Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Jul 16, 2015
Man it is so great to see so many positive impressions keep on rolling out. That plus everything I am seeing with my own two eyes have been instilling me with tons of confidence for this game to be an amazing experience. I remember that most of the impressions used to be extremely negative from both the fans and the press for a long time and the fact that it has been completely turned into overwhelmingly positive impressions really show the dedication and hard work that Tabata and the rest of the team have put into this game to make Final Fantasy a franchise to be reckoned with again. My hype levels are are so high i'm about to blow.

Guitar (pseudo)God

Blitzball Champion
Aug 14, 2016
All over
Man, what a muted reaction to what is basically a giant pile of FFXV news in the middle of a slow news stretch. I gotta say, I'm getting sick of previews and just want the game at this point, too.

Finished the polygon video. I'm not totally sure that looks like the latest build, but maybe that's the compression. The gameplay, though... that was brutal to sit through. The player, I mean.
Maybe a lot of people's narratives are no longer viable, thus they're entering the denial stage. Maybe others know the game is going to be good and don't feel the need to comment (or gloat). And others still might actually be working. ;)


Warrior of Light
Mar 18, 2016
Maybe a lot of people's narratives are no longer viable, thus they're entering the denial stage. Maybe others know the game is going to be good and don't feel the need to comment (or gloat). And others still might actually be working. ;)
People work at work? :p

(I'm actually having a crazy busy day for me, too. Maybe that's in the air)


Warrior of Light
Mar 18, 2016

He fight them for like 10 mins, lol.
Not to mention skipped the Midgardsormr to get there! lol

Yeah, I'm not one to get one a player, I'm really not, but that was brutal. He stopped so many times to use potions and whatnot, too. Just everything he could do to interrupt the flow of combat, which IMO, is the best part about it.

I suppose to some degree, this is a good thing because it means there's a learning curve, though.

Edit: I'm not gonna blame my overall lack of bonus hype on that player, though. I think it's because I'm already sure about the game. The only thing left i'm really interested in is the launch trailer.
Aug 13, 2016
From what i can gather, most of the previews are cautiously optimistic. The overall consensus seems to be generally positive, but wait for the full review before jumping in.

I think FFXV will most likely be compared with the Witcher 3 by reviewers, which seems to be the bench mark for a modern RPG. I've only played the Witcher 3 for a few hours, but it's scale, world and story seem to be what make it so highly regarded. To be honest, i found it hard to get on with the Witcher's combat. In comparison, I think FFXV's combat looks great and i'm struggling to understand why people would find it boring. The main positives i picked up from the previews are the interactions between the party members and how great the world looks.

With how transparent Tabata and his team have been with the development and the amount of time and effort that has gone into it, i really hope the game is both a critical and commercial success. Nearly a month to go!

EDIT: I've just read the gamespot preview and he seems very enthused by the combat. Really good to see:
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SOLDIER, First Class
Mar 27, 2016
I still wonder if this is a full Titan fight that they show us in Polygon video or there is more?
I'm avoiding reading the previews and most users comments here in general but I was wondering if you can give me a few yes or no answers concerning the Titan fight:
-Is it pretty much the same length as the E3 Demo?
-Did you feel that there should have been more to the fight/should it have been longer?
-Did it look fun?
-Do Noctis and Co throw Pokeballs at the Titan to break it's arm like in the E3 demo?
-Did it look overall improved gameplay wise from the E3 demo?
-Did it overall look improved visually from the E3 demo?


Warrior of Light
Mar 18, 2016
I'm avoiding reading the previews and most users comments here in general but I was wondering if you can give me a few yes or no answers concerning the Titan fight:
-Is it pretty much the same length as the E3 Demo?
-Did you feel that there should have been more to the fight/should it have been longer?
-Did it look fun?
-Do Noctis and Co throw Pokeballs at the Titan to break it's arm like in the E3 demo?
-Did it look overall improved gameplay wise from the E3 demo?
-Did it overall look improved visually from the E3 demo?

It was almost identical. But, cuts off at the end of the video in the same place, so I have no idea if there's more or not.


Keyblade Master
Sep 9, 2016
Is it pretty much the same length as the E3 Demo?
Yes, but more polished. Camera angles, framerate etc.
Did you feel that there should have been more to the fight/should it have been longer?
I remember Tabata said that was 30% of the whole fight, thats why i ask.

Looks fun for me, im not seeking a real challenge from this game honestly. And for me, its really gonna be different in my playthrough compared to this guy from the video, since im good at action games.

Did it look overall improved gameplay wise from the E3 demo?
Imho, yes.
-Did it overall look improved visually from the E3 demo?

Also guys, there is footage at french site. There is some interesting footage. They showed Lestallum a little bit more, and im like that the city is really full of life.


Warrior of Light
Mar 18, 2016
Many thanks, guys!

*sigh* I hope it IS just the first segments or something then in this preview build.
I'd be disappointed, but I didn't have a problem with it originally. I think of it like a scripted epic serpiece fight, not a real challenge. I expect good fighting mechanics from fights like Aranea.

But, the way they were talking, I was expecting more buildup. The video didn't show much, but that could totally be because they skipped all the talkie scenes. There was definitely NOT 30 minutes to it, so it's very plausible that there's more cut out of the video. The guy that played it said it was fun.


SOLDIER, First Class
Mar 27, 2016
This is from wikia(...yeh, I know):
"The demo was specifically created for E3 and is a modified version of the event in the game; whereas the demo ends with the party blasting Titan's arm off with Blizzard spells, this will not be the case in the full game".

But I cannot find a source to confirm :/
Likes: DrBretto


Warrior of Light
Mar 18, 2016
This is from wikia(...yeh, I know):
"The demo was specifically created for E3 and is a modified version of the event in the game; whereas the demo ends with the party blasting Titan's arm off with Blizzard spells, this will not be the case in the full game".

But I cannot find a source to confirm :/
I remember the quote when it happened, so you don't need to go googling for the source. I didn't remember the wording, though, and this is very reassuring. If they specifically said that's not how it ends, that's exactly how this video ends. So, I'm guessing that there is a legitimate chance that there's more to it after that.

It could well be a pre-fight intro based on what I saw.


Keyblade Master
Sep 9, 2016
Actually, i watched the battle again and i think Titan turns into gold particles at the end =\
Maybe Tabata meant 30% of the whole event and not a Titan battle?