Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
Yeah that's probably one of the major problems.
Actually I'm more inclined to believe the issue is rendering given how he describes Just Cause 2 as being an example of how he would want flying to work (high above the world being able to soar up above the clouds not just hover over the ground).

I imagine that having to render the huge world at that distance is something that the Square Enix team isn't really used to, as their work is mainly up close with detail work, not optimizing things for distance and renderability.
Likes: Lucina
Sep 26, 2013
This is a little bit off-topic, but LeonBlade I would just like to thank you in particular for all the painstaking work you've been doing to bring us full translations of XV info. I've been following this game for so many years, so excited and grasping for any scrap of information I can get. While the summaries are nice, so many times they just aren't enough to convey all the information to be had. It hurts to think I might miss even one significant word! So the fact that you've brought us some wonderful word-for-word translations really means a lot. Thank you from a humble fan.
May 26, 2014
I'm honestly not surprised that you can't drive the car off roads. I was expecting them to say something like this at some point.

SE really needs to just announce these things straight out. Personally I'm not miffed about this too much, but it would have been for the best if they had just come out and said "Hey guys, this game has a car but you can only drive it on the road," right when the car was introduced. And if they didn't know at the time whether it would be drivable off roads then they need to get their shit together and figure out the basic mechanics and concepts of the game before announcing anything. That just seems like common sense to me, but I guess Square doesn't learn. It's the same situation with the whole "we don't know if there'll be controllable airships" thing. Really? This game is far past the planning stages and they don't even know that? The lack of clear direction here is concerning. I get that they want to be ambitious, but it would be great if they determined the feasibility of a feature before announcing it, discussing it, etc.

I don't expect the car to be controllable in the final game. And even if it is I'll probably just let Ignis drive most of the time.


Blitzball Champion
Sep 8, 2014
"Hey guys, this game has a car but you can only drive it on the road," right when the car was introduced.
I still don't know why people are surprised about this. I always thought this was the case and they never said anything to the contrary.
Did people really assume that we'll have the freedom of a controllable car like in GTA? In a Final Fantasy game? That wouldn't make any sense for this game.
Likes: LeonBlade


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
This is a little bit off-topic, but LeonBlade I would just like to thank you in particular for all the painstaking work you've been doing to bring us full translations of XV info. I've been following this game for so many years, so excited and grasping for any scrap of information I can get. While the summaries are nice, so many times they just aren't enough to convey all the information to be had. It hurts to think I might miss even one significant word! So the fact that you've brought us some wonderful word-for-word translations really means a lot. Thank you from a humble fan.
I'm in the same camp as you, been waiting for this game since it was announced, and I'm glad that I can help spread some of this information to others like this. Thank you for appreciating it, I'm glad that you enjoy them, I'll do my best to keep them coming. If you have any requests please let me know on Twitter or on the forums.

I'm honestly not surprised that you can't drive the car off roads. I was expecting them to say something like this at some point.

SE really needs to just announce these things straight out. Personally I'm not miffed about this too much, but it would have been for the best if they had just come out and said "Hey guys, this game has a car but you can only drive it on the road," right when the car was introduced. And if they didn't know at the time whether it would be drivable off roads then they need to get their shit together and figure out the basic mechanics and concepts of the game before announcing anything. That just seems like common sense to me, but I guess Square doesn't learn. It's the same situation with the whole "we don't know if there'll be controllable airships" thing. Really? This game is far past the planning stages and they don't even know that? The lack of clear direction here is concerning. I get that they want to be ambitious, but it would be great if they determined the feasibility of a feature before announcing it, discussing it, etc.

I don't expect the car to be controllable in the final game. And even if it is I'll probably just let Ignis drive most of the time.
Neither am I, dirt roads are still roads as well, I hope people don't forget. The TGS trailer had the party driving on a dirt road at night, that's "off road". The point Tabata is making again is to say the car can't LITERALLY go anywhere, which I think people should have known...

One thing as well, people are worried about magic not being in the demo as well. Tabata has said why it's not in the demo, because it's easy to implement the magic system and so they're saving it for later in development when they don't need to focus on the harder stuff. Magic is nothing compared to making giant enemies work and weapon switching etc.
May 26, 2014
I still don't know why people are surprised about this. I always thought this was the case and they never said anything to the contrary.
Did people really assume that we'll have the freedom of a controllable car like in GTA? In a Final Fantasy game? That wouldn't make any sense for this game.
Neither am I, dirt roads are still roads as well, I hope people don't forget. The TGS trailer had the party driving on a dirt road at night, that's "off road". The point Tabata is making again is to say the car can't LITERALLY go anywhere, which I think people should have known...
Agreed. SE should try to be a little more explicit though. People can let their imaginations run wild way too much...

One thing as well, people are worried about magic not being in the demo as well. Tabata has said why it's not in the demo, because it's easy to implement the magic system and so they're saving it for later in development when they don't need to focus on the harder stuff.
I think they also said it was because they haven't achieved the visual quality they were aiming for with magic yet. Which I guess is just PR dodging for "Magic isn't ready yet." But yeah.
Likes: LeonBlade


Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014
With the history the game has had, I don't think it's unfair to be concerned about that stuff, honestly. It's not negativity, just watching it and thinking 'ooer' basically. I think it's fair given what's happened.

It's pretty obvious the car has been a struggle - it doesn't look the greatest in the trailers (compared to other games, there's a distinct lack of solid suspension modelling and the like), and it's obviously been a bit of a struggle. That's absolutely cool. I get it; it's a new thing for them to do. There were higher hopes for the car, they've pulled back on it. This I absolutely know. It's not a bad thing, one just hopes that doesn't become a fuller precedent; there's been an awful lot of "this is planned, but it's not in the demo" talk, and that's a little bit scary - magic being absent, for example. But this is a 2016 game, too, almost certainly, and I get that.
The thing is they never said you could drive anywhere, in fact even back when the demo was still planned to have the car in it during the walkthrough video in 2014 Naora said so himself that you can't reach forests with the car, which isn't anything different to what Tabata is saying now with offroad places like forests and mountains not being drivable areas, which should have been obvious in the first place.

And clearly there are dirt tracks like this and the area around the Adamantoise which we can drive on.

Nothing he's saying now is any different to how it already was implemented as.


PSICOM Soldier
Feb 22, 2015
I never really expected to go off the road.
Even in the exploration footage, there are laybys. They are there for you to park the car, get out and explore.
While they are explicitly saying forests and mountains are out; I would take that to imply any 'wild' terrain is impassable by car. Don't expect to be driving on the grassy plains, but do expect to drive off the beaten track on dirt roads or other natural causeways.
Likes: LeonBlade


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
The thing is they never said you could drive anywhere, in fact even back when the demo was still planned to have the car in it during the walkthrough video in 2014 Naora said so himself that you can't reach forests with the car, which isn't anything different to what Tabata is saying now with offroad places like forests and mountains not being drivable areas, which should have been obvious in the first place.

And clearly there are dirt tracks like this and the area around the Adamantoise which we can drive on.

Nothing he's saying now is any different to how it already was implemented as.
Thank you for driving my point home in a way that speaks for itself, exactly as you say it, nothing new here...


Network Boss-man
UFFSite Veteran
Site Staff
Jul 25, 2013
Solihull, UK
The thing is they never said you could drive anywhere, in fact even back when the demo was still planned to have the car in it during the walkthrough video in 2014 Naora said so himself that you can't reach forests with the car, which isn't anything different to what Tabata is saying now with offroad places like forests and mountains not being drivable areas, which should have been obvious in the first place.

And clearly there are dirt tracks like this and the area around the Adamantoise which we can drive on.

Nothing he's saying now is any different to how it already was implemented as.
I understand this absolutely, but I suppose my issue is if there's invisible tracks keeping the car on the road, so to speak, and the roads are all dead set straight (as all the ones have been shown so far appear to be), what's the point in giving the player control of the car at all? In a sense it becomes like a train; you can control how fast you go, and move a minor amount to the left and right, and reverse, but that's all?

Driving in a straight line with no real turns or side streets isn't very fun, and that was always my worry with it, really. I get it's supposed to be an American style road trip, and the big wide open roads in America are often dead set straight too, but that doesn't necessarily make for good player agency. Being able to hook off-road at least onto flat-ish terrain would've been nice. Of course you can't take the car up into the mountains; this would be as true in GTA, to be fair, you could try but you'd just find it impossible. There's areas you can't take a horse in Skyrim, but that's defined by the terrain, not by an invisible wall. I do think these games are fair comparisons, as these are the games FF15 has been openly inspired by. It's justified in game because if you look at the roads almost all of them have short barriers around them that'd stop the car - but I have to admit I'm mildly disappointed by it. I thought you'd at least be able to push the boundaries beyond the long stretching route 66 style road. That's my personal issue with it.

I hope areas we haven't seen have more diverse roads to make driving a more fun experience. I just want to see more to justify the driving as a concept, basically. If there's a ton of enemies in the road, as has been pictured in certain screens, can I ram into them? The wildlife - will that sometimes wander towards the road, and likewise, can I roadkill something? These are the things I'm curious about. If the car is just holding right trigger to accelerate and adjusting minor steering to follow the curve of the road while listening to NPC dialogue, I question its value at all. (But you can hand control to an NPC, I guess, so there is that.)

And -- this isn't me taking a dump on the game, I'm hugely excited for it; the car has just always been a concern for me, that's all. It's like, if you're only going to travel in straight lines, it might as well be a train, FF8 style, heh.
Likes: yeah_93


PSICOM Soldier
Feb 22, 2015
If this is the case, Tabata was clearly referring to the Duscae region with regard to the 10-20 times the size in the final game. The wording of the translation made it unclear if the entire world was 10-20 times the size or just Duscae. Makes sense that he is referencing Duscae. Why would we need a car, otherwise?
I hope it's true. The world will be enormous
Tabata confirmed this in the ATR. He says the demo is only a small section of the Duscae region.
The World Map is then over 10 times the size of the Duscae region.


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
I understand this absolutely, but I suppose my issue is if there's invisible tracks keeping the car on the road, so to speak, and the roads are all dead set straight (as all the ones have been shown so far appear to be), what's the point in giving the player control of the car at all? In a sense it becomes like a train; you can control how fast you go, and move a minor amount to the left and right, and reverse, but that's all?
To be fair, that's basically what a car is like in real life.


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
New translations, starting off with a little taste of how to select destinations in your travel menu for a quest.

Here's the first part of the travel menu, showing the options you have, and a nice look at the labeled map regions. Notice Coernix Gas Station, that's where Cidney is with the car. You can also see a Chocobo Post! I put a (?) after Wiz because I'm not entirely sure if it's right. Could be the name of someone at the post, a Chocobo, or something I'm missing entirely.

The next two pictures will be showing the destination selection options, as well as the fast travel confirmation window.


Clan Centurio Member
UFFSite Veteran
Nov 22, 2013
Kanagawa, Japan
As for the car this might sound weird but it would be interesting if it had some kind of point/score system from manual drive that could provide bonuses or buffs (no idea if it's feasible with whatever character systems they have set up). Doesn't seem like there is a lot of freedom for driving, but I guess if you can make turns, maintain speeds while not bumping into the invisible wall (real exciting... Is that really it for the car controls?) you get some kind of reward like exp... Or can plow through enemies on the road without damaging the car... Something along those lines anyway. Of course, FFXV is not supposed to be a driving game but I'm one of the people who misses the days of minigames like that.

Otherwise, I don't see the point of manual control aside from appeasing the few who can't stand not being in control of movement at all times, even if it's a straight line. Maybe they really just went out of their way to appease those people.


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
Otherwise, I don't see the point of manual control aside from appeasing the few who can't stand not being in control of movement at all times, even if it's a straight line. Maybe they really just went out of their way to appease those people.
Why wouldn't you include the ability to drive manually when it's something so easy? You control everything else in the game, why have the car be a limiting factor simply because it doesn't provide you with anything for driving it. That's like saying riding Chocobos should give you some sort of point system because you have to control which way it goes, otherwise there's no point in controlling the Chocobos.

There's as much freedom for driving in this game as there is in real life, as in you drive on the roads, only in real life you have to abide by the speed limit. Why would I need to be incentivised or rewarded to manually drive a car in a videogame that has a lot of unique exploration and immersion opportunities?
Likes: Lucina