Everything FFXV Datamining Related

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Chocobo Knight
Feb 17, 2018
I thought they said Episode Ignis went into different directions during development?
I've spoken to Sylva in PMs for further information on a couple of things, he will actually explain a bit more if you don't mind his English. He's very forgetful in regards to names, and a few other things. I had to explain to him about who Aulea was the last time I spoke to him months ago, so I knew he was planning on posting a few things up.

Wasn't aware, or expecting as much as he did post this time.

More or less what he's gone over:

Chapter 1 of Episode Ignis is listed as an alt/alternative version of the files, this has apparently happened in a few other spots in the game where there's completely different audio that's not used.

There's supposed to be other text box prompts popping up in that, or Chapter 2. Sylva didn't specify which one, just that he was pissed off. It sounded kind of like Sylva thinks it's more along the lines of Chapter 2.

The stealth section with Ravus had the other lines first, and there's more lines completely removed from it but are referenced in other files apparently. To go with it, he also said there's something different about the "flashy map" which I assume he means the 3D one from the sounds of it having different text and that there's audio to go with it. The guys

The character profiles were cut from the loading screens, there are no renders of Ignis or Ravus for those. I had asked because I was curious if there was any loading screen lore-based information I was missing.

And apparently there were actually two friendly battles with Noctis set up, so you had to clear one before the one that's been removed, that Sylva has mostly put back together popped up. Sylva said the second one is where you would gain the trophy when you cleared it with A or S rank.

You can always go over it with him, but that's just going off the top of my head since it's been a while.
Likes: Storm


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
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Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
lol the entire dialogue scrapped from Ep Gladio was actually recorded


the "soul" also rejoices in knowing the crystal finally chose its champion

basically it was filled with more lore and would make Ep Gladio a bit more relevant. ;/

i cant really understand their decisions...
Yeah, I saw those recorded lines when the data-mine was posted here, still feel a little bitter that this went unused. :/


Sphere Hunter
Feb 20, 2018
It most likely had to due with the deadline/ they didn't have enough time to animate and render those scenes out. It's the same issue with one of the enemy design. There was a reskin of an Iron giant that was shown in one concept art and was featured in this trailer. it's 45 seconds in. I wonder if it's still in the game data.

Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Forest Owl
Feb 24, 2018
The scapped lines make me wonder...

Since the soul Gladio is first speaking to refers to himself as one of the first shields of the king does that mean Gilgamesh was not a shield of the king like we thought? Since they all refer to him as the general maybe he was more like Cor or Drautos to Somnus.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
lol the entire dialogue scrapped from Ep Gladio was actually recorded


the "soul" also rejoices in knowing the crystal finally chose its champion

basically it was filled with more lore and would make Ep Gladio a bit more relevant. ;/

i cant really understand their decisions...
I can understand their decision, its just lore info dump that's tangent to Gladio's story (his lack of confidence in being a capable shield for the (future) King).

Wena Washo

PSICOM Soldier
Nov 30, 2017
lol the entire dialogue scrapped from Ep Gladio was actually recorded


the "soul" also rejoices in knowing the crystal finally chose its champion

basically it was filled with more lore and would make Ep Gladio a bit more relevant. ;/

i cant really understand their decisions...
The issue is that it’s still quite detached from Gladiolus as a character. It would have worked better if Ardyn had somehow cursed Gilgmaesh’s lineage or if the Crystal –in order to appoint a Chosen King- required a Shield ready to risk their life for their liege, thus serving Gladio’s development. Alas.

By the way, I still don’t understand what “power” Gilgamesh supposedly entrusted Gladiolus with? Gladio doesn’t seem to gain or make use any additional/special power after the trial.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
The issue is that it’s still quite detached from Gladiolus as a character. It would have worked better if Ardyn had somehow cursed Gilgmaesh’s lineage or if the Crystal –in order to appoint a Chosen King- required a Shield ready to risk their life for their liege, thus serving Gladio’s development. Alas.

By the way, I still don’t understand what “power” Gilgamesh supposedly entrusted Gladiolus with? Gladio doesn’t seem to gain or make use any additional/special power after the trial.
i dont think it would feel detached since its background story about his lineage

if i remember right its not even implied gilgamesh is a shield in the dlc right?

i believe the soul is the same that keeps talking to you during the dungeon.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014
Roberto Ferrari did mention some while ago that Iris originally had a different name, so I'm guessing her name was originally "Flora" and at some point "Eri" too?

Noctis having actually invited Stella to the party also confirms that in the latest incarnation of Stella she and Noctis already knew each other, and did not meet for the first time at that party like they did back when it was Versus. That also explains why the dialogue in the 2013 trailer of Stella asking if Noctis can see the light still was there, since she's simply just asking him that, but it does once and for all confirm that they already knew each other making that a definitive story change for Stella in XV compared to what she was back in Versus. And that also lines up with Noctis and Stella toghther as kids in the 2013 trailer and the Roberto Ferrari May 2013 storyboard, so with Noctis already knowing Stella since they were kids, it means that Nomura really did lie in that 2013 interview when he said there was no story changes from Versus to XV, and it also proves all the Stella fanboys wrong about Stella and Noctis. So from that we can gather that Noctis and Stella did know each other as kids, and for whatever reason hadn't seen each other for a long time, and then for the peace treaty party Noctis invited Stella to the party where she reintroduces herself to him.

Going through that list of combat stuff there is a lot of things that I wished were still in the game, and it sounds like there was actually plans for a Gambit like system, and something called the "Stratagem", and a lot more warp strike based abilities.

And does that XIV/XV event stuff mean they are going to implement Aero magic into the game? Because that's what it sounds like based on the description.
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Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
Roberto Ferrari did mention some while ago that Iris originally had a different name, so I'm guessing her name was originally "Flora" and at some point "Eri" too?

Noctis having actually invited Stella to the party also confirms that in the latest incarnation of Stella she and Noctis already knew each other, and did not meet for the first time at that party like they did back when it was Versus. That also explains why the dialogue in the 2013 trailer of Stella asking if Noctis can see the light still was there, since she's simply just asking him that, but it does once and for all confirm that they already knew each other making that a definitive story change for Stella in XV compared to what she was back in Versus. And that also lines up with Noctis and Stella toghther as kids in the 2013 trailer and the Roberto Ferrari May 2013 storyboard, so with Noctis already knowing Stella since they were kids, it means that Nomura really did lie in that 2013 interview when he said there was no story changes from Versus to XV, and it also proves all the Stella fanboys wrong about Stella and Noctis. So from that we can gather that Noctis and Stella did know each other as kids, and for whatever reason hadn't seen each other for a long time, and then for the peace treaty party Noctis invited Stella to the party where she reintroduces herself to him.

Going through that list of combat stuff there is a lot of things that I wished were still in the game, and it sounds like there was actually plans for a Gambit like system, and something called the "Stratagem", and a lot more warp strike based abilities.

And does that XIV/XV event stuff mean they are going to implement Aero magic into the game? Because that's what it sounds like based on the description.
not necessarily magic i think, but wind-based attacks.

if the weapons are the same than XIV (the rewards for beating the primal Garuda) they'll have a wind aura; the description implies a new attack for each weapon tho.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
Someone from the Reddit discord was posting animations up, guess it looks like Sylva may have been right about the long-distance combat stuff for Luna.

Wow, perhaps when Lunafreya's episode comes out, these might end up being finished, though I'm not much interested in her episode, to be honest, but it's interesting, but that could've been from a mod, unless someone says otherwise.
Likes: Cloud_CR


Chocobo Knight
Feb 17, 2018
Wow, perhaps when Lunafreya's episode comes out, these might end up being finished, though I'm not much interested in her episode, to be honest, but it's interesting, but that could've been from a mod, unless someone says otherwise.
It's completely impossible to get new animations into the game.

The person in the discord server was also posting screenshots and pointing out the file directories for people to look at. They posted some unused ones for Ravus too the day beforehand.

I've looked, and can confirm it's the nh04_010 model, and inside one of Luna's archives there's an animation folder called "luna_player_files" inside the anim/pack directory. They had to be unpacked from the PKA file.

There won't be any clothing or hair physics because a different file apparently handles that, and facial animations are handled in another animation set apparently.

You can go and have a look for yourself, if you'd like.


Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
It's completely impossible to get new animations into the game.

The person in the discord server was also posting screenshots and pointing out the file directories for people to look at. They posted some unused ones for Ravus too the day beforehand.

I've looked, and can confirm it's the nh04_010 model, and inside one of Luna's archives there's an animation folder called "luna_player_files" inside the anim/pack directory. They had to be unpacked from the PKA file.

There won't be any clothing or hair physics because a different file apparently handles that, and facial animations are handled in another animation set apparently.

You can go and have a look for yourself, if you'd like.
Okay then, but I don't have the Windows Edition, and I'm not really a data-miner myself, I only just read on them. Also, about those unused animations of Ravus, can we see them if they are out there as gifs?


Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
I'm looking at that Datamine thread from Sylva again and apparently there were mentions of different route choices for Noctis, Ardyn, and Luna(?) from what could be their respective Episodic DLC?
May I see the link to that thread about these route choices? It looks like we may be dealing with an Episode: Ignis-style approach in these DLCs.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Warrior of Light
Jul 14, 2015
Actually wait, i might be talking out of my ass here, i mostly based this on ArbyWork's comment from Sylva's thread here:

Episode Ardyn definitely talks about the Crystal, the colour Black, the name of the Throne and someone's real name being the name of the throne.

Episode Luna appears to let you summon Bahamut, and it appears Episode Ardyn is set before you banish him with the ring, or at least in the crystal. Episode noctis appears to be when you're told of your fate.

"Become a god? Become a King? Become a human?" with corresponding endings, one tying in to ARdyn and Luna's episodes.
The thread itself

Though it looks like he got corrected on this assumption, so this could have been for something else really. Tbh i can still see this type of thing happening anyway.