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  • Gah, finished episode 1 of the Walking Dead game, and it won't let me see my stats at the end or let me rewind. Guess I'll start over.
    I've decided that the people that think LR is bad never expected it to be good and the people who find it good never expected it to be bad.
    Anybody else think I shouldn't have to feel like expressing my opinion on the internet is a bad thing to do?
    So bored. No games but PSP ones I don't want to play right now, YouTube is boring, nothing to read, no shows. Not that I can watch TV anyway
    I'm about to go play the Sly Cooper games all over again, if you can't get to me here, that's why. There's always PSN, though.
    Just noticed that Alexander, the newsbot, has one trophy point for having a trophy worth two.
    Ugh, sometimes I get really irritated with myself, because I tell myself I'm going to do something, then I put it off and don't have time.
    Off to play BBS- wait, new plans, sorry. Off to watch a TV show I'm really not so sure of now, not that I was that sure about it before.
    Geez, I'm not used to my Alerts tab going off constantly while I'm online, it's like I used the P.O.K.E. No, I don't think I'm important.
    Got my usual avatar back. Can't believe I didn't think of right-clicking it on YouTube and saving it before...
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