: LeonBlade


May 15, 2014
Westminster, Maryland
You're late to the party. Read the last paragraph of my previous post; this beef has been squashed.
I must say though man, you do have a habit of turning what people say into them supposedly saying something bad to you. I asked you a question before in a previous thread and the way you responded painted me as being ignorant(?) to you/being a douche.

No one is saying your opinions are dumb/stupid. They are simply saying to bring them up in a smarter way.
Likes: LeonBlade


Blitzball Champion
Sep 8, 2014
I'm surprised how much time someone can spend on a topic that he's not interested in and yet constantly writing nothing else than destructive posts. I for myself would rather spend time on things that I'm really looking forward to than trying to convince others from how wrong it is to be excited about 'thing xy' .

just saying...


Sphere Hunter
Jul 3, 2014
I like to edit Wikipedia from time to time, and depending on the article, it really can be credible (even if you don't want to believe that). Are there poorly sourced/poorly written/outdated articles? Of course there are. I don't know about the FFXV article as I don't pay much attention to it, but to dismiss every Wikipedia article as not credible is a disservice to many hardworking editors.
In no situation will Wikipedia ever be credible. Don't fool yourself.

I'm surprised how much time someone can spend on a topic that he's not interested in and yet constantly writing nothing else than destructive posts. I for myself would rather spend time on things that I'm really looking forward to than trying to convince others from how wrong it is to be excited about 'thing xy' .

just saying...
You're ignorant to how much time and effort I've put into my "Hiroyuki Ito directing FFXVI" threads and how much I'm looking forward to the game (assuming it builds off FFXII). There's a reason I'm regarded as Hiroyuki Ito's biggest fan on GameFAQs. Nobody gets a reputation like that without dropping many threads about the man and his potential next game.


Knight of Death
May 28, 2014
He's not wrong about the western rpg dominance but other than that I think this is getting outta hand.
I don't think anyone was shitting on him I think people were just tired of him veering topics back to Ito and 16. He'd be completely in the right if he didn't start mocking and insulting people. That just starts any problem down a worst road. If the beef is done for sure then next time there shouldn't be any name calling or condescending. Make a point, back it up, if people don't agree let it go. Believe what you want to believe.


Sphere Hunter
Jul 3, 2014
That just shows you really can't be reasoned with.
I'm speaking from experience. Wikipedia can't be trusted. I was once an editor of the website and I know what editors can be capable of with regards to articles. It's very easy to twist words, adding favourable bias to things you like and negative bias to things you don't. How can such a place be trusted? Only thing Wikipedia is good for is accessing the sources for the statements it mentions. The actual Wikipedia articles themselves and how they're written are not trustworthy or credible.


Blitzball Champion
Sep 8, 2014
You're ignorant to how much time and effort I've put into my "Hiroyuki Ito directing FFXVI" threads and how much I'm looking forward to the game (assuming it builds off FFXII). There's a reason I'm regarded as Hiroyuki Ito's biggest fan on GameFAQs. Nobody gets a reputation like that without dropping many threads about the man and his potential next game.
Why am I ignorant?
You say that you put much time and effort into the FFXVI threads and that's cool but then why would you spend time in the FF XV threads when you're obviously not in the slightest excited for the game?

Why bother with something that you don't like?
Likes: LeonBlade


Network Boss-man
UFFSite Veteran
Site Staff
Jul 25, 2013
Solihull, UK
Hey, folks. Simmer down, alright? Now, here's the thing: FF means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. That means that if @1Truth2Lies isn't that interested in what FF15 is and is deeply critical of it as a result, he's entitled to be that way so long as - and this is key for you to understand, 1T2L, you're polite and doing it in the right place. What I'm saying is don't jump on him for his opinions, but 1Truth, you need to keep in mind and be wary of the fact that this thread is about FF15 and a new interview by Tabata, not for more debating about Ito, what FF16 may be, etcetera. That's the right place point. On the side of 'politeness', telling people to 'Get the Fuck Out of Here' or calling the fact they dare have a positive opinion about the game 'Optimistic Bullshit' isn't very polite either, 1T. I don't want nor expect sugar canes and rainbows, but that isn't acceptable.

If you want to debate people, debate them. You already have an (excellent) thread for the FF16/Ito stuff, and if you want to debate what you think FF15 will be and how good it'll be, I suggest you do so without insulting or baiting others until it completely derails the threads in question. You can have debates without jumping to personal insults, and this is one of the key points of our very slim rules here. Consider this a warning, seriously.


SOLDIER Second Class
Sep 20, 2014
Santiago de Chile
I agree with Kokayi. If you declare yourself the 'greatest fan of' something, then defend that something and share it with everyone else who wants to enjoy the same thing as you. But pushing that something into everyone else's throat and then insulting them because they have a different opinion of that something than yours, and then fighting back because they insulted you in return isn't something I'm glad to see (and this I said goes both ways). If you want to share something, be civil and respect your peers.

That's, at least, how I like doing things, even with people who don't share my likings.
Nov 17, 2014
I bet they can't talk about ships because this game's cid is behind it.
Let me just say that Cid's recurring role might be an airship pilot. Whenever the party wanna ride it, Noctis can just give Cid a call. Then Cid arrives at their loaction. Talking about airships really makes me electrified.
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Likes: LeonBlade