Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
Done the timed quest... dear lord that was the most difficult fight in the game thus far.

I'm only level 60.

That wasn't pretty but the quest is done at least. Never have I died so much in this game until now.
Likes: Storm


Blitzball Champion
Feb 2, 2017
Done the timed quest... dear lord that was the most difficult fight in the game thus far.

I'm only level 60.

That wasn't pretty but the quest is done at least. Never have I died so much in this game until now.
I didn't die on my 48 file when I finished it (typically just reloaded if I did lol), but I did went through like 40 Elixirs and like 2 MegaElixirs. What type of gear were you using?


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
I didn't die on my 48 file when I finished it (typically just reloaded if I did lol), but I did went through like 40 Elixirs and like 2 MegaElixirs. What type of gear were you using?
Not die as in Game Over, but had to use a lot of Phoenix Downs and Elixirs just to stay alive. I very rarely need to use Phoenix Downs in this game, so kinda shocked yet humoured that I had to use it in this battle.

One swipe of his paw and Noctis and co. were pretty much one shotted a lot instantly.

Now that I think about it... I didn't prepare too much before going into battle. Had Ignis cook Golden Tail Soup, and that's about it. Didn't customise all that much although now that I think about it, I should have.

I used Royal Arms, Ragnarok and the Ultima Blade. Thought about using magic but heard that it heals him so I avoided it.


Blitzball Champion
Feb 2, 2017
Not die as in Game Over, but had to use a lot of Phoenix Downs and Elixirs just to stay alive. I very rarely need to use Phoenix Downs in this game, so kinda shocked yet humoured that I had to use it in this battle.

One swipe of his paw and Noctis and co. were pretty much one shotted a lot instantly.

Now that I think about it... I didn't prepare too much before going into battle. Had Ignis cook Golden Tail Soup, and that's about it. Didn't customise all that much although now that I think about it, I should have.

I used Royal Arms, Ragnarok and the Ultima Blade. Thought about using magic but heard that it heals him so I avoided it.
Magic is a no go in this fight. You should have access to the "Lasagna al Forno", which is 4K hp, EXP+100%, and makes you immune to damage from fire,ice, and lightning based attacks. I personally went with heavy defensive gear for the most part
- Kingsglaive Garb (for the +30% vitality)
- Pure Vitality Accessories if HP+Vitality ones aren't present
- Shield of Just on Noct

You probably won't be able to finish the fight quickly unless you have one of the downloadable weapons available for usage (e.g. Ragnarok). I'm sure you're already aware that once you can break the enemy a few times, your damage will go up, but before that your damage will be crap besides with Overwhelm from Ignis. I haven't found any easy way to do the breaking yet, so maybe you're ahead of me on that.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013

Q: Did some parts of the story got deleted during the game's development, if so which ones?

A: There's nothing that has been cut away from the story when, at the start, we though about the game's scenario. There are some elements that are not present in the game and they will be added as add-ons. The main game tell the story from Noct's perspective, the thing that we want to do is to add the perspective of our 3 allies and, in the end, even the final boss's one.

its happening

more tidbits from the interview (translated by meeh)

- About the Omen trailer, where does it stands on the FFXV timeline?
Omen is not part of FFXV's timeline, the events portrayed there don't happen during the game. We asked Digic Pictures to express their feelings about FFXV and what the game inspired them.

- FFXV's ending is very tragic; it was planned to be that way since the beginning?
This ending was created when the game turned from Versus XIII to FFXV.

the most important part, especially to illazy and heyeveryone

FF Type-0, title that you directed, had a more darker and mature narrative than previous titles, my desire was that FFXV followed this line.
When Versus XIII turned into FFXV we had to adapt to the policy followed by Square-Enix when it comes to the main numbered titles (there's your reason boys).

new trivia: Duscae was inspired by scotland (i knew there was something european in there ;p).
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Warrior of Light
Jul 14, 2015
Jubileus should be happy to hear the villain part. Bring it on Tabby. :tonberry:

new trivia: Duscae was inspired by scotland (i knew there was something european in there ;p).
Sorry if retarded but is this a direct confirmation? If so, finally! I was wondering where inspiration for Duscae came from compared to other locations.
Likes: Jubileus


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
Jubileus should be happy to hear the villain part. Bring it on Tabby. :tonberry:

Sorry if retarded but is this a direct confirmation? If so, finally! I was wondering where inspiration for Duscae came from compared to other locations.
yeah, its confirmed on the interview.

duscae reminded me a lot about american rural areas, but i always felt a european vibe in there as well.
Likes: Nova


Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014


Warrior of Light
Jul 14, 2015
@Storm Great to hear! :D

It was hard for me to identify what Duscae was based off of, given that the rest of locations inspired from real world ones went like this.

Leide: Arizona Desert
Lestallum: Havana Cuba
Altissia: Venice Italy
Insomnia: Shinjuku

And now Duscae = Scotland

All that leaves is the continent with Nifilheim and co....


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
wasn't leide inspired by nevada desert? i might be wrong (i don't live in the united states but i guess nevada is close to arizona anyway)

i think it was said niflheim was inspired by germany, don't remember the source tho.


Warrior of Light
May 27, 2014


its happening

FF Type-0, title that you directed, had a more darker and mature narrative than previous titles, my desire was that FFXV followed this line.
When Versus XIII turned into FFXV we had to adapt to the policy followed by Square-Enix when it comes to the main numbered titles (there's your reason boys).
If it was originally meant to be Rated M is shoud have been. I dont think that wouldve hurt sales, look at GTAV its rated M and is one of the best selling games of all time. This Idea that Mainline Final Fantasy's need to be rated Teen is a dumb one especially since it the rating needing to be changes messed with the story and didnt allow it to be told like how it was intended.
Likes: Noctis_Caelum


Warrior of Light
Jul 14, 2015
Good question...Arizona seemed likely due to some striking similarities here and there. I'm free to stand correct if wrong however.


Warrior of Light
May 27, 2014
On the other hand there was no indication of the original intention being of good quality, for all we know it could have been terribly written.
Not talking about Versus, Tabata is hinting in that quote that the XV he was going to make was also supposed to be more darker but he cleaned it up to get to a teen rating. Im just trying to say you shouldnt put a rating goal over storytelling. Espcially since that Teen or Mature not affecting sales like GTAV or COD being M rated and selling boatloads.
Oct 19, 2013
APZonerunner had an interesting post in his thread about FF's rating:

I'm splitting this out from a previous thread, again, 'cos I didn't want to derail something off-track, but...

This is a different discussion, I guess, but I do think there's a problem which is that the market has shifted and that casual audience is either so young they're mostly based in Minecraft, or on phones, or both - or they're old enough that they're more interested in Call of Duty and things with blood, ratings be damned.

That's a big difference, an enormous shift in the Western market in particular - when I was 13, Final Fantasy was one of the coolest games you could ask to own. Now 13-year-olds are playing Minecraft or COD, typically. The COD audience also has a surprising amount of cross-over with Bethesda's games, while things like Witcher and DA still sell very healthily to a mostly adult-only audience.

I don't think on paper targeting that audience is a bad idea, but I also think that to be honest the market has changed in such a way where you can't be a broad 'little bit of everything' any more in the way FF7 was back in the day. (And that's the key template SE is trying to emulate). The Witcher stands as stark proof you can make an adult-targeted game in a heavy way (at least in the West) and have gross success with it - TW3 will when all's said and done sell twice as much as FF15, while TW2 sold like a third of what FF13 did. Part of that's down to what they did, it's an incredible game, but it's also down to the shift in the market, I think. The video game market is getting older; today's kids are still playing, of course, but they're playing in different ways - but more important is that older people aren't stopping. I'm 27, right - I've worked in video games in some weird way or another since I was 11, full time since the day I left university. Now I'm attached to games more deeply because of work, but all my friends that are my age - they have wives and kids and stuff but are still, crucially, playing.

I think one of the things there is -- those types of people are broadly more likely to buy these adult leaning games, and I'd love to see an FF truly push into that and have a bash at it. Atlus is perfectly happy with M-rated Persona because it's mega niche; FF is not. You have less to lose when you're in the niche. This is why Versus, a spin-off, was okay to target M/PEGI 18 areas but 15 had to pull back to a T/PEGI 16. That's just part of the way they read the market, but I'd be properly up for them trying something new.

In particular, with DQ growing in the West, if I were them I would position them at polar ends; DQ the E10+ lovely RPG for everyone, a game for Pokemon and Yokai Watch players to 'graduate' to. And I'd position FF as an M-rated RPG that offers a different cultural tone to The Witcher, Fallout, Mass Effect etc but is similarly positioned. This isn't to say FF would ever be as grim and as bloody as The Witcher, but I do also think... FF15's story in particular has a lot of scope for more darkness that it elects not to follow. I actually think it'd be a drastically more interesting game if they had.

In a sense, one of the comparisons I'd make for FF is to, say, Harry Potter. What's interesting about that series - I mainly refer to the books, though this also applies to the films - is that it grew with its audience in an interesting way. The original few Potter books are a tremendously difficult, simplistic read for adults - but they're kids' books. But the series transitioned and grew with its fanbase (which I was a voracious fan of). It transitioned from a kids' series to a YA series and is now embracing in much of its fanbase being adults with things like the play. There is no doubt that later Potter is less kid-friendly than new Potter, and that's interesting.

FF has done the opposite; it's maintained a consistent tone throughout its whole series, but I think that's where some of its older audience has gone. FF13 treads a lot of the same ground FF7 and FF10 did, for instance, but the difference is and the reason why a lot of the audience was less embracing of those themes is because they grew up, I think. But the problem also was with the shifting market and so on, new people weren't joining the fray. This is the same sort of dilemma posed by any long-running media empire... Star Wars, Doctor Who, James Bond, whatever.

Basically what I'm saying is this: FF has tried with one path and it was moderately successful, but I'd love to see them try the other path.


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016


its happening

more tidbits from the interview (translated by meeh)

- About the Omen trailer, where does it stands on the FFXV timeline?
Omen is not part of FFXV's timeline, the events portrayed there don't happen during the game. We asked Digic Pictures to express their feelings about FFXV and what the game inspired them.

- FFXV's ending is very tragic; it was planned to be that way since the beginning?
This ending was created when the game turned from Versus XIII to FFXV.

the most important part, especially to illazy and heyeveryone

FF Type-0, title that you directed, had a more darker and mature narrative than previous titles, my desire was that FFXV followed this line.
When Versus XIII turned into FFXV we had to adapt to the policy followed by Square-Enix when it comes to the main numbered titles (there's your reason boys).

new trivia: Duscae was inspired by scotland (i knew there was something european in there ;p).
Hell... fucking... YES!

I put that as one of my responses in the feedback survey SE put out and I'm so glad that they're listening!

You guys... this is hype as fuck.

They're right on track in adding in everything I wanted for this game so I'm quite happy with the direction they're going in.

Haters be damned!


Keyblade Master
Oct 28, 2013
FF Type-0, title that you directed, had a more darker and mature narrative than previous titles, my desire was that FFXV followed this line.
When Versus XIII turned into FFXV we had to adapt to the policy followed by Square-Enix when it comes to the main numbered titles (there's your reason boys).
No wonder I usually prefer Final Fantasy spin-offs over the mainline games. I'm glad Square will be allowing Tabata to create a New IP and/or potentially return to the Type-0 mold with Type-Next. Should allow for more freedom.


Warrior of Light
Oct 30, 2016
more tidbits from the interview (translated by meeh)

- About the Omen trailer, where does it stands on the FFXV timeline?
Omen is not part of FFXV's timeline, the events portrayed there don't happen during the game. We asked Digic Pictures to express their feelings about FFXV and what the game inspired them.
I hope this means an end to those weird "Omen implies Ardyn killed Stella" type theories. >_>;

- FFXV's ending is very tragic; it was planned to be that way since the beginning?
This ending was created when the game turned from Versus XIII to FFXV.

the most important part, especially to illazy and heyeveryone

FF Type-0, title that you directed, had a more darker and mature narrative than previous titles, my desire was that FFXV followed this line.
When Versus XIII turned into FFXV we had to adapt to the policy followed by Square-Enix when it comes to the main numbered titles (there's your reason boys).
Query: does "when the game turned from Versus XIII to FFXV" refer to E3 2013 and earlier when that transition actually happened, or is he referring to when he took over as director? Because those are two very different propositions. >_>;

new trivia: Duscae was inspired by scotland (i knew there was something european in there ;p).
I can see the Scotland influence, but I still can't imagine there isn't at least some Utah influence for those giant arches. xD;