So, how would you feel...

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PSICOM Soldier
Nov 18, 2013
...if Square Enix announces a Final Fantasy XV: Prologue, in the vein of the likes of Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes, or even their own prologue to Dissidia Duodecim?
Not saying that there is even the chance of this happen, but would you like if they made something like this? How would a good prologue to a JRPG be?
Discuss away.


Keyblade Master
Sep 26, 2013
Considering I loathed the idea behind Ground Zeroes, I wouldn't be happy. Take your time, put everything into making a game the best it can be, and give it to us when it's ready. Don't start pulling tiny bits out, slapping it onto a disc and charging us stupid prices for it.

I hope GZ is the last of its kind.
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Warrior of Light
Sep 27, 2013
Seeing as they did something similar with Dissidia 012: Prologus, I don't think that's impossible. However, I am completely against the idea, it's lazy and greedy. I'm with Azuardo, I hope MGS Ground Zeroes is the last of its kind.
Somewhat unsurprised, and very annoyed.

I'll be partially unsurprised, because I've joked about Square-Enix glancing over the yard at Konami's back garden and realising that despite the move and the publicity, Ground Zeroes did well, and a better wallet fattener than if they just released Metal Gear Solid 5 in its entirety. So why not do the same? Wouldn't it also fit with one of their vague business proposals of making money out of a product they've yet to technically release? Yes it would!

Annoyed because obviously, screw this practice, especially if it's a short one, and the value for money for one playthrough is questionable. I would avoid it out of principle and wait for the full release, or a subsequent edition to have the prologue material included. Don't you dare start charging people, especially anywhere north of £10 especially, for critical storyline content that could easily have been part of the full release, for content likely to be not worth the asking price.

And if they do that, guess what? I buy FFXV for at least half its asking price. Or a third of it, preferably.


Keyblade Master
Sep 26, 2013
Don't you dare start charging people, especially anywhere north of £10 especially, for critical storyline content that could easily have been part of the full release, for content likely to be not worth the asking price.
The same idea can be applied to story DLC, which SE has already delved into with FF13-2. I was furious when SE did it. In the grand scheme of things, it wasn't too critical, but it existed. I sincerely hope they never do story DLC again, or this practically same method of a prologue to a proper RPG.