Streaming a first-time Final Fantasy XII (IZJS) playthrough, starting tomorrow!

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Jun 7, 2016
Hey guys! I have a soft spot for FFXII, but I had never played the International Zodiac version. I'm starting a whole new playthrough that will be streamed start-to-finish, almost every day.

It's not going to be a speedrun or hardcore expert experience, totally casual from someone who just likes FFXII and wanted to try the jobs and all the cool stuff in the international version.

Any tips or advice would be totally welcome, as I said I'm not an expert, I just enjoy the game. I know some people like to watch casual play, so I figured I would share my endeavor.

I have a good mic, webcam, overlay/layout, and video quality. I look forward to chatting about the game with viewers!

Oh, and... HD remaster hype!

My channel is:

Starting at - 2:00 PM, Eastern Time (Tuesday, June 7th)
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