Everything FFXV Datamining Related

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Chocobo Knight
Feb 17, 2018
How extensive and tedious is datamining? How long did it take to pull any meaningful data from the benchmark? A week?
OG actually had all of the text up by the end of the day, from what he's told me. He waited a couple of weeks to see if anyone else was going to post anything, when no one did he ended up doing it himself.

He got back to me earlier, said to mention the dialogue has actually been cut down though there's more programming and cue data in the files over the Benchmark.

He's been narrowing other things down, he can confirm some of the chapter content he's pulled previously is earlier/cut down content and thus, unused.

OG's said to expect after the retail release that there will be a proper log of cut, unused and/or differences between all of the content.


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
OG actually had all of the text up by the end of the day, from what he's told me. He waited a couple of weeks to see if anyone else was going to post anything, when no one did he ended up doing it himself.

He got back to me earlier, said to mention the dialogue has actually been cut down though there's more programming and cue data in the files over the Benchmark.

He's been narrowing other things down, he can confirm some of the chapter content he's pulled previously is earlier/cut down content and thus, unused.

OG's said to expect after the retail release that there will be a proper log of cut, unused and/or differences between all of the content.
Odd, I found tons of new chapter 10 dialogue, did he see that?

Edit: And they don't have to do with the new quests there because the side quests have their own dialogue lines


Chocobo Knight
Feb 17, 2018
Odd, I found tons of new chapter 10 dialogue, did he see that?

Edit: And they don't have to do with the new quests there because the side quests have their own dialogue lines
PM me an example, he's sent me too much as it is this morning and I fell asleep talking to him as I had to be up quite early to get the demo to install.
So if you do send me a snippet, I can check my messages with OG and see if it's anything new, or if it's old.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
Can you share some of that new dialogue with us?
Don't have dialogue specifically. What I showed a few pages ago was that there are specific voice/dialogue prompts that are new for chapter 10 overall.

PM me an example, he's sent me too much as it is this morning and I fell asleep talking to him as I had to be up quite early to get the demo to install.
So if you do send me a snippet, I can check my messages with OG and see if it's anything new, or if it's old.
Its on the other page but I'll PM


Chocobo Knight
Feb 17, 2018
Don't have dialogue specifically. What I showed a few pages ago was that there are specific voice/dialogue prompts that are new for chapter 10 overall.

Its on the other page but I'll PM
Had a look, the call data isn't entirely new. It's certainly in the Benchmark things he sent me. OG has the dialogue for them already set aside.

The actual dialogue for them has been removed from the Demo. About to send you a couple of examples from OG.


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
Had a look, the call data isn't entirely new. It's certainly in the Benchmark things he sent me. OG has the dialogue for them already set aside.

The actual dialogue for them has been removed from the Demo. About to send you a couple of examples from OG.
Thanks for letting me know!


Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
OG actually had all of the text up by the end of the day, from what he's told me. He waited a couple of weeks to see if anyone else was going to post anything, when no one did he ended up doing it himself.

He got back to me earlier, said to mention the dialogue has actually been cut down though there's more programming and cue data in the files over the Benchmark.

He's been narrowing other things down, he can confirm some of the chapter content he's pulled previously is earlier/cut down content and thus, unused.

OG's said to expect after the retail release that there will be a proper log of cut, unused and/or differences between all of the content.
Which dialogue got cut down and what new cue data? Also, was the chapter content that was cut on the pastebin a day or so ago?
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Likes: Vankwisha


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
Okay, for those of you that are hungry for something I have a little something but its not too much, but I'll save the best for last.

Note that GOTY has to mean that it was added with the Royal edition/update or the march update. CH09 oddly enough signifies the last chapter of the game (I don't know why, but it does because Ardyn's and Ifrit's battles are labeled as such, as well as anything Insomnia related)

Anyway, as stated before, Insomnia now as fast travel points (It's unknown how many unfortunately):
Which dialogue got cut down and what new cue data? Also, was the chapter content that was cut on the pastebin a day or so ago?
No point in worrying about this. I habe access to the dialogue and it's actually just less than the benchmark and is blatantly missing chunks of dialogue.

Don' worry about this


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
man it will really be that big to support fast travel?

(one week now)
I actually fucked up and wasn't going to post that lmao but yup it should be (had a post saved but only meant to respond to @FFChocobo18).

There are a lot of other things I found, but I got a little obsessed so I stopped. Firstly, I found the text dialogue last night. You are all in for a fucking treat and also found everything OG had found originally.

I wont be spoiling the major things I saw or what I promised to keep quiet about, but:

- There are 31 location datalog descriptions of the world and they are all a fantastic read. Some of it sheds so much light on stuff.

- The character datalogs/Dossiers are descriptive and OG definiteltly left some out from his dump due to spoilers. I will not be posting them out of respect for what he wants and the surprise.

- There are MULTIPLE fast travel points around Insomnia. I'm going to assume these are some of them (OG provided these before but I found them as well):
LR Citadel Station-Esterway Park
Kingsglaive Base Camp
Citadel - East Interchange
Citadel - Trifecta Hall
LR Citadel Station
Citadel Gates
The Vesperway
LR Citadel Station - Exit 5D

This doesn't mean there aren't more, but it also doesn't mean that these are in. Just wait until release.

-It seems that The underground is expansive enough to warrant a Glaive who can help you get back to HQ before you get fast travel (?). Things like: "You look lost, shall i escort you back to the shelter?" "At this point, the underground feels like my owm backyard" Not sure yet about this one entirely but I think this is what it means.

- You definitely get the car for insomnia because someone says: "...And now the Old Girl is ready to handle whatever the city throws at us", "Never dreamed we'd be able to drive around like this again". (OG never provided this yet, this was new specifically from the Demo). So yeah, I'm going to assume the city is actually quite large at this point. Enough to need a car and fast travel points.

- There is a weapon and shop vendor in Insomnia now. They gave up on using Yen there and now only use Gil (I love that they explain this in game)

- The side quest with the glaive is 100% your avatar from Comrades, that's all I'll say. Enjoy the dialogue for it lol

- I (think) something crazy happens with Cor and you have to fight him at some point. Someone gets controlled and is not themself at some point in the new chapter 14. The only reason why I am saying this is because last week I posted something about Cor potentially having a boss fight in Insomnia. This seems to line up with those files I found but don't take my word for this though, not sure yet on it's meaning unless others can help specify.

- lots of new random dialogue for the side quests/driving the new regalia

-If you buy the royal pack and have save files in Insomnia, it will reset progress in the chapter (I think you'll keep your levels/items/etc) to the beginning (There are new cutscenes immediately starting the chapter.)

- There is a lot more story wise that i will not be spoiling for the sake of everyone getting the full enjoyment of the DLC if they plan on playing it. I definitely agree on OG with this. The dialogue is just too good to spoil.

That's all I had, I stopped myself from posting it last night but I'll bend and hype everyone a little:)

Remember to not take anything as a guarantee until they see it in game, that's all I ask. Have a good day!
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Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
I actually fucked up and wasn't going to post that lmao but yup it should be (had a post saved but only meant to respond to @FFChocobo18).

There are a lot of other things I found, but I got a little obsessed so I stopped. Firstly, I found the text dialogue last night. You are all in for a fucking treat and also found everything OG had found originally.

I wont be spoiling the major things I saw or what I promised to keep quiet about, but:

- There are 31 location datalog descriptions of the world and they are all a fantastic read. Some of it sheds so much light on stuff.

- The character dialogues are descriptive and OG definiteltly left some out from his dump due to spoilers. I will not be posting them out of respect for what he wants and the surprise.

- There are MULTIPLE fast travel points around Insomnia.

-It seems that The underground is expansive enough to warrant a Glaive who can help you get back to HQ before you get fast travel (?). Things like: "You look lost, shall i escort you back to the shelter?" "At this point, the underground feels like my owm backyard" Not sure yet about this one entirely but I think this is what it means.

- You definitely get the car for insomnia because someone says: "...And now the Old Girl is ready to handle whatever the city throws at us", "Never dreamed we'd be able to drive around like this again". (OG never provided this yet, this was new specifically from the Demo). So yeah, I'm going to assume the city is actually quite large at this point. Enough to need a car and fast travel points.

- There is a weapon and shop vendor in Insomnia now. They gave up on using Yen there and now only use Gil (I love that they explain this in game)

- The side quest with the glaive is 100% your avatar from Comrades, that's all I'll say. Enjoy the dialogue for it lol

- I (think) something crazy happens with Cor and you have to fight him at some point. Someone gets controlled and is not themself at some point in the new chapter 14. The only reason why I am saying this is because last week I posted something about Cor potentially having a boss fight in Insomnia. This seems to line up with those files I found but don't take my word for this though, not sure yet on it's meaning unless others can help specify.

- lots of new random dialogue for the side quests/driving the new regalia

-If you buy the royal pack and have save files in Insomnia, it will reset progress in the chapter (I think you'll keep your levels/items/etc) to the beginning (There are new cutscenes immediately starting the chapter.)

- There is a lot more story wise that i will not be spoiling for the sake of everyone getting the full enjoyment of the DLC if they plan on playing it. I definitely agree on OG with this. The dialogue is just too good to spoil.

That's all I had, I stopped myself from posting it last night but I'll bend and hype everyone a little:)

Remember to not take anything as a guarantee until they see it in game, that's all I ask. Have a good day!
That is interesting, but we'll see what happens by March 6th, but this already sounds fantastic, but I'll keep my expectations low as always. Nice to know the story content won't be spoiled, I want to experience it myself this time on screen, so I won't watch livestreams like I did with the previous DLC Episodes and Comrades, I want to make my experience with the Royal Pack DLC special.
Likes: Vankwisha
Feb 2, 2017
Thanks so much paper, ya a true comrade! That is SO much hype...wow. Question though, any indication if the datalog is just World and Character entries? Or will there be other pieces of lore?