Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Red Wings Commander
Oct 28, 2017
So I've played XV for a bit on my PS5 (lucky, I know) and man, 60 fps really does wonders to how the game feels on a console.
Granted, my PC was capable of playing it with a framerate very close to it as well, and at higher settings too, but for me it's nowhere near as constant and consistent as the PS5 version now - no microstutterings during streaming assets and many more issues that even today plague that version exclusively.
Of course, many visual eye-candy features I'm now used to are gone, so you have to deal with the low quality texture filtering, tesselation of surfaces, lack of downsampling and Nvidia grass (because it's still the PS4 PRO "Lite" version but at a constant 60 fps output). But still, I'm really considering deleting the game from PC and switching to PS5 exclusively because consistent framerate is king.
I only wish SE would release a patch unlocking framerate for "High" mode on a PS5, because playing that is still unbearable, especially so after the smooth 60 fps action.

Also was really bummed that PS5 doesn't support Episode Duscae, so prolly won't be selling my PS4 PRO for that reason alone, lol.