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Warrior of Light
Jul 14, 2015
Regarding Aranea DLC, it was stated around late January that there were no plans for an Episode related to her, and this was around the same time frame where the new roadmap was finalized.

So unless the additional 4th DLC is actually that, then are we sure that an "Episode Aranea" is all but confirmed?


Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
Regarding Aranea DLC, it was stated around late January that there were no plans for an Episode related to her, and this was around the same time frame where the new roadmap was finalized.

So unless the additional 4th DLC is actually that, then are we sure that an "Episode Aranea" is all but confirmed?
At this point, we should wait for an official announcement of the new road-map and DLCs, the 'Aranea DLC' thing was found in the 'DLC' string in the data, but we don't know what it's exactly for, but I wouldn't mind an 'Episode: Aranea' after Episode: Ardyn, but this could be data for FFXV: Comrades' playable characters, but we'll see.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
Regarding Aranea DLC, it was stated around late January that there were no plans for an Episode related to her, and this was around the same time frame where the new roadmap was finalized.

So unless the additional 4th DLC is actually that, then are we sure that an "Episode Aranea" is all but confirmed?
maybe they put misleading info on the data just to troll us after the leaks ;P

anyway where did he say there was no plans for her? they said a lot of this in the past, like "there are no plans to expand the lore of the six" which ended up not true later; maybe its another way to surprise us.


Warrior of Light
Jul 14, 2015
maybe they put misleading info on the data just to troll us after the leaks ;P

anyway where did he say there was no plans for her? they said a lot of this in the past, like "there are no plans to expand the lore of the six" which ended up not true later; maybe its another way to surprise us.

Plans can always change yeah, but i still feel that this one in particular would seem quite quick for a shift in decisions on the same month of finalizing things lol.

I'm not opposed to an Episode Aranea tho, but we'll see what happens later.
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Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
My initial thought was that Aranea is a weird choice for being given her own episode, but the more I think about it, the more I'm coming around to the idea.

I mean, in terms of gameplay mechanics, she's the only guest character who really provides the opportunity for new mechanics. Ravus uses a one-handed sword, Cor uses a katana, and Iris uses hand-to-hand, all of which are options in either the main game or Comrades (or both). While the spear is an available option in the main game, however, Aranea's dragoon abilities offer something new and different. She's also a repeated temporary guest, and it wouldn't be that difficult to allow the player to conscript her into the party and play as her in the post-game.

On the other hand, I'm not sure I'd be satisfied with an episode about Aranea's day-to-day work and decision to leave the empire. The true genius of giving Aranea an episode is that she's perfectly placed to give the player the opportunity to experience the invasion of Tenebrae, which could provide further opportunities to develop Ravus (who we could see captured) and even possibly Luna (whose personal effects we could explore) if done right without retconning untenable amounts of the main game. (Tenebrae's ruins, unlike Insomnia's in the original game, are actually successful at creating a sense of finding oneself left in the aftermath of something tragic that one couldn't prevent.) And given that Episode Aranea would have the same as the director as Episode Ignis, we know he can pull it off.

That could leave the overall roadmap as something like this (with my speculations on the contents, of course):

Episode Ardyn: Ardyn is chosen by the Crystal, decides to go around absorbing daemons instead, gets corrupted, loses the loyalty of his people, and is cast out. Throw in an encounter with Ifrit somewhere to add to the lore regarding the Hexatheon.

Episode Luna: Luna travels around Lucis with Gentiana to forge Covenants with Titan and Ramuh. She's able to convince Titan to give Noct a chance, but Ramuh decides she has to face judgment in Noct's place, and we get a final boss fight with Ramuh. The Sylleblossom quest that allows her to be used in the main game is either part of the DLC or the corresponding free update.

Episode Aranea: Aranea, Biggs, and Wedge travel to Tenebrae to try to help people escape from the approaching darkness. She gets to explore Fenestala Manor for a little while and meets Ravus there before Niflheim attacks. She and Ravus try to protect the people, but Ravus lets himself be captured to give everyone else a chance to escape. Aranea, Biggs, and Wedge manage to drive the remaining Niffs off, but the city is already in ruins.

Complete Edition: Adds onto the main story in the same way as the Royal Edition did, this time expanding the Leviathan setpiece, showing Noct and co. boarding the underground train in Altissia and talking to each other on the way to the western continent, adding the mini-dungeon in Ghorovas Rift, and expanding the outside of Gralea. Also offers natural integration points for all of the DLC episodes and the Brotherhood episodes in the main story.

If they did that, the linear parts of the game would be all but perfect. We'd get to see what Luna had to go through to forge the Covenants that Noct needed to gain the Astrals' support; a properly integrated explanation for Gladio going AWOL in Chapter 7; a more satisfying Leviathan setpiece followed by the ridiculously awesome Episode Ignis setpiece extravaganza (minus the endgame spoilers); a proper transition from Altissia to the western continent; the Chapter 10 downer dungeon and the Chapter 11 setpiece left largely alone, but Chapter 11 expanded out to a reasonable length through Aranea's experience of the devastation of Tenebrae, which in turn supplements Noct's visit in Chapter 12; a mini-dungeon for Shiva to match the mini-dungeon for Titan; a proper integration of Chapter 13:2 into Chapter 13 proper; an opportunity for Prompto to talk to Noctis about everything that happened in Episode Prompto; a full backstory for Ardyn while Noct is in the Crystal; an awesome final boss rush in Chapter 14; and the best ending in all of Final Fantasy. They could even modify the Bahamut fight and the return-to-Insomnia missions from Comrades and add those into the main game to make it even better (with the not-unwelcome consequence that every Astral besides Shiva would get an epic fight in the course of the game!).
i like the sound of this

aranea would be an opportunity to experience more events related to the empire, so that would be beneficial even if the character itself is not that important.

also the idea of luna facing ramuh in noctis place is neat.
Feb 19, 2018
Honestly Ravus would probably be the best character to give a dedicated episode to if we wanna see most of the events that Noctis wasn't there for in the tail end of the game. Ravus was there for the fall of Tennebrae, he was there for the fall of Niflheim, and he witnessed Gralea be overtaken with Daemons. His DLC could easily have a 3 chapter structure that goes from Tennebrae falling and him fighting alongside Aranea then eventually agreeing to go with Niflheim while leaving things in Aranea's hands, to Niflheim's city area as MTs lose control and start infecting people where maybe you get Ardyn as a part member who helps you to Gralea after short boss encounter that Ravus loses, Ardyn disappears at which point you then make your way to the throne room where you have a boss fight with the emperor then it can end with the emperor going back to his seat and sitting down then the CH13, Verse 2 scenes happen at which point the credits roll during which you you see the daemon Ravus boss battle in first person through Ravus' perspective. I love Aranea and would love to play as a Dragoon but Ravus imo is a far better candidate for an episode after Ardyn. After that I'd like for them to do more Royal Edition type DLCs with the last two pieces of content they have planned.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
asked OG about the whole aranea deal + other few things:

- from what i understand, theres a possibilty the guy misread the data, aranea is tagged as dlc but that may be because she's tied to episode prompto.
- episode ardyn is named outright and episode ravus is mentioned in the files
- L
unafreya party member function exist but not programmed, so game crash

the plot thickens man


Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
asked OG about the whole aranea deal + other few things:

- from what i understand, theres a possibilty the guy misread the data, aranea is tagged as dlc but that may be because she's tied to episode prompto.
- episode ardyn is named outright and episode ravus is mentioned in the files
- L
unafreya party member function exist but not programmed, so game crash

the plot thickens man

I would take Episode: Ravus after Episode: Ardyn, Ardyn and Ravus are two of my top characters in this game, so if 'Episode: Ravus' does happen, it'll be fantastic for me, having Episodes for those two would make me happy and very excited, especially that Ardyn and Ravus' stories have a lot of potential in fleshing out the story and motivations, especially for what happened to Ravus after Chapter 9, but we'll see what happens, and Tabata did say to stay tuned to see Ravus' story in the future, so this could be it.
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Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
Woah, didn't expect Ravus! They could actually cover those events missing from the second half of the game?

My Guess is an Ardyn and Ravus episode with a free story/gameplay update tied to Luna. The last 2 DLC will be larger story focused for Noct or something?

This is getting interesting!
Perhaps, if Episode: Ravus is indeed upcoming content, we could see how Ravus got to Gralea and how he confronted Iedolas in Chapter 13 Verse Two, and probably the Tenebrae invasion.


SOLDIER Second Class
Feb 23, 2018
We're all speculating about possible character episodes or improved chapters - but I'm trying to think outside the box of what else they could do that might be unexpected?
I will try. To most posible to the fanfiction.

-The Final Fantasy XIV Festival will be used as canon to explore Insomnia before the fall and will show us the life of the protagonist before the adventure.

-A cutscene will appear in an update showing Cindy flirting with her friend of the factory.

-Near December we will get a Dragon Ball collab because the launch of the movie world wide, fighting Goku Ultra Instinct with Flying Armiger Noctis.

-Episde Omen...The Musical...
Now seriously, i can see a patch aplying the Platinum Demo into the game so we can know more about the origins of the Chosen.


Balamb Garden Freshman
Mar 26, 2018
I would love if they are expand the story of Noctis and maybe a more happy ending added to a DLC as what Hajime Tabata brought up.